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2020 Corona Virus

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It's here, in my town, in the hospital I'm supposed to be tested in tomorrow.  I could call the doctor and tell him I have a fever and cough, and would rather postpone the test.  See how fast that gets me out of the 72-hour cancellation rule.

I have more testing with a different doctor in an outbuilding some miles away, which I do plan to go for.

I also have other errands to run, including stopping by the pharmacy and the place for propane and propane accessories.

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So this morning I went into my classroom to get photographs of my children to create their end of the year books even though I might not get to see them again. Today was the last day to get into rooms before they start cleaning. I had planned to stay about an hour and get a few other things. While there my director and the secretary were in a meeting with higher ups...they came out and called the other teachers for our program (6 classrooms total). We were told there is a very high chance we aren’t coming back...since I’m retiring it was suggested that I clear my room because we might not be allowed back in until fall. Ended up spending 5 hours shutting down my room (would normally take several days). Had several moments as I realized I wasn’t going to be able to say good bye to my students (I was out sick the week before schools closed) and that I was pretty much walking away for the last time from my room I’ve worked in since 2001. Wasn’t the way I planned to go out.

While I was cleaning out my director came and told us to take home any snack items, cleaning supplies and paper goods in our classrooms (per our assistant superintendent)...went home with a number of paper towels...soap...gloves...and more. 
And...while there we all got an alert that my county is doing a shelter in place as of midnight tonight.  You could just see the stress level on everyone’s faces.

One good thing...when I went out of work on March 5 I had a talk with the para who works with me and the young teacher in the classroom next to me and gave some suggestions about stocking up and why. Today the young teacher said thank you for the advice...she had  called her sister right after I left and told her to go to the store. Her sister gave her a hard time and said she was overreacting...but she went anyways. This teacher said her family would have been without so many of the things you can’t get now if they hadn’t shopped back then.
It has really opened her eyes.

Hubby and I did one last shop...Costco was almost empty...of people and many of the things people needed.

I’m exhausted.......



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:faint3:    Thank you, Ambergris....for that interactive map!!!!!   But as little guy over there indicates, I got bad news.  3 confirmed in "Maui County."  Not sure which island but the dot is on Maui.... the most likely/busy/populated.  [others: Moloka'i, Lana'i.]   The map let me zooom out into the Pacific and find them...  :pray:  :(  :pray:  


And you have to have tests at a COVID location?  Umm....that's not comfortable.  Hope you can get an alternative solution! :o 

DH has a doc appt in the upstairs of our tiny hospital bldg.  But as far as is known....none in residence there...yet.  I've decided I'm not going with him tho.  Both for me and others....cuz I'm not sure I'm fully well. 


RO....do stay in touch.  Praying for you and yours!  That food becomes available to you when it's needed!!!  :pray: 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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3 hours ago, Ambergris said:

Ignore This Box. :blush:



I also have other errands to run, including stopping by the pharmacy and the place for propane and propane accessories.


Made me laugh out loud. We say that all the time too. I hope Hank Hill waits on you. :24:

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Aww, Dogmom.  That must have been a shock indeed.  And it's chilling to hear that EVERYONE ....not just us prepper types.... making these choices, are expecting this thing to drag out.  We've known THIS could happen or we wouldn't be preppers.  But fresh realization of what THIS really means in each of our lives...  :(   It's sad.  And .....WEIRD!  :blink:    :scratchhead:  :puzzledsmile:


So go home and have a good rest for a couple days.  You do NOT want to get sick again!!  What did you plan to do in your retirement....is it possible yet?  Gardening comes to mind...lol.  Wow....it came months early?    :balloons:   Well, Happy Retirement Dogmom  :balloons:   Perhaps you'll be getting the best deal this way.....once you get over the shock!  :blink:   When I got pulled out of work for medical reasons [MS] ...jt was my last job ever, tho I didn't know it then.  It was CERTAINLY shocking....for quite a while afterwards.  :sigh:   You can always come here and tell us about how you're doing.  We're still here...


