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It's really Aug. 28th, 2010



I have no idea where the computer will post this blog, as I still can't use the correct date.

Where did the summer go??? I can't believe that Sept. is next week. DH and I, with some help from our kids, have been redoing our home. We started with our hall bathroom (took down the popcorn ceiling, ripped up the vinyl, took out the vanity, medicine cabinet, toilet, wallpaper border and towel fixtures. DS#1 laid down ceramic tile, and helped DH install the vanity, faucet, toilet and backsplash, and DS#2 helped DH install the floor molding, and DDIL painted the room and ceiling. It came out so wonderful! Then, we took down the popcorn ceilings in the hallway, living room, kitchen and two of the three bedrooms, and our master bathroom. We also painted all those rooms. It was soooo long overdue. We just have our bedroom and bath to do. But, DS#1 is in graduate school and I don't know when he will have the time to tile our bathroom floor. DH can install the new vanity and toilet and paint the room; but feels unsure about the tiling. We may try and take down the popcorn ceiling in our Master Bedroom, maybe next week???, and then paint the room.

I did get to can 10 pints of tomato sauce, and hope to can some ground beef later today. I need to close and do some sewing while DD#3 and GS are out doing errands. I'm hoping to get serious with my canning, starting next week.

Well, enough rambling. Everyone have a great weekend! Looking forward to seeing everyone at Darlene's, and all those who won't be able to come, you will be missed.


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