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The Lesson of the Nine Bean Soup



This morning, as I was taking an inventory of my dried beans I decided to make a Mix. We love the mixed bean soups and those bags of beans are much more expensive than individual bags. So, we looked at our assortment of beans, we had nine. I commented that this was one variety of beans per person in our family. I used one of the storage containers on wheels that I have mentioned before and we began to pour in the beans (4lbs of each variety).


  1. Black-eyed Peas
  2. Navy
  3. Lentils
  4. Green Baby Limas
  5. Small Red Beans
  6. Black Beans
  7. Pintos
  8. Green Split Peas
  9. Large Limas


Because the container is clear, it was really neat seeing the layers that the beans made. It was very attractive as each bean represented different colors, shapes and sizes. I once again commented that these beans were like us, all unique and different.


Some of the children thought we should leave them like that until I pointed out the problem. Our goal was to have a mixed bean soup and if we didn't mix them up and combine them we would never have the full flavor that they could only bring together. As a matter of fact I concluded, we wouldn't even be able to experience the bottom layers of beans for a long time to come and if we weren't going to mix them up...we should have just left them separate. Talk about a teachable moment!


Our family does not consist of all the same 'variety' of people. And yet, God Himself combined us together to create a special family that holds a unique flavor, all its own. While we are each individuals, we have been put together and made into something lovely...a family! :wub:


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I love this lesson of the nine bean soup! It has inspired me to make some of my own packages of this theme to give away as gifts. I'm thinking specifically for my own variety of family this coming Thanksgiving. We are all so visibly different and if I may quote Stephanie; " While we are each individuals,we have been put together and made into something lovely...a family!" The ideas are also flooding my heart with thoughts of visually building team unity with "The Lesson of the 9 Bean Soup" in the ministries I lead in.Thank You,Lord and may You continue to bless our dear sister here who teaches her family in the ways of You and it has this amazingly beautiful way of spilling onto everyome she meets! We are blessed!

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You really should write a book....you words are so inspirational and full of wisdom. You are truly a blessing to your family and you have blessed my day.

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