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I am so sick of everyone getting sick here!



Ok, so here is my moment to whine...


Back on June 10, my Monkey 3 came down with high fever, sore thrroat--Hand Foot & Mouth disease. Then when she was just well enough to go to VBS, Monkey2 caught the same virus! 3 days later, just as he was going off to the last 2 days of VBS, Monkey 1 came down with HF&M. So I was relieved when it SEEMED that everyone was done getting sick...that was 2 wks ago this coming Saturday...so on Monday June 22, Monkey 3 (my little Plague Vector) came down with viral gastroenteritis. Puke puke puke, no food for 5 days, puke puke puke...and everyone is just barely well enough to enjoy cake on the 26th for Monkey 2's birthday...and Monkey 1 gets sick the next day...Sunday, and today is the first solid food she has eaten and kept down...Wed she puked 5x and I had to resort to ice cubes to keep on top of the hydration. So today to celebrate (since we had to cancel our trip to Alabama this week to visit my sister for my neice's wedding) something positive, we went out to a pair of empty play parks just to get out of the house and such. And of course, on our way in the door when we got back, Monkey2 blew his lunch and soda all over my shoes and the front porch! And DH has to go out of town this weekend...so I will likely be stuck at home with yet another barfing child who will be wholly miserable and probably will be sick for the next 5 days!


I swear, I am gonna cook me a Ribeye steak and have a Bloody Mary tomorrow I think!


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