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Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! I've been cleaning/tidying and prepping my kitchen for the big day. My friend's mom is coming so I want it to be ready so all I have to do is set up on Wed and cook. I was going to grocery shop today but then thought better of it and will go tomorrow when people are at work on my lunch hour. I have my menu planned. Raked leaves today and moved some things around to try to clean up the random items so only one room is a "storage room" up there. I had the kids move both stoves, the fridge and all 6 air conditioner units into that room so I can shut the door when I don't need in there and no have to see those items all over. We were going to put them into the attic but the stairs are so narrow and it's just not workable to move them up and down every year from there. The basement is too damp for storing them. So this is a workable solution. I will eventually get professional help to move the appliances out of my house but don't want my family trying because I am worried they will hurt themselves or damage the wood staircase.

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Not having Thanksgiving at my house but will be cleaning house tomorrow and starting get things together for Christmas.  Wed. I will be cooking a couple of things to take to GD's house. Other than that, it will be an easy Thanksgiving for me. 

Have a Happy Thanksgiving week everyone. 

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Got the first batch of venison simmered off the bones and started the second batch. I’m wondering why I didn’t just throw the bones in the freezer and do it after Thanksgiving... :buttercup:


DD came down for a couple hours to help me straighten up the house, haul some stuff to the basement or barn to be out of the way, and do some general cleaning. She dusted... I HATE dusting!! <_< 

I’m finishing up the venison tomorrow and cleaning up the kitchen. Running to town on Tuesday. Prepping for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. Well... that’s the plan. 😂 


Haven’t heard from DS2 about hunting, so guess he hasn’t got another one yet. Won’t see him for Thanksgiving—he’s going to the Lions game. DDIL and all the kids will be here though... and maybe her dad if he doesn’t have anything else to do. 




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DH and I did Thanksgiving after church today with everyone.  No turkey cooking for me this year.  So much for just DH and I...now that my folks aren't here.  Any of you praying for my pastor this past year....2 strokes and lot of rehab.  But he's up preaching again!  He uses a quad cane to walk; has a brace on the affected-side arm/wrist.  It doesn't seem to have much movement and that leg is a problem.  His voice isn't quite what it used to be but quite clear enough.  That was good to see. 


I had a lot of trouble absorbing all the motion and noise of that many people.  I was sitting next to pastor's wife and showed her my fingers tremoring so bad I could hardly hold a fork.  "This is why I can't come with large crowds....overloads my nervous system."   I mostly used wheelchair but used cane to be the last two in the food line....everyone else seated. 


Was very nice to be there ...and very good to leave and have quiet again. 

MtRider  :offtobed:  

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Mt. Rider, Glad that your pastor is able to start preaching again.  He seems to have done well considering the strokes. Hopefully as time goes by, he will gain more use of that leg and arm as time goes by. 


Have a safe trip to VA and back. Praying for all of you Mt. Rider. 


I slept in a bit later than I wanted. I must have turn off alarm and fell asleep again. Rats. I wanted to get an early start on things. But have gotten a lot done. Off to GD's house tomorrow for a bit. Will be taking care of the baby while she gets things going for Thanksgiving. Then DD will be there on Wednesday to help her with the rest of it. I will be getting the things done I need to take over for Thanksgiving on Wed. 

Getting ready to go through the rest of the Christmas things to see what else I want to keep and what goes. Will do that in a while. Won't take long as there is not much left. But what do I do with all those empty plastic tubs. Guess I could store them in attic for the time being. I don't want to get rid of them as if I need one, they are now costing a fortune to replace. I will figure it out. I really does feel good to be letting a lot of this stuff go that I will never use again. Only keeping what few items that has a lot of meaning to me. But those I will also use. 

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Finished the venison up and all in the freezer. Won’t have to process until after Thanksgiving. 
We ran down to the church for a viewing for one of DH’s old buddies. He passed 4 days ago, but we didn’t know until yesterday when DSIL called. Then she called again this morning and a lady we’ve known for years passed yesterday. Sux getting older and losing more and more people. 
Going to town tomorrow. Hope I don’t forget anything. My list is a mess. 🥴 I do a running list and just keep crossing off and adding to it. After tomorrow, I’ll flip the page and start over with anything that’s not crossed off. 
DS2 said he was hunting at my mom’s tonight instead of the farm. Haven’t heard from him, so guess he didn’t get anything there.

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Will walk in a few minutes.
Take DH to doctor appt. to get staples removed from hip.
VA clinic to pick up some paperwork.
Home and walk dogs.
Might start decorating a little.


