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Time to Move Again -



I've had several homesteads over my life so far, and each one has been something of an evolution in my thinking about homesteading. Now my professional life has taken me to another place, and thus we must find a new homestead. It is a new transition, and a new opportunity to consider how we want to pursue homesteading in the next phase of our lives.


The first order of business is to sell our current homestead. It is a work in progress, so we have to get some projects finished before it is really sale-able! So far, we have removed an old pool deck (there used to be an above ground pool in the yard), we have re-landscaped the back yard, we have painted, we have replaced the floor in one bathroom, and we have insulated and dry-walled the garage.


I have been looking at prospective homesteads in the new area. But we can't make an offer until we get this one sold.


It is discouraging at times, but I thought if I chronicle our progress here it would help me to track our progress. And possibly someone else might enjoy reading it (or not!).


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