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Excited for you Littlesister how wonderful to have a craft table. 

MtRider you made me laugh. Not sure any of us are that good at following advice :laughkick:

Jeepers if you figure out the name of the handheld jar sealer let us know because I think I want to get one.

Miki I hope you had a fun lunch with your friend!

Martianchick I hope you don't end up with box elder bugs too. We had an infestation at our house when we live in IA and I just ended up vacuuming them up until they stopped showing up. Every fall though I'd have to do it again. They were nesting in the siding of our house I think. Hope all the bugs go away!


I did a huge job today. Vacuumed the downstairs, then steam mopped the floors to remove the wax, then re-waxed my floors in the LR, Kitchen, hall and Breakfast room. It has been a few years since I did it and on the list for a year. Now we're all stuck upstairs while it dries and I'll go down to buff it before I go to bed tonight. I am so happy to have pushed myself to get that done this weekend. I also cleaned upstairs one drawer, found 4 pairs of pants to donate that I never wear, and cleaned under my bathroom sink and set another mouse trap in there because the mouse ate my sponge :yuk: Not sure why that was tempting but the cats caught two, the trap caught one and I've set traps in each part of the house where I think they might be tempted to go (next to my pantry, under kitchen sink, under my husband's desk and in my son's room where we saw the first mouse). I'm determined to wipe them out before they get a strong foothold. We clean up all the crumbs regularly but my son and husband eat at their desks so that's probably why they are in that area. I'll just up my game and clean daily for the duration up there. While I'm stuck upstairs I'm going to work on my Quilt quild newsletter, and sorting some papers I have up here that need going through. Tomorrow I should go outside and plant my garlic.

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Becca Anne my SIL made it a few years ago before they moved to NC for my DD. She used it a lot. But since they have moved, she wanted a bigger one because her DH is also using it for his projects.  So, I got the smaller one, but it is not small. I think they got the pattern off of Pinterest. But it will be perfect for me cutting out patterns and doing my scrapbooking on. I used to use the dining room table for all that and then had to put it all away when company came over and I needed the table for dinners or something.  I have a place for everything now and all very organized. I will be for the first time be able to go right to what I need for what I am working on. Once I get all the sewing things put away, I will start on the craft things. Going through that closet in the foyer will be a bear and much harder to organize. 

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@Becca_Anne  I can't remember exactly which one I got but I'm almost sure I got it at Amazon. Click on Amazon and type in Mason Jar Sealer. I think I got the one that says "Overall Pick" or the one under it. 


I really hate mice. Actually, kind of afraid of the them. It's that element of surprise. Plus I had a garage full of them that I had to clean around. At this house, I checked under all of my sinks and found big holes around the water pipes that came in from the outside up into the house. I don't know if mice would have come in that way or not but I plugged them up! There was evidence of one when I moved in but I never saw it or traces of any more. 


@Littlesister. Congrats on getting your house in order! You have sure worked long and hard at it. Well done!  :bow:

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Becca Anne ... here is the Amazon site for my dry sealer.  Also does bottles ( like wine?) .  Large and small jar lids.  You push it on the jar, with the regular canning lid in place.  Turn it on and when it reaches 100% , push 'off' and take it off.  It's pretty tight fit to get on/off but understandably so.  Rechargeable battery powered.  Detachable cord to plug into wall socket and other end in the cylinder is like all electronics now.  The small slot thing.




:(   I did not have a ride today.  The possible other folks never called back to the ranch.  At least I only had to get up at 8am.  I never sleep well if I have an alarm set tho.  Did some straightening and fussing with stuff that needs to be nailed down before winter.  A lot more to do.  Trying to imagine this cabin with things stored.... {where???}


MtRider  :offtobed: 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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That dry sealer is very similar to mine but is battery operated. It doesn't do bottles though. I keep it sitting on top of my dehydrator for easy reach. 


Mt. Rider sorry you couldn't get a ride today. Hopefully you can get one for the next time. I know that does help you a lot after you have ridden a horse. 


I just can't sleep tonight. Just one of those nights. I don't get those often, but I do have them. I think I am just over tired. I have been go, go, go on this house. 


