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Aslan Hïdaverdi



For those of you who don't really believe that God likes to get all involved in the tiniest details of our lives, you may not want to bother to read on. But, for those of us who understand that God is a marvelous Orchestrator of the lives of those that allow Him to be...I think you'll be nodding your heads in agreement.


I don't believe in coincindences, flat out, I just do not. If you do, well, naturally you must be mistaken. :)


I do believe in Divine Intervention, Divine Purpose, and Divine Appointments. I have experienced too many of these for anyone to convince me other wise.


IF I had not come upon MrsSurvival some years ago and IF I had not been brave enough to go to the Georgia Gathering and IF I had not gotten to know Westbrook and Darlene personally and IF I had not seen and touched Dani and Kayra and marveled at their calm and controlled presence, I would not likely never considered adopting one more time...this time Aslan Hïdaverdi.


The name is Turkish and it means Lion-hearted Gift of God. We chose it because of our favorite character in the Narnia movies. I have no doubt that our Aslan will indeed be lion-hearted. But, what about this gift of God? Well, this is where serving the Lord is so sweet!! Let me explain.


Anyone who knows me in the least knows that my passion is my Lord and my family which is made up of seven precious children that Henry and I have adopted. I take very seriously that the Lord has given me these particular children through a series of Divine Interventions.


A few months ago, about the time of the Georgia Gathering, we were notified that a Convicted Sex Offender would be moving into our area. I was appalled! But, knowing we are so far back in the woods with no close neighbors, I didn't feel it touched us too closely. Upon further investigation we discovered that he lives on land that actually connects to ours! My mother's heart has been filled with anxious thoughts. I began to learn a bit about the fire arms we own in the house. I gave my children countless lectures. I changed our habits when outside avoiding certain areas. I felt a bit betrayed.


Now, Aslan is on the way. Of course he's just one day old! But I truly believe that he is a Gift from God. He will become such an important part of our family. And even when I didn't know I would have need of such an animal, God did and had already set the wheels in motion to provide him.


So, thank you Westie and Darlene for the part you have played. But, mostly thank you Lord for Aslan Hïdaverdi !





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