Just a fun title lol Nice to have a wee space to write in here I'll be telling you of my prepping that I do here. I live in a tiny toun (900 folk) that is quite isolated in the very south west of Scotland, about 3 miles from the shore. I prep for lots of reasons, and my prepping confidence has grown over the years. I cook, preserve, brew, grow fruit, vegetables and herbs, knit, dye, spin, sew, read a lot and generally keep myself busy with an eye to being as self-reliant as possible.
It has been a long time since I posted on my blog.
Computer crashes caused me to loose many of the pictures I had saved. One thing I learned, the hard way, do NOT put a magnet near a memory stick. The Apple computer has a magnetized plug port, and of course, I put my memory stick too close to it.
I have been collecting pictures ever since, but it won't bring back the pictures of my family members who have passed.
So, today, while reading kathy003's blog,
It's been a few years since I have had a nice garden, so I am going to give it a go again this year. I have done things here and there the last few years. I started a small strawberry patch, added some fruit tree's (ok, about 10 of them), and added some herbs to my herb garden. about 2 years ago I added an Oregano plant, I didn't expect much from it, since I had no idea what to expect. That Oregano bush has become my pride and joy! It's strange that I feel so accomplished by one plant. I also st
We made it through the holidays! I just learned about a property that is promising - a little house on 3+ acres. I am trying to get in to see it this week. We had not planned to buy anything until our current place sold, but maybe we could swing this one. It is a foreclosure, and priced quite low.
I have mixed feelings about buying a foreclosure. I have never been one to want to profit from another' s misfortune. But if this place could work for us, it could be a Godsend. Still, somebody los
I've had several homesteads over my life so far, and each one has been something of an evolution in my thinking about homesteading. Now my professional life has taken me to another place, and thus we must find a new homestead. It is a new transition, and a new opportunity to consider how we want to pursue homesteading in the next phase of our lives.
The first order of business is to sell our current homestead. It is a work in progress, so we have to get some projects finished before it is re
It is simply wrong how people are treated in the world today - I know that's not a news flash, and it's something that society as a whole just accepts as the way things are, but by golly, it makes my blood pressure rise! People deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion - what is so complicated about treating others as we'd like to be treated? Why do some look down on others and feel they are judge and jury, or even more so, little gods in power positions where they and only they can ma
While I was ironing yesterday, I was watching an episode of The Universe that I had recorded over the weekend. The episode was I believe an older one from 2010 or early 2011 (thinking 2010) and they were addressing solar flares and citing a report from an official scientific organization (forget the exact name) that put out a report in 2009 stating that 2013 is projected to be the worst for solar flares in quite some time, and then proceeded to mention the possible outcomes if a major flare wer
From what (little) I have seen regarding blogs, it appears as though they are filled with some insight or knowledge or are otherwise of some use to others -- this blog doubtfully will ever fit in to those categories. Mine is likely to simply be a holding tank for the things that I need to get out. I don't have many 'real life' friends ... or internet based friends for that matter ( I tend to be more solitary in nature, more of the observer as opposed to the jump on in and be part of the action
I was asked to send a copy of a photograph to a friend.
After plugging my memory stick into the port on my computer, it took several minutes to load the pictures. Looking at the quantity...
I was shocked to see 13,000+ photographs!
And that does not count the photographs I have on the computer, from last year, needing to be transferred to another memory stick for safe keeping.
Like this one, which reminds me how much I like to swim.
Woke with this song playing in my memory yesterday. I sat quietly on my porch swing watching the stars slowly fade away as the dawn broke and birds began to sing.
When I'm feeling all alone
With so far to go
The signs are no where on this road
Guiding me home
When the night is closing in
Is falling on my skin
Oh God will You come close?
Light light light up the sky
You light up the sky
To show me You are with me
I I I can't deny
No I can't deny that You are
Dawn has broken, light filtering in blinking out the stars in the brisk 34 degrees. The birds have begun to sing and humming birds are chasing each other around. As I walked around my yard, they whizzed past me so closely I felt the breeze of their wings on my face.
