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Day 1



Plant something: This one won't be happening at my home very much because we are moving at the end of the summer. But, the raised garden beds at my work have been weeded and are useable now. This is where most of my gardening energies will be going this summer. Today we planted 3 tomato starts. One Early Girl, one Shady Lady and one unknown that was donated. The sunflowers the children started in the ground from seed are about 2 feet tall now and we have a dozen transplants that the children started from seed...squash, watermelon, tomatoes, cantaloupe and some flowers. These will go in the ground next week. Tomorrow a lady from freecycle is bringing by some muskmelon transplants for us as well.


Prep something: I added more refried beans and brown rice to my storage.


Cook something: Made a small pork roast in my solar cooker today. I would put up a picture but I don't know how to do that yet.


Work on local food systems: This is something I'm doing at work. The goal is for these gardens to be eventually be able to help feed the childrens families. The children have been harvesting strawberries but none of them have made it home. They like to eat them too fast! :)




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Okay, I'll join in for my yesterday...


Planted - Cucumber, strawberry and okra plants :)


Prep - Bought a LOAD of stuff from Sam's (but still in the van, as I can't figure out where to put it) :shrug:


Cook - Venison Roast in the crock pot (supper tonight) :feedme:


Local food systems?? Does gathering eggs, milking my goat and letting one of my hen's go broody count? I may not do good on this area if it's all about community food production. :unsure:

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You're doing it already stephanie. It's about using your local resources for what you don't produce and helping others become independent. Think about how much you've helped others on this board. The one line I really liked that sharon astyk said on her blog was this... Whatever it is, our Independence days come when our neighbors and the people we love are food secure too. Cuz, it's not just about us....
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