MtRider  :hug3: 

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Yes Dogmom happy days ahead. And they will be busier than before you retired. All the things you couldn't get done while working will still be waiting for you.  I stay busier now than when I was working. Though right now during winter months things do slow down a bit. But my life is about to get turned upside down as DH wants that garden again. I was going to take a break. Oh yes, he will start it and I will be doing it. So as he won't help with housework other than to do a little cooking sometimes and some vac. I will have the house, laundry the garden and the canning.  So in a couple of months you might not see me on here as much.  Guess there will be some ground rules. Though I also know his limits. But he does know what a dust rag is, he won't help to dust the house. He will this summer and no butts about it. 


We now have one confirmed case of coronavirus in every city around us. Still not in our city but getting much closer now. So we are now going to stay home. No more going to stores or anywhere else. though we need to go to the feed and seed soon. And that is in the one city that has the coronavirus person.  So will debate that one. There is another option I need to check on going in the other direction from home. 

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DS1 and I may go out once more early in the morning.  We may not.  I have not felt well in more than a week, and I have permission to try again to work around the problems that keep me from telecommuting.  It's time.


Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty

81,165 China
41,035 Italy
18,407 Iran
17,963 Spain
15,320 Germany
13,678 US
10,886 France
8,565 Korea, South
4,075 Switzerland
2,716 United Kingdom
2,465 Netherlands
2,013 Austria
1,795 Belgium
1,746 Norway
1,439 Sweden
1,225 Denmark
924 Japan
900 Malaysia
800 Canada
785 Portugal
712 Cruise Ship
694 Czechia
681 Australia
677 Israel
621 Brazil
557 Ireland
460 Qatar
454 Pakistan
418 Greece
400 Finland
355 Poland
345 Singapore
335 Luxembourg
330 Iceland
311 Indonesia
286 Slovenia
278 Bahrain
277 Romania
274 Saudi Arabia
272 Thailand
267 Estonia
256 Egypt
238 Chile
234 Peru
217 Philippines
199 Russia
199 Ecuador
194 India
192 Turkey
192 Iraq
157 Lebanon
150 South Africa
148 Kuwait
140 United Arab Emirates
123 Slovakia
119 San Marino
118 Mexico
115 Armenia
109 Panama
108 Taiwan*
105 Croatia
103 Serbia
102 Colombia
97 Argentina
94 Bulgaria
87 Algeria
86 Latvia
85 Vietnam
79 Uruguay
75 Brunei
73 Hungary
69 Costa Rica
69 Jordan
67 Cyprus
64 Albania
63 Bosnia and Herzegovina
63 Morocco
60 Sri Lanka
53 Andorra
53 Malta
51 Belarus
49 Moldova
48 Oman
48 North Macedonia
44 Azerbaijan
44 Kazakhstan
42 Venezuela
40 Georgia
39 Tunisia
37 Cambodia
36 Lithuania
34 Dominican Republic
33 Burkina Faso
33 Guadeloupe
31 Senegal
28 New Zealand
28 Liechtenstein
23 Uzbekistan
23 Martinique
22 Afghanistan
17 Bangladesh
16 Ukraine
15 Jamaica
14 Congo (Kinshasa)
14 Reunion
13 Maldives
13 Cameroon
12 Bolivia
12 Honduras
11 Cuba
11 Ghana
11 French Guiana
11 Paraguay
9 Guatemala
9 Cote d'Ivoire
9 Trinidad and Tobago
8 Rwanda
8 Nigeria
7 Monaco
7 Kenya
7 Guyana
6 Ethiopia
6 Tanzania
6 Mongolia
6 Seychelles
6 Equatorial Guinea
5 Barbados
4 Aruba
3 Congo (Brazzaville)
3 Bahamas, The
3 Montenegro
3 Mauritius
3 Namibia
3 Kyrgyzstan
3 Mayotte
2 Liberia
2 Saint Lucia
2 Benin
2 Kosovo
2 Sudan
2 Zambia
2 Mauritania
1 Gabon
1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
1 Fiji
1 Somalia
1 Togo
1 Central African Republic
1 Niger
1 Guinea
1 El Salvador
1 Chad
1 Djibouti
1 Antigua and Barbuda
1 Eswatini
1 Nicaragua
1 Bhutan
1 Nepal
1 Suriname
1 Holy See
1 Gambia, The