Pondering today's activities, the guys want to watch football, guests in the house means, tidying up and preparing seating, snacks and meals.
It's a simple life...
DH and I lost a very dear friend on Saturday. She had fought cancer twice, but had a brain bleed Friday night, and died Saturday. We are so grateful that God put her in our lives. She blessed us so much. What a true Christian, who lived by example and gave wise counsel.
We also have a 41 year old niece fighting breast cancer and just found out a 61 year old cousin has breast cancer. Praying for miracles for them both.
Then just read about Old Maine Bear's passing. sigh
While I'm having a quick cup of tea, I thought I'd sit down and look around this wonderful site. DH and I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peacefilled 2012.
2011 was a very full year for our family. DH retired and it has been a blessing!
Children #4 and 5 both announced their engagements. They have chosen wisely and we are so happy to be adding a new daughter-in-law to our family in Feb. 2012 and a new son-in-law in May 2012. Grandchild #6 arrived the first of December a
Well one of the next steps we have taken towards being more self sufficiient has been to acquire rabbits. We only have 2 of them, one of each, they are Silver fox? Anyway, we thought we would try to keep them alive over the winter, and if successful we will try to breed them in the spring. We hope to raise them for meat. But I have never purposely killed anything except a vegetable plant or an insect, so I am not sure if we will be able to harvest them. My DH says it is all up to me since I am
My wife and I are soon joining the Mennonites. We recently purchased a 130 year old farmhouse that needs complete restoration. We are hoping to live partially off grid one small step at a time. We plant our own food, can most of them and hydrate the rest. We hang dry our clothes on lines in the 2nd story balcony and in the cellar. We have a cistern that needs cleaning and next spring we plan on getting rain barrels and using our floor pump.
We bought this house because we wanted a quieter l
I never really thought that I'd go offline for a long time, it was supposed to be a break to deal with Dad, after he fell and hit his head in kitchen. Then he fell a few more times. The doctors couldn't find any reason, no symptoms of a stroke or anything... And the next thing I knew, my father, with his Masters' degrees in Theology and another in History, became nearly 100% uncommunicative. I watched as he held blank pieces of paper before his eyes, 10 or 15 minutes at a time, as if he were
So, it has been way too long since I have posted anything. To be honest, I forgot all about the blog. Lets see, in the past year, I sent 2 kids away to college, my DH graduated college after going two classes at a time off and on for 20 years... Yea! Continuing to homeschool darling son.I lost my longtime friend/puppy Jillie, and recently found a new friend to join our lives and protect our home, Avery Calypso (black lab/border collie). I joined a prep group in the area and have met some local l
Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Have you ever gotten tired of paying a fortune for laundry soap? Do you have a front loader and have to use low-sudsing expensive HE soap? Well, both those statements apply to me, and so whilst perusing an online forum I stumbled across a recipe tutorial on how to make your own gel laundry detergent for cheap.
I watched the video a couple times, and thought, "Hey I can do that!". So I went out with Monkeys in tow this past week and bought my supplies.
You will need:
1 box Arm & Hammer
It's so nice to be able to post with the correct date. Yeah!
Our weekend at Darlene's was so wonderful, but also so tiring. I think we averaged 5 hours sleep/night. It's amazing how much we crammed into a weekend! As usual, I brought a camera and then forgot to use it. Thankfully Wormguy took pictures.
Today I cleaned the house and then tonight DH and I went to our church and hung, our Church's historical quilt from 2005, from the choir loft. It's about 7 ft wide and about 8 ft long. We prin
Got back from vacation last week and found the blog feature seems to be working! YAY! So this is just a picture post to show off some of the nice fishies we caught on vacation at our lil' secret piece of heaven on earth. We don't own it, but we get to camp there...
So here are the fish pics!
Red coffee cup is DH's
Just so you don't think all we caught were lunkers...
But most of 'em were! At least for bass.
This one was DH