When it Rains ( in Louisiana) It Pours
What a day !
Fridays are always a busy day for me. I get to work early, make some coffee and honker down for the day. I won't return until Tuesday so I make sure everything is closed out for the week.
I place pending orders, do accounts payable, notify any customers of items to be picked up and have the cleaning girl in.
Being tax season I am also working on that, now at a more accelerated pace. Being First Communion and Easter season I am scurrying to make last minute adjustments and preparations. Having a Homeschool Conference in two weeks I am putting together a plan for that as well.
Today was not the typical Friday! This morning I arrived to a wet building. I had roof leaks in three locations in the building. I was not a happy camper. I had been reporting minor leaking, if there is such a thing as a minor leak to the landlord for months.
Last night's severe storm was more than this old roof could cope with. I had puddles everywhere. I mopped up what I could. I put buckets under the leaks. I had to totally move one side of the stock room to another part of the room as I soaked up towel after towel of brown water!
I called the landlady and I must have made my final point because within 30 minutes the roof guys were here . They examined the roof and said" yep, you got a few leaks" to which I replied and a whole lot of work inside ! So now I have the very famous blue tarp look on my building.
After the next big expected downfall tonight and tomorrow the new roof will finally be put on. The landlord's husband did apologize for taking so long to attend to it.
One good thing about all this rain is that many of the plants in the garden seen to be another foot taller and I got a free car wash !
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