Jeepers, fill those areas in with steel wool. Then you can go back with that foam stuff, and I think it is called stuff foam or something. I will have to look in garage as I think I still have some and can get the name of it for sure. You spray it around all the holes under sink and things. That is what DH did, and I have never had a mouse issue again. But keep the steel wool in the holes when you fill them in with the spray foam. 


I still have to get all my craft stuff together to get organized and put away. I have the area for that ready.  I have one dresser that I use for sewing and craft things still in the bedroom and I am debating if I want to move that dresser into the sewing room. I have a place for it but just undecided. I am thinking it would serve me better in that room. Once I get all that done then I need to turn to washing windows and blinds and cleaning up the 2 bedrooms. The guys will be here next week to work on the raised beds. My SIL gave me some ideas for one section next to the patio. I will need to look into that idea a bit more. First, I need to see how much of the river rock will be left over if any. At least when the raised beds are done, and I can get a garden going again it will be enough to replenish what I use with no issues as long as I don't have a failed crop at some point. It has happened before. Silly rabbits are going in my pot if I catch them with a ladder going into the boxes. :laughkick:

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@Littlesister. I filled the holes with steel wool mixed with caulk. Then I sprayed the expanding foam (Great Stuff) over it. When the Great Stuff dried I took a knife and cut it off level with the floor. Then I spread a plastic mat down under the sink in case of a future leak. Nothing is coming in under the sinks. I plan to do the same thing when ever I get new appliances and they get pulled out. 


@Mt_Rider. That sealer looks interesting. I don't need the wine bottle attachment but I like how you don't have to change the head from wide mouth to regular. 

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Great stuff is what I was trying to remember. I have a place in the garage where they had to change out the outside faucet in the wall. I need to fill in. 

Hope you can get your new appliances soon. 


I am taken it a bit easier today. Need to figure out some things. I have a second dresser full of both craft and sewing items that I am going to need soon. So might just move that second dresser in the sewing room also.  Not all furniture matches but then it is a sewing/craft room. But it looks so much better. The craft table does match the sewing machine table and those two smaller cabinets.  So overall not bad. I have a huge mess all over the floor in bedroom to go through. I need to put both a garbage can and a box in there to dump old papers and box anything going to good will. I might later down the line end up having a small yard sale next spring. Some lamps and old pictures. I would rather try to sell them than give them away. And I hate doing yard sales. But sometimes you got to do what you got to do. 

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This is the jar sealer that I have. But, sheesh!!... I paid A LOT more than that for it. Over double. 😒




Busy weekend. Haven’t got much done around the house. 
Went shopping with mom on Friday. Exhausting.

Yesterday, DH’s sister and BIL had a Halloween party. Went up and helped for awhile, then DH and I sat up town and watched the kids trick or treating. We don’t get many at our house. Then back to their party for awhile.

Today, we are doing *girl’s lunch* for DD’s (36) birthday. She got to pick the restaurant. Will be her, I, my mom, DD’s cousin, DDIL, and 2 DGDs. 


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Necie that sounds like you have had a busy weekend. My DD and SIL are still here. They are coming back by here before heading back home. 

I have all the sewing things sorted and all organized and put away. I am going through some material that I need to make baby blankets for the Church. They give them and a lot of other things to the pregnancy crises center. And of course, I will be making a couple for the new baby and a toddler one for the oldest GGB. She will be out of the crib by the time the new baby arrives. I am thinking of starting to buy diapers starting from NB to maybe size 2 to help them out. Maybe one pack every couple of weeks should do it. 


I am almost ready to start going through my craft stuff. That project will be a bear to organize. But I will work my way through it. 

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Hubby is building a short shelf in our bathroom so I have a little more storage available for small bottles etc. Me...I'm about half way through changing out my closet from summer to winter.  Short sleeves to turtle necks.  Sweaters are neatly folded in a space saver bag and they have a home on one of my closet shelves. Will pull our winter boots etc.  The indications are that it will be a harsh winter.  Indian summer right now, but as I've been told..."in like a lamb, out like a lion".  Patera did her persimmon test and almost every one showed a spoon...snow.

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Thank you everyone I'll check those out and put on my wishlist :wub: I got out in the garden today and planted my garlic and some walking onion bulbs my brother in law gave me. Hoping those will make it but at least they are now in the ground instead of in a bowl in the house. I cut down my asparagus fronds, and cleared about 1/4 of the garden. I have to do small amounts I just dont have any stamina with this beta blocker I have to take. I'm off to book group tonight and really proud of myself as I got my floors waxed downstairs yesterday and that was a JOB! One I've been meaning to do for a full year. I still need to do the foyer and the upstairs landing but will wait a bit on that.

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Becca Anne, beta blockers take time for your body to adjust. Once that happens your energy should start to come back. 


I need to plant some garlic and onions but not sure if I will be able to get to do it this fall. They will be here sometime this week to work on the garden. beds. So that might be on next fall's list of planting. Right now, I am more concerned about having everything ready for spring planting. Then I can take it from there. 

going to start early in the morning canning water. I can work on things in the house while the pressure canners are going. Pull those out and start again. My plan is to can water in all of my quart jars. They are just sitting on a shelve so might as well use them for something.  I will hold out a dozen for my dehydrated items though.

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Jeepers.....there is a slight adjustment you have to make switching from regular and wide mouth canning jars.  To go from regular to large size, you have to take the smaller ring out of the device.  And put it back when you do the regular lids again.  It is battery operated and comes with a separate cord to plug into device to recharge the batteries and put it away again.  No cord to get in the way.


Sounds like you got a very good price for your dry sealer device, Necie. 


Didn't do much today.  Went to church on Internet as usual.  Just didn't get up much energy.  But I put on my jeans and shoes to walk dog this evening anyway.  I did get as far as the beaver pond.  Wow, they are really "rearranging the furniture".  Besides the tree being down, they've been expanding their den/dam on both sides of the half circle.  I wonder if they had kits?  I hope they don't end up blocking the creek entirely.  That creek goes into our pond and out the other side....continues on down all the way to 'town' and further yet.  So everyone downstream will get unhappy fast.  I'm trying to keep an eye on that - cuz we've never seen any owners in that in-between property.  No house. 


In fact when we moved in here decades ago, there were only 2 houses along this stretch.  Now there are two more on the uphill side (no creek).  In the other house next ours, there has been at least a half dozen folks living there.  Just changed again last month.  I haven't even seen the new folks yet but we can't see each other's house due to the big hillsides.  Don't even know if the custom is to offer "a plate of cookies" to new folks anymore????


MtRider ...I'm tired. 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Mt. Rider, funny you said something about a plate of cookies or something to welcome new neighbors. A bunch of us did that and even gave a baby gift to one. That was the end of that as they don't bother with anyone around here. They all just keep to themselves. They were polite and everything but just won't take to the older generation. When you are walking through the neighborhood and see one out. You say hello to them, and they will say Hi back but that is as far as they go. Guess I will stick with my older neighbors. 


Been canning water all morning. I am using my tattler lids for the water as the water will be for long term. I already have about 4 dozen jars of water but no need to have all those jars just sit there empty.  Water for canning when the crop comes in, drinking water, cooking water, etc.  Bottled water in the stores here is getting a bit high in price. I still buy it at times when I can get it on sale, but I would rather have my own bottled water.  At least I know where it comes from and what is in it.

Going through a lot of things getting my craft things together now to organize and put away in-between canning. Just decided to take a break while the canners are going now. I have the second batch ready to go when these come out. I am going to love my den being turned into a dining or eat in kitchen. It has extended the kitchen a lot. And especially when canning anything. 

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Good morning! So, so busy. I like the slow days.
Woke up at 3:30 this morning and laid there for an hour or more before getting up.
Yesterday, had my teeth cleaned and no cavities. Yay! Made a salisbury steak casserole (very good) and did laundry.


This morning will do walking video and then take DH to town to VA clinic semi-annual appt.
Then to Verizon to switch info from old phone to new.
Nothing planned for later.

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Miki, it sounds like you are having an easy day today.  That's a good thing. 


I am going through my craft things and getting that organized. Got my canning stuff all put away and out of my way as well as the kitchen cleaned back up. I forgot to eat breakfast as I started right into getting the house together and then working on craft things I also forgot to eat lunch. Right now, I am very shaky as my sugar levels are very low, so now eating a sandwich. I need to stop doing that. 