13, 678 US breakdown:

5,365 confirmed New York US

1,376 confirmed Washington US

952 confirmed California US

742 confirmed New Jersey US

422 confirmed Illinois US

417 confirmed Florida US

392 confirmed Louisiana US

334 confirmed Michigan US

328 confirmed Massachusetts US

287 confirmed Georgia US

277 confirmed Colorado US

260 confirmed Texas US

206 confirmed Pennsylvania US

159 confirmed Connecticut US

159 confirmed Wisconsin US

154 confirmed Tennessee US

123 confirmed North Carolina US

119 confirmed Ohio US

107 confirmed Maryland US

99 confirmed Virginia US

95 confirmed Nevada US

89 confirmed Minnesota US

88 confirmed Oregon US

81 confirmed South Carolina US

80 confirmed Utah US

78 confirmed  Alabama US

62 confirmed Arkansas US

60 confirmed Indiana US

52 confirmed Maine US

50 confirmed Mississippi US

47 confirmed Diamond Princess US

45 confirmed Arizona US

44 confirmed Iowa US

44 confirmed New Hampshire US

44 confirmed Oklahoma US

44 confirmed Rhode Island US

40 confirmed District of Columbia US

37 confirmed Kentucky US

35 confirmed New Mexico US

34 confirmed Kansas US

31 confirmed Missouri US

30 confirmed Delaware US

29 confirmed Nebraska US

22 confirmed Grand Princess US

22 confirmed Vermont US

18 confirmed North Dakota US

18 confirmed Wyoming US

16 confirmed Hawaii US

12 confirmed Guam US

11 confirmed Idaho US

11 confirmed Montana US

11 confirmed South Dakota US

9 confirmed Alaska US

5 confirmed Puerto Rico US

3 confirmed United States Virgin Islands US

2 confirmed West Virginia US

1 confirmed US US

Total Deaths 200
74 deaths Washington US

34 deaths New York US

18 deaths California US

10 deaths Georgia US

10 deaths Louisiana US

9 deaths Florida US

9 deaths New Jersey US

5 deaths Texas US

4 deaths Colorado US

4 deaths Illinois US

3 deaths Michigan US

3 deaths Oregon US

2 deaths Connecticut US

2 deaths Indiana US

2 deaths  Kentucky US

2 deaths  Virginia US

1 deaths  Kansas US

1 deaths  Maryland US

1 deaths  Mississippi US

1 deaths  Missouri US

1 deaths  Nevada US

1 deaths  Oklahoma US

1 deaths  Pennsylvania US

1 deaths  South Carolina US

1 deaths  South Dakota US

Update of March 19, 9 p.m. Eastern

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That list is getting longer and longer with even more cases. It is increasing on a daily basis now. I think this country is in big trouble. Not sure where this is going to be heading.  We are now staying in and not going back out. 

My daughter said my grandson fell off his bike and they think  he broke his elbow. He won't go to ER but will call doctor and get X-ray then. 

And she has a sinus infection. Get's one every time in spring. But still has to go to work.

My middle granddaughter may be getting married in a year.  :hapydancsmil:Family is growing again.  Another grandson in law in the picture soon.

Glad something good is coming out of this mess.  With the exception of my grandson whom can't seem to get it together yet. But he is 18 and still has some growing up to do.  Very concerned about that elbow. Will find out more tomorrow after seeing doctor. 

