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How is it going with your shingles? I hope they are all gone! Now that you've had them and know about them first hand...what are your feelings about getting the vaccine? Think it's worth it? They offer it free here but I'm kind of leery about vaccinations. On the other hand I hear shingles are pretty rough and I am a senior. Darned if ya do...etc.

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Yesterday was the best day I have had in a loooong time. My back is sore & stiff due to laack of mobility but otherwise I felt really good. This morning I am hurting but not as bad. I am not real keen on vaccinations myself but to each his own. Since going through this I would take the shot. This has been a lot of pain for a long time (39 days) and counting. I have had operations that were painful but not for this long.


Trudy says she is doing much better also.






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Aw Coasty..that's terrible! Thanks for your input guys. I'm so glad you and Trudy are having better days. I've heard it is just miserable. I'll be 63 in June so I'm in the age range to have the vaccine. One think I'm not sure about though is when my son was in first grade he had the chicken pox and I took care of him and even slept with him and I never got them. Never had them as a child either. So, I'm wondering if I'm immune to the pox/shingle virus. On the other hand my D-ex did the same thing and about 35 years later he got the shingles. Suppose I should start asking serious questions. I really don't want to end up 70 years old with a case of the shingles.

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When DH was coming down with shingles, DD2 read that vitamins B-12 and C would help. Ho took some high doses and his pain stopped. He continued to break out with the blisters but they didn't hurt anymore, just itched a little. When I was coming down with shingles, I did the same thing but my pain didn't stop. I was not miserable so I don't know if the pain was lessened to any degree, having nothing to compare it to. It only lasted 2-3 weeks. It is certainly worth a try.

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I'm sort of surprised by all of the people who have had shingles. Is this a new trend (can't think of a better word right now and don't want to use the word epidemic) or have I just been under a rock? I know it's not a new 'disease' but until recently I never heard of anyone I 'knew' that had it.

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