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A little of this - a little of that

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My heart is heavy

DH and I lost a very dear friend on Saturday. She had fought cancer twice, but had a brain bleed Friday night, and died Saturday. We are so grateful that God put her in our lives. She blessed us so much. What a true Christian, who lived by example and gave wise counsel. We also have a 41 year old niece fighting breast cancer and just found out a 61 year old cousin has breast cancer. Praying for miracles for them both. Then just read about Old Maine Bear's passing. sigh



Merry Christmas to all!

While I'm having a quick cup of tea, I thought I'd sit down and look around this wonderful site. DH and I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peacefilled 2012. 2011 was a very full year for our family. DH retired and it has been a blessing! Children #4 and 5 both announced their engagements. They have chosen wisely and we are so happy to be adding a new daughter-in-law to our family in Feb. 2012 and a new son-in-law in May 2012. Grandchild #6 arrived the first of December a



Still tired from Camp Darlene

It's so nice to be able to post with the correct date. Yeah! Our weekend at Darlene's was so wonderful, but also so tiring. I think we averaged 5 hours sleep/night. It's amazing how much we crammed into a weekend! As usual, I brought a camera and then forgot to use it. Thankfully Wormguy took pictures. Today I cleaned the house and then tonight DH and I went to our church and hung, our Church's historical quilt from 2005, from the choir loft. It's about 7 ft wide and about 8 ft long. We prin



It's really March 15, 2010

My blog won't let me post a date past 2009. Still haven't figured out how to correct it. Oh well, life is not boring. DH, DS#2 and I just returned home, from DD#2's home, last night. We went up there last Wed, and had a wonderful visit with the family. The grandchildren are getting so big (almost 10 and almost 5). On Sat. evening, we went to the National Geographic Museum to see the "TerraCotta Warriors" from China. What a wonderful exhibit! It was amazing to see all these amazing artifacts f



How can it be Feb. 2010?

P.S. I'm trying to get around the software to let me post in 2010, but no luck so far. So, I'm letting the computer think I'm posting the last day of Dec. Boy, I have so much to learn about computers! I'm also ashamed to see that I haven't posted since Sept. One reason is just not being inspired to write, and another is shortage of free time (like everyone else, I know). Right now I'm fighting a bad cold/crud ??? So, this may not be coherent. Last weekend, we were snowed/iced in, but did



It's really Aug. 28th, 2010

I have no idea where the computer will post this blog, as I still can't use the correct date. Where did the summer go??? I can't believe that Sept. is next week. DH and I, with some help from our kids, have been redoing our home. We started with our hall bathroom (took down the popcorn ceiling, ripped up the vinyl, took out the vanity, medicine cabinet, toilet, wallpaper border and towel fixtures. DS#1 laid down ceramic tile, and helped DH install the vanity, faucet, toilet and backsplash, and



It's Really March 27, 2010

This has been a very busy Birthday week for our family. DD#2 was Tuesday, DGS#1 was Wed, DD#1 was Thursday. Today we'll have DGS's party - pizza and cake. It continually amazes me how fast the years go by! It's also so exciting to see our children and grandchildren grow up and be such fantastic and caring adults and for the little ones to be so amazed at the world around them. We are so blessed, and I am so thankful! Today is a beautiful day - sunny and blue skies. DH has next Friday off, and



It's Football Time in Tennessee

How did Sept. get here so quickly? One nice (but there are others) thing about Sept. is TN football. Can you tell we live in Knoxville - home of the TN Vols? lol What is funny, is that DH and I were never big football fans, - until we moved here. We laugh and say that your blood turns orange when you move here. This a.m. I woke up early (for a Saturday) and canned 3 quarts of chicken breasts, did laundry and took a load to the dump (convience center to be politically correct) and back home for



What happened to July?

I find it so hard to believe that July is almost over. Fall will be here before I know it, and I have so much canning to do. I just finished a prayer quilt, this a.m., for DH's co-worker's father. Now that I have that project completed, I can start tackling a huge list of projects for around the house. From canning to organizing to painting, etc. I told DH this a.m. that by Sept. I would like to have 4 - 6 months of food, etc in place - I would like to minimize exposure to the flu bugs, as m



I thought yesterday was Friday

But I'm glad today is Friday. It's been crazy around here for several weeks. Our little granddaughter (9yrs old) is here visiting all the family. Our house is her base of operation, and currently she is at her other grandmother's home. She'll be back here on Sunday, and will go home the following Saturday. Our DD#2 and her DH and 3 yr old son are in Florida for 2 weeks. Her DH is taking some classes for his new job assignment. DGD decided she would have more fun here with all the grandparents, a



Busy weekend

Good morning, Just a quick note. I finally posted some pictures of our garden.We've been eating the lettuce from it, and the tomatoes are growing though still green, but we are so excited that we have a "zucchini" and a couple of peppers starting to grow. DH is tackling the basement today (started yesterday, after adding a second rainbarrel on to the back rainbarrel), and I'm working on my craft room (trying to organize it). Yesterday, we received an estimate for repair work on the foun