Waiting for the well guy to call me about the oil for the hand pump so I can go to the pool place to get the right type of oil. 

Taking inventory of things, I have so that I can figure out the holes that I need to replenish. Once I get things figured out and get the raised bed area done. I will know where to go from there for the spring garden. I have seeds everywhere. I have some that are old so will check to see if those will geminate next spring. 

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I found Dunkin' Donuts!!!  :cele:


For a few months at the end of the year they have pumpkin spice latte. With whip cream. I get a large iced one. It's expensive but it lasts me for 3 days. I just sip it. It's lovely. And I'm not supporting Starbucks. :pout:


All is right with the world today. I think I'm starting to get the lay of the land now. 



I finally ordered a TV stand that will arrive on the 1st. I kept going back and forth between three. They almost looked like the same one. I could not decide. By the time I was trying to figure it out, one of them sold out. I knew I needed to get on with it. I finally chose the one with the shortest delivery date. :rolleyes:  It's actually between the 30th. and the 1st. but I figure the 1st. Too bad my old one won't work. It's about 2 inches too short. And my TV is only a 43 incher. Then I'll have to put it together. Ugh. I hope it doesn't have those cam gear bobbin looking things. I can't figure those things out. 


And I got trash delivery set up. That took a minute too. I had two choices and they were the same price. One picked up on Friday and the other one Monday. I prefer Friday delivery. That way all the trash is gone for the weekend. It's $27. a month. I have no idea if that's high or not. But I desperately need it done. I generate so much trash for one person. And I always tear cartons up so they fit in the bag. I'm glad to get that done. I already have 3 bags full since I've been here. I'm alloted one bin full and 4 extra bags on the curb. If I want another bin it's $12. a month extra. I don't! If I have extra I'll either wait until next week or take it to sons. They aren't limited in town. 


Evidently I'm not good a making at making decisions anymore.


I'm still doing better than Ohio. I got rid of water and sewage that was just over a $100. a month and only added $27. here. Minus the mortgage/insurance/ property tax bill. I'm on a homestead exemption here, so my taxes are way low. And this is a smaller house with windows that actually close. That will really start to add up over a years time. I will need to get my mortgage here paid down a little bit next year. Wonder if Jimbo misses me yet? :wave:


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I wonder how the new neighbors are liking him. That is if they have met him yet. Time will tell but you might never find out. I am just glad you are finally where you need to be. 


I have been going through all kinds of papers today. I have a huge notebook for canning, dehydrating as well as other recipes in that. I have another one that has DIY instructions in for making homemade things like laundry detergent, garden ideas for natural spraying of bugs and other things as well. Getting all that together as I have a box full of stuff like that I have printed out and it needed to go into the notebooks. So been working on that. Still have a bit to get done. I now have batteries and flashlights together to get put in a new location that is easier to get to as well as candles. Everything is starting to come together and getting better organized. Still a lot to get done but it is getting near the end. Then I will start back looking for a couch, maybe a chair and a kitchen Island. I did find the rug I want for the dining room. But not set on rather I want one under the table or not. Thinking about it but I did find one if I decide on it. It's a wool braided farmhouse rug and the rugs do make the floors feel warmer. 


They are bringing the new raised beds tomorrow. And then the landscapers will be getting everything together. I will be glad to have a garden again that will also make it easier on me. 

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I'm pretty sure the buyers have met him. He is always, and I mean always, outside. I hope he doesn't become fixated on her too. 


I got a few other things ordered from Amazon. I can't remember what all. I know I got a couple of those fire blankets for sons and me. Also a couple more flashlights and one for DGS room here. I think I need a night light in there. I have one in the hall but it's motion activated so it isn't on all the time. And a two pack of headlights. Also some rechargeable batteries and a charger. A box of votive candles and some matches. Three books on pruning and landscaping and perennials. I got the hard copies instead of Kindle. One was the same price and the other two were about the same. I'm having trouble finding jello over here so I just ordered some. My Gosh, when did jello become so expensive! It's the fancy stuff but still....I want it for cold and flu season. And finally some Tang. For the same reason. Have it on the pantry shelf in case the Gatorade runs out. I could have got that locally, I think, but I just added it on. I think that's it. Mostly lighting. I want to get a tote to store it all together. 