9 hours ago, Necie said:

I do a running list and just keep crossing off and adding to it. After tomorrow, I’ll flip the page and start over with anything that’s not crossed off. 

That is exactly what I do.  Works pretty well, but usually looks pretty bad by the time I start a new one.

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Getting ready to head out to GD's house for a few hours to help her out. Thanksgiving is at her house. New baby, housework and cooking doesn't always work well. So, I will be keeping the baby while she gets some things ready for Thanksgiving.

Then will come home and do some things around house. Called and finally got hold of Anderson windows. Been trying for weeks on end to get hold of them. They are sending my 2 windows that lost the Aragon gas. Will have Anderson put those in but I will have to pay the labor. But at least I don't have to pay a lot to get those done. It's just a pop out old and pop in the new ones. I didn't realize it was 27 years ago since we put in new windows. They need to be washed and I just haven't had time to get that done. 

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Left from DGD's house a little after 3. GD got her cheesecake made and did some house cleaning. She made the cheesecake from scratch.  The baby was a bit fussy as she will fight sleep to no end. But I got her quieted down and asleep. Though my Grand dog wasn't going to have any part of me coming between her and the baby. She needed her attention also. So, she had to go in her cage for a while. We let her out of the cage later and she was much better behaved. Yes, she got her attention also. Spoiled dog and spoiled grandchild. What can you say. 

Came home and did a bit of work around the house and tomorrow I will be busy making what I need to take to GD's house for Thanksgiving. 

Finally got hold of Anderson windows and they will be calling me to set up appointment after the windows arrive. Then that job will be done. I really need to get windows washed but at the rate I am going it might be in the spring before that job gets started. 

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Did my town trip today. Rural King, Aldis, Walmart. Left at 11:00, home at 2:30. I hate shopping. Will have to do Christmas shopping in December, but shouldn’t have to go for *grocery* type stuff until at least January... hopefully February. 

Tomorrow I just have to prep some stuff for Thursday and finish cleaning up the kitchen.




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Fell backwards ...Sunday, I think.  Was walking Energetic Dog on the road as is our usual evening routine.  She stuck her snoot into the end of a culvert under the road.  I was afraid she'd get bit by something so I was tugging hard.  "COME!!" She 63# of muscle and exuberance and she usually comes with a light tug.  But she was INTERESTED in the hollow pipe and ....whatever.  Then suddenly she turned ..."ok, coming!" ...and ran toward me...leash went slack....  :0327:     YEEEEESH, this dog!   Yep, I went flying backwards and landed on my backside on the gravel/dirt of the road.  Frozen Road.   I did do a bit of a roll automatically so the impact wasn't quite a  THUD!!!  I could tell from the dirt all over pants and coat.  But it's still a good thing I have in-house chiro.  :amen:    But I'm still feeling it.  <_<  There was NO peeking into culverts on tonite's SHORT walk.  :groooansmileyf:


Yesterday's snow is melting already.  :amen:    I scuff my boots all the way down the driveway....so the brown dirt/gravel shows thru the snow.  The sun takes care of melting much better that way.  We'd just lost all the snow from the last one...except for the ice at the top where everyone turns around and packs the snow down.  I saw a big patch of black in the center of that....  :o .....Is our car leaking oil that bad?   :lol:    No.  DH said he put down some ashes from our pellet stove to get that part to melt....and have the grit.  Whew!   We do that every year but it didn't look like that cuz it had glazed a bit.


MtRider   ....y'all stay safe and have a Great Day of Thankfulness and Food and Family  :pray: 

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I'll walk in a few minutes.
DH has therapy this morning. Doc removed the staples from his hip, yesterday. Says he is doing great!
Next, will run around locally for a few errands. Fertilize flowers at Church, renew DH's handicap placard, stores for cream cheese and rug runner for DH, bank to put copy of cancelled deed in safe deposit box (YAY).
Do laundry.
Make pumpkin dessert for tomorrow.
Set up ingredients for a couple of side dishes for tomorrow.
Make a few phone calls and call it a day.

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A bit busy for me this morning. Snapped green beans this morning as I decided to get fresh ones for Thanksgiving.  Will be making the sweet potato casserole in a bit. Yeah, I needed coffee and a break. My hands are freezing for some reason. Thinking of making brownies or something also. Will check my pantry for something for a desert.  Though there will be cheesecake also. 


Mt. Rider, I am glad you didn't get hurt from that fall though I am sure you are a bit sore. Be careful out there. 


Miki, I am so glad your DH is doing so much better now. I am sure he will continue to improve as time goes by. 



