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On the road again



DD#3 and her DS (2 yr old) and I will be driving to DD#2 this a.m. (Usually a 7 1/2 hour drive, but with the little guy, