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Mare's collection of money-saving mixes (repost)


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Using the "New Times Roman" font at 12 point size it takes 30 pages. If you print out the post that Mirta did and delete the line between reciepe's it takes 33 pages. I'm sure Mirta's could be made a bit smaller by taking out some blank lines.






Edited by WormGuy
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I was wrong. I went and copied Mirta's format and by deleting lines and adding lines so that a recipe was on a page and not cut off and on two pages it still takes 33 pages to print. I also did the same with Cat's post and got 35 pages to print.






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Okay, I can get carried away at times. :happy0203:


I got to thinking what if someone wanted to print these out and keep them in catagories such as soups, main disjes, beverages, etc.. So I went and seperated them out & came up with 37 pages to print so that no reciepe is split on two pages ( I hate when that happens ).






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Thanks John. I appreciate the quick reply. I just got a new printer and I'm afraid it didn't come with enough ink to print very much. Got a lot of paper tho. Guess I'll just have to get started and probably will have to buy more ink to finish.---some great recipes,aren't they!

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I started printing the list out and now I'm out of ink. Can't complain, this cartridge has lasted me a little over 5 years. On the way I divided everything into groups, some pages will only have one reciepe on them.






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Do you realize that you can have your printer print out two or more pages on one? It's much smaller, but saves ink & paper.


Go to your printer control files.

Find your printer controls - mine says "Printer Shortcuts"

Set it for fast/economical printing, black ink only, and - (here's the key) - "pages per sheet". Mine prints up to 16 pages per sheet! :o


Even two will cut your ink & paper in half, plus if you use "two-sided printing", you'll use the backs.


If I can help more, just ask... Maybe someone else has your kind of printer and can help with the details. :hug3:

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This was a great idea to bump it! I have used many of these and have others since found in my now-volumnious collection of 'from scratch' recipes. I hardly buy anything but basic foods any more, since prices have started shooting up I am looking to pare even more! I now routinely stretch any ground beef recipe by adding either cooked whole wheat or oatmeal to the ground beef along with some low sodium bouillon to give it a 'beefy' flavor. The sauces I use cover a multitude of 'hides' and our waistlines benefit from the adeded fiber and lower calories. The homemade stuffing mix is a godsend...my roommate cant handle the spices in the store bought stovetop stuffings at all, and this way I tweak it to suit, after waiting for the local store to sell their bread for 50 a loaf (I immediately go get half a dozen loaves and spend a couple hours diceing, toasting and drying them). We use them in stuffing, homemade shake & bake, as well as making (and saving) nice toasty crumbs. The homemade shake and bake is a favorite on both pork chops and chicken and I have taco seasoning mix in a shaker so I can add more spice to my tacos while she enjoys hers with much less spice. The curry seasoning rocks scrambled eggs, and I even have low-sodium meat tenderizer. This post inspired me to make some. Cooking from scratch rocks any way you do it, and these mixes and recipes are a terrific addition and help to those just starting ou, like I was when they were first posted! Thank you for bumping it up again! I see though, I will have to start growing my own mung bean sprouts (got the beans from the oriental section of my locak Pick & Save) for egg fu yung. I love chinese food, and the canned is not only getting quite pricey, it tastes just so much BETTER from scratch. Mmmmm....homemade egg fu yung, homemade re-fried rice & sprouts, and sprout slaw! I can just taste them and just hear that ka-ching from the savings!

Edited by kappydell
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