I forgot the outside solar lights. Dang it. 


I'd like to get a battery powered leaf blower of some kind. Leaves seem to pile up outside my garage door and when I open the door, they all rush in. It's like a big vacuum was created. I'll use it for other things too. 

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8 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Wonder if Jimbo misses me yet? :wave:

:laughkick:  Good Riddance! 


Have you met any of your new neighbors yet?  Hope they are calm, ordinary, NICE people!!!


I had a great ride today...since I didn't have an option of a ride this weekend.  Needed the input.  But it was very windy - enough that I was watching the trees for loose limbs or leaning.  Windy enough that I kept my left hand firmly on the saddle horn....in case something moving odd due to wind would spook the horse.  He did, actually, a few times.  Horses, being on the Prey side of Predator/Prey, are quick to jump and ask questions later!  


The dust was bad too but the wind actually helped to disperse it quickly.  I have a cloth mask from the days of 'C'.  Not a microbe-worthy thing at all... :lol:   But it is helpful for the larger particles of dirt dust.  Made with elastic bands over my ears (and trying to keep from dislodging my hearing aides) I pull it up when horse and I are in the dust swirl and pull it down to actually breath when it's cleared.  They've been working to widen the trails and they have flour-fine dust there.  Really easy to stir it up. 


Fortunately, my approved position in the very end of the line allows horse and I to hang back to stay out of the dust....mostly.  He also is prone to coughing fits when he inhales dust so we match well in avoidance.  The wrangler knows and approves...knows I'll holler out if we're having trouble.  (or when another rider's horse is having a potty break or other issue)  A few months ago, my dear current horse was hacking/wheezing/coughing so bad they called out the vet - pneumonia!  So yeah, we stay out of the dust as much as possible.  I also do not react well to particulates.  I really like the horse I'm currently riding and I'm built up to his more intensive gait.  :happy0203: 


Today we had wind and sun and an odd splatter of rain....  Could really use more of that.  Speaking of trash bins, our county has those big plastic types with hinged lids.  They never move ours cuz it's easier to just grab a bag or two and toss.  Ours costs more like $30 or $40 per month.  <_<   Colorado economics again.  Anyway, today all the trash bins along our road were tumbled down the road, in the ditch or ...ours was simply blown over on it's side in the ditch where it's kept.  We had the previous one chained to the post...because of WIND.  We left it where it blew....and can put it upright when it isn't so windy.  At least it was still on our side of the road.


Long day and I need to retire. 


MtRider  G'nite! 



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Mt. Rider, glad you got your ride in despite the dust.  


Our trash pickup price is included in the property taxes. We pay once a year. 

Waiting for them to deliver the raised bed boxes. Should be here in about an hour. 

So just getting some things done in kitchen that needed to be put away. Might take it a bit easy today and just piddle around the house doing small things today. Woke up with my knee abet sore today so don't want to overdo it again. I think the tear on the one side has healed as that side of the knee doesn't hurt any longer, but the bigger tear that that doctor jabbed that needle into made that side worse and taking longer to heal now.  But it does seem to be starting to get better as long as I behave and not overdo it. 


Today is cloudy. I haven't watched the weather report this morning but is looking like rain. 

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Sunday was a good lunch with *the girls*... albeit a long one. As I was coming into town to go to the restaurant, I ended up behind over 50 corvettes. Guess where they were going?? :0327: I wasn’t worried about it cuz we had a reservation and I *assumed* they did too. I overheard a couple of the wait staff talking while waiting for a table and the other gals to get there (I got there at 1:00 and the reservation was for 1:30) and asked “Didn’t you know they were coming?” One stated that they had called that morning. The restaurant doesn’t open til 11. 😒 Having worked service before, this is not cool. No time to get more staff in... wait and kitchen. We did have excellent service, but everything took forever and you could feel the staff’s frustration. Luckily, DD, DDIL, and DD’s cousin have also all worked service... so we all understood. And it’s why we agreed on the 1:30 reservation... 11-1 is usually the *busy* lunch time. 😂 We all joked that it gave us more time to visit and chat. But we didn’t get out of there til almost 4:00. 
Monday I worked around the house a bit. Managed to combine 6 boxes of books (for market) into 4 boxes and hauled them out to the trailer. DH had to haul one down the steps to the van cuz I packed it too heavy. 🙄 I’m ok on flat ground or even going up stairs, but my knees give out going down stairs with anything heavy. 
Yesterday, mom and I went shopping. Amish store and discount store. I was exhausted by the time I got home. So I hauled everything in and took care of the stuff that had to go in the freezer or refrigerator, but the rest is sitting in bags and I still need to separate meat and cheese that’s in the fridge into smaller portions to put in the freezer. That’s the plan for today along with emptying the bags and finding room for everything. :gaah:

