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Merry Christmas to all!



While I'm having a quick cup of tea, I thought I'd sit down and look around this wonderful site. DH and I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peacefilled 2012.

2011 was a very full year for our family. DH retired and it has been a blessing!

Children #4 and 5 both announced their engagements. They have chosen wisely and we are so happy to be adding a new daughter-in-law to our family in Feb. 2012 and a new son-in-law in May 2012. Grandchild #6 arrived the first of December and he has blessed the whole family.

Even though the times are so uncertain, our faith is giving us peace. God is soooo Good!

Tea time is over, now back to my long list of things to accomplish before Christmas Eve. :)


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