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Watching news of Italy, 3405 have now died, they are having over 100 deaths a day the hospitals are over whelmed China have sent medical supplies to them. The doctors there are making the decision of whether to treat over 80d because of medical shortages of this is the case my heart goes out to the families and the staff having to face such difficult decisions.😂 

The death rate seems to be increasing by over 30 a day in the Uk, the last 2 days there has been 2 deaths at my local hospital, my sister-in-law works there As a axillary (candystriper) she is off work I'll hoping it is a heavy cold and nothing more, the ward she works in is male medical which is usually a feeder ward where patients are admitted whilst they find beds in other wards.

hospital wards here are usually 6-8 bed rooms with curtain dividers only chronically ill or contagious have single bed rooms so you can imagine how fast a contagious bug will infect everyone especially if staff are not following hand hygiene rules. 

When  I trained as a nurse 30 years ago the wards were 24-30 bed wards, hygiene rules were strict and everyone was afraid of matron including junior doctors, a phone call alerting wards matron was doing her rounds would have junior staff scattering and hiding in various cupboards to avoid her was a sight to behold, alas I am 6foot tall and could rarely find a reliable place to disappear and so would be a unwilling victim of her icy stares and condescending comments as I have made a  ward report on all patients. If your patients messed your neatly made bed either by sitting on it or getting back in it or the bed was not in line with all of them then she would strip it and order all beds to be remade. A nightmare which would mean you missed going for breakfast.

all places of education will close this afternoon, "it is being described as closures for some considerable time", I am hoping people will be sensible and ensuring there off spring stay at home and not playing on the street or visiting shopping centres as teenagers do.

the store shelves continue to be emptied faster than ship workers can get goods on the shelves. My brother-in-law is a truck driver for Aldis and is one of the few drivers license to hawl  double trailers he is supposed to work 4 days in & 3 days rest period this has been suspended and they are no longer getting time off, the distribution centre has hired a further 60 staff to help load the trucks, he says there is plenty of stock the problem a people are like locus and stripping stores bare with panic buying, feel heart broken seeing elderly people not being able to buy basics for there weekly shop, on My street there are young couples with new born babies and toddlers and they are worried as they are having difficulty finding formula and diapers for there off spring.

so if you have families who don't have there sucks in a row now is the time to give them a quick kick up the backside as things are becoming difficult here in the U.K. As well as the rest of Europe.

would like to go into the garden and do some tidying up but mother nature is not being very compliant and keeps sending us rain, ground is saturated and going to take a few weeks to dry up. So instead i am using a large stock of fine crochet cotton on a pattern unfortunately named a virus shawl😁 very addictive have made 7 since december, may as well work on my Christmas list.

Praying that you and your families stay safe and well.

Edited by ro2935
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Don't worry about the text ro2935. It happens to all of us. My Kindle is especially bad about it. 


It's heartbreaking what is happening all around the world. Thank you so much for taking the time to inform us about what is going on in your country. Nothing beats first hand knowledge. 


:pray:     :hug3:     :pray:

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The Townsend Letter has an article I thought was interesting.  


Coronavirus Update & Integrative Natural Answers

By Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson (3/17/2020)

How the Virus Binds, Possible Natural Answers to Block & Protect




Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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1 hour ago, out_of_the_ordinary said:

The Townsend Letter has an article I thought was interesting.  


Coronavirus Update & Integrative Natural Answers

By Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson (3/17/2020)

How the Virus Binds, Possible Natural Answers to Block & Protect





Great article with a lot of useful information!  Thank you!

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17 hours ago, Ambergris said:

DS1 and I may go out once more early in the morning.  We may not.  I have not felt well in more than a week, and I have permission to try again to work around the problems that keep me from telecommuting.  It's time.