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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :feedme: Made pies today- pumpkin, apple and chocolate. And got the ingredients all laid our for the remaining items to make tomorrow. My friend made mashed potatoes and I am putting the turkey in, have dressing dried and ready to go in the morning, sweet potatoes and gravy and green bean casserole ready to go. It wasn't even hard to clean up I do it as I go and I got to enjoy the rest of the afternoon just watching tv. Took today and Friday off so enjoying my long weekend :wub:

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I’m pooped!!


Crocheted this morning. This afternoon, made macaroni salad and banana bread, did dishes, finished cleaning up the kitchen. I love my kitchen, but it can be a disaster— organized chaos. It’s big (16x26), but I wish it were bigger. 😂 Or maybe a second kitchen. ?? I do have a stove and sinks in the basement, but I mostly use them for soap/lotion making. We will use the second oven tomorrow. 😉 Everyone is planning to be here tomorrow by 12-12:30... in time to watch the game. DD is bringing the turkey and deviled eggs, DSIL is making green bean casserole, DS1 made 2 pumpkin pies and cookies, DDIL is making mac and cheese, DH is making the potatoes (instant)/gravy and stuffing (stove top), I’m making sweet potato casserole and scalloped corn. So, with everything here early and we won’t eat til 2-2:30 (halftime 😉), we’ll need both ovens to get it all done. Anywho... didn’t get everything done and straightened up and final touches til about 7, so ordered carry out for dinner. Called my mom at 8 (I do every night)... sometimes she’s exhausting. Tonight was such. :gaah: I just try to remember that she’s dealing with a lot with my dad (dementia and heart failure) and just try to listen. But she can tend to *exaggerate* and make up stories herself... which can be frustrating. I either don’t know what to believe or what not to. Or if I correct her, then she gets flustered and confused. Most of the time, if it’s not a big deal, I just let it go. :sigh:


Hoping everyone has something to be thankful for this year!! :pray:




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Will walk first.
Prepare side dishes.
Walk dogs.
Put turkey in oven at 11 am. I bake it in a turkey bag.
Pick up friend to come visit.
Have dinner and deliver a plate to a friend who opted to stay at home in her pajamas, as I take my friend home.
Watch Christmas Vacation!
You all have a great day!

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Got the car packed and ready to head out to DGD's house shortly. Just waiting for the sweet potato casserole to come out of oven so it will be hot when I get to GD's house. Green beans are hot and, in a container, to keep them hot. Just need to put it all in car and go. Waiting on GS now to get it together so we can leave soon. 


Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and just enjoy family and friends. 

:hug3::pray: and :hug3:all around. 

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On 11/22/2023 at 8:46 PM, Necie said:

But she can tend to *exaggerate* and make up stories herself... which can be frustrating. I either don’t know what to believe or what not to. Or if I correct her, then she gets flustered and confused. Most of the time, if it’s not a big deal, I just let it go. :sigh:


Yeah....the long distance thing when you can't verify to encourage or ...let it go.  :pray:    When I worked in a state hospital (residential) for mentally ill, our unit director once said:  If you don't know what to say....grunt warmly.   :lol:  


My mom's been having some good days...... :pray:  that they continue!  


Praying for everyone to have a good Thanksgiving with no mishaps or missteps....    {looking at you, Jeepers}  ;)  


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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We had a great day, yesterday and very good meal. I have now convinced myself that I won't be making a huge meal for a few people all by myself- ever again. My heart feels lighter, already! It's a good thing as we will do something simpler and much easier in the future!


This morning, I will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Package and freeze leftover turkey. Most of it.
Wrap a few Christmas presents to mail.
put up Christmas tree.
No cooking today!

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All went well for us for Thanksgiving. Though I do miss my other grandchildren that can't be here with us. My 2 step Grandchildren and 1 other grandchild. I was able to talk with the 2 girls yesterday, but SGS is overseas and cannot be contacted at this time. We have to wait till he can contact us. Hopefully that will be sometime soon.

Today I am just relaxing a bit. Going to start getting ready to decorate some for Christmas. It won't be much because I will be in NC for Christmas. Waiting to find out what DD's working days off will be. She works from home. So that helps. 

DGD is thinking about starting back to work part time to start. She also works from home but she's worried about the baby fighting sleep. When she does that, she just cries. So, I may be spending a lot of time at her house at least till the baby gets out of this stage. Yes, she fought sleep during dinner and GD had to hold her while she ate her dinner. Yep, I remember those days well. But she did fall asleep at least for an hour. 

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