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Hubby is filling the "compost" bin he built over one of our raised beds, from our compost barrels (we have 3) and he'll use his "vacuum" leaf collector to add leaves from the yard.  Trimmed most of the comfrey leaves off and they are at the bottom, and then he'll empty the bucket of comfrey "tea" also...and I have a "compost" bucket out the back door that I pitch my coffee grounds, rinsed egg shells and other stuff, that we'll add.  Me?  I just laid out some pie dough for chicken pot pie on the supper menu.  Got Abby-girls nails trimmed last night...we give her calming treats, an lay down in the living room floor with her and dremmel away.  Neither of us enjoy it but it must be done.

The temps have been in the 80's (October??? figure) so we're keeping the front and back doors open with screens up.  Our heat/cool system is separate, so when summer comes we have to have them come out an change the wiring from the furnace to the heat pump/ac.  Works better than installing a new a/c unit.  The furnace is brand new, but the "mother board" can't communicate with the older heat pump.  Oh well...

I need to shut this pc down.  We shut most of our electric devices off come 4 pm to avoid "peak" charges.  Catcha all later!

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@Littlesister My city property taxes paid for my trash in Ohio but I'm considered country folk now. :grinning-smiley-044:. Wish they still had city dumps like they used too. 


@Necie that's the way I unload my groceries too. Cold stuff gets put away right away but the other stuff can take a day or two. There have been times when they sat out in the car for a day. When I do the self checkouts I control which bags to fill so I know where the cold stuff is. 


@The WE2's  I need to learn about composting. I have a lot to learn out here. We, muffin and I, always hated nail trimming. D-ex accidently cut a nail to the quick one time and she hollared. That ended that. I took her to the groomers after that. She was so excited to be going on a field trip and anticipating the hog ear at the spa that she never even noticed what was happening. They did it right there on the floor. Two minutes it was done. I was the one needing the calming treats. Next dog I get I'll introduce the dremmel right away! 

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Not much going on today. I got a little bit put away in DGS play area. There is a little table and chairs in there and I tend to load it up with bags when I come in from shopping. Bad thing is it's a straight shot from the garage and when the doors are open anyone can see right in. No big deal except it's a mess and embarrassing. I also got the two different cubby cabinets cleaned out. Books he has out grown and a few toys. But mostly cob webs and dead flies. :rolleyes: I haven't kept up. 


I got my first Amazon delivery today. Along with the stuff I posted, I had ordered a bidet like the one I gave son. It's just a cheap one butt might come in handy in a....wait for it....SHTF situation. Save on TP. 


I think my TV stand arrived already too. I can't tell because they put the boxes right in front of the storm door and I can't open it. :008Laughing: I'm going to have to go through the garage to get to the porch outside. But that will involve getting dressed. :unsure:  To be fair, my porch is basically a small slab and the door opens out, so there isn't a lot of room. But sheesh, they could have put it opposit the side the door opens. Most people probably wouldn't think of that though. I'm just glad stuff didn't end up out in the yard. I'll have to be diligent about getting things carried in if it's raining or snowing though. Not much protection. 


I had planned to go to town today but no motivation. And getting dressed woulf have been involved, again. Plus, it gets dark so early now that I think it's later than it really is. I need a hair cut. My hair is getting longer and shaggy and it falls out easily. I'm always finding a hair somewhere. Anyway, I want to get it cut before I start doing freezer cooking. It always seems to stay attached to my head for a couple of months after a cut. :scratchhead:.  And I think I'd better get some trick or treat candy here in case they know I've moved in. I can't hide with no curtains up.  :hidingsmile:


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