Hope you are feeling better Ambergris, and that you got the telecommuting issues sorted out. 💜

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The state of Illinois is basically on lockdown with all non essential businesses shut down.  All people who do not fullfill an essential service are required to shelter in place.  All people are allowed to go out for groceries, pharmacies, health services,, to essential jobs, and many other services so not total isolation.  They are asking for people who need to go out follow social distancing and safe health practices.  


The order is until April 7 th but may need to be extended.  If anyone is able to watch the govenor's broadcast I strongly suggest it.  One of the doctor's, Dr Landen?, who spoke made a very very good case and explanations for taking this step.  


Stay safe. 

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We are expecting to go into lockdown this weekend, or after this weekend.  I'm hoping to go to the nearest farm swap, tomorrow, but the three closest have been cancelled and I don't know if I will have a ride to the Quitman one.

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1 hour ago, Mother said:

All people who do not fullfill an essential service


I've heard this phrase over and over as each state gov puts this in place.  Yes,  I agree with the need.  But I kinda flinch when I hear some folks are being called NON-essential. 


Well, I certainly can think of many jobs I would think as NON jobs.  :whistling:  but I won't specify.  Anyway, if anyone is sent home for being a NON, like DH at his restaurant on Monday....don't worry.  You personally are not a NONAnd you get to stay outta the germs!  :amen:  


....who knew?  Walmart "associates" rank higher  in THIS situation than a whole lot of other folks?  :cheer:  We DO certainly NEED those folks who are stocking shelves ENDLESSLY and checking out our purchases.  [ well, not me....I'm a NON and I'm :behindsofa:  ]


God, protect the not-NONs in essential stores, medical places, govt, transportation, etc from the virus!  :pray:    And help Cowgirl to become a NON!


MtRider    :sigh: 

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Thanks, Mt_Rider. Our office does some essential functions for local government. But the truly essential functions, TRULY (not those deemed essential by a self-aggrandizing boss) could be performed in about 30 minutes per day by one employee. There is zero reason to have the entire staff come in all day every day. Sadly, any way I crunch the numbers, I cannot see a way to retire just now. I will just have to take my vitamins, wash my hands, practice social distancing, and pray ... a lot.

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Quoting Green Deane:  

 I am not an herbalist and this is not medical advice. It is just information you might want to know.

“If one is inclined to drink an herbal tea at times like this tea made from Bidens might be a reasoned choice. I have read the virus specifically targets (and replicates within) ciliated cells, destroying the cells and their capacity to move mucus up and out of the lungs. Cilia-protective herbs include any berberine containing plants and Bidens... (and olive oil.) Bidens alba (Spanish Needles, Beggar’s Ticks, Pitchfork Weed) is very common locally and easy to identify.

I use a dehydrator to dry it but a hot car or an oven will do. Once dry rub the stems to break up the leaves and seeds and small stems. Toss the big stems.

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Ambergris, I do have berberine cap. That is good to know if it would really help. So much about this virus we really don't know.


We now have one near where my daughter lives and 3 more at a naval hospital near here.  She just text me and said they can work from home 2 days a week. So what about the other 3 days. That won't help any.  She needs to be working from home all 5 days. 


Granddaughter that still lives here works in ER. She is a scribe. Follows the doctors around typing in everything. So she is at high risk of getting it.  :pray::pray::pray: for her safety.


Grandson did break his elbow. They X-rayed it this morning. All they did was to put it in a sling. He says he is still going to work. He works at GNC so no real business there. I think they will be closing down before long. 


Lord please protect everyone in the medical field, our rescue squads and everyone else that is having to take care of the sick.  Keep us all safe from this virus if it be your will.  I know that everything that is happening must come to pass. I just ask that you will have mercy on all of your children.  Keep your arms around us and keep us safe. Help those that are trying to pass out food to those in need that they will also be protected as they try to keep at a distance to give that food out to the needy.  

These things I ask in Jesus name



Everyone please try to stay home if you can and keep your distance. That seems to be all we can do now. 

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