We made it

The trip was interesting. We left at 7:30 a.m. and arrived just before 5 p.m.We stopped for lunch, and for gas (that ended up taking almost 30 minutes as the pump was so slooooooow! DD#3 was shown how to do DGS's tube feeding, meds and oxygen and did a great job. She babysat while I helped DD#2. On Thursday, I hemmed DSIL's slacks, and then made a pattern and sewed a slipcover for a dining room chair.It still needs to be hemmed, but ran out of time. DD#2 also wants me to do one more slipcover fo



On the road again

DD#3 and her DS (2 yr old) and I will be driving to DD#2 this a.m. (Usually a 7 1/2 hour drive, but with the little guy, not sure how long it will take). DH can't go with us as they have a deadline at work. DD#2 closes on their 1st home tomorrow, so we will help as much as we can while there. We drive back Sunday, so DD#3 can start her CNA course on Monday. Yesterday, we did a mattress swap. DD#1 swapped a full mattress set for a twin set (that DD#3 was using). The twin will be used for DD#1'



It's Saturday

I was so relieved to have Vine's quilt done and mailed. Then I had to keep reminding myself that I made it with love, so even with the mistakes, it's ok. Her gracious post upon receiving it was such a blessing for me. I had prayed and sang hymns over it while sewing, so I'm so glad she felt the love and I pray she will feel His peace and comfort from it. (When I read Vine's post re: receiving the quilt to DH, he was in tears.) The design was a new one for me. It was fun to do, and now I want to



I'm back

Good morning, I just did a quick read of the forums, and now will quickly post and then I HAVE to get back to sewing for the craft exchange.Have I mentioned how I hate to be late, and this project may be really close to the wire. DH and I had a great trip back for his sister's 50th wedding anniversary party. Their 4 kids put a lot of thought, time, effort and love into that party. DH and I also got to visit with his other sister and her family and children and grandchildren, my 81 yr old dea



Our dear granddaughter is 9 today!

DH and I called her this a.m. to sing "Happy Birthday" to her. Turns out, she was walking to school with her Mom and little brother. They were taking cupcakes to school to share. Where did the time go??? It seems like it was yesterday that we saw her for the first time in the hospital nursery. She is our oldest grandchild and only granddaughter, so far. I thoroughly love(d) being a mother to our 5, challenges and all; but having grandchildren is a whole other level. It's so exciting to see t



2nd day of blogging

I really feel like a fish out of water, when it comes to blogging. Will be nice when I finally know what I'm doing. Today went with DH to the doctor. X-rays show he has severe arthritis of his knee. Doctor is putting him on steroids for 6 days to try and help with the pain, and gave us the name of an orthopedic doctor to see. Family doctor would prefer DH wait another 5 years before having a knee replacement, but I'm concerned that it's not safe for him to wait that long. He is in chronic pai



May 27, 2009

Thanks to Wormie's help, I think I'm doing the blog correctly now. Yesterday, was DH and my 36th anniversary. Where have the years gone? We have been so blessed, and we still love each other as much, if not more as we did 36 years ago. Mark took the day off, and we just went and had fun. We got an oil change on the car, then headed toward Cumberland Gap, TN. We stopped at 2 quilt shops and bought some fabric (Mark has a quilt in his mind,that he wants to make for the dulcimer club retreat in N



My first blog entry

I am finally getting brave enough to try and blog. (I know, I'm a very slow learner). lol I've been trying to determine the format and contents and finally decided to just start. So this will start out as a rambling blog. It may not help that I'm also fighting a severe sinus headache, but I'm determined to go ahead and start. Today, I went to quilting and showed the ladies the child's quilt I just finished, a baby quilt top and another child's quilt top. The baby quilt is for my first



Day 3

Today I did errands and some groceries, and the laundry, and cleaned the house (including scrubbing the floors - it's been 2 weeks). But, tonight I'm so tired and even though I had hopes of working on the quilt, I may just do nothing. I did buy a mailing envelope today, so as soon as I finish the quilt I can mail it. We had a pretty impressive rain storm come through, but we didn't lose power. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a more energy filled day. Take care.



4th entry

DH and I had a busy and satisfying weekend. We finally started the garden. Since we both are getting arthritis and bending over to garden is hard on our backs and joints, we decided to have raised beds. Instead of making them out of lumber, we bought 2- 35 gal. pond liners. We mounted them on concrete bricks (that DH first leveled and then anchored), also drilled drainage holes in them. We put weed cloth on the bottom, then mixed garden soil and peat moss together and filled them. Between them,



Sunday, May 24th

This has been a long, tiring day, but DH and I accomplished a lot. He worked on the front yard. He edged the sidewalk, with a hoe as the weedeater won't work; then laid down a rubber mulch border (that comes in 10 ft long rolls). He also put the mulch border around the flower beds and then mowed the yard. It really looks nice. Needless to say, he is very tired tonight. He was already worn out from yesterday. He loaded up all the sound equipment into the corolla, and drove to Harrison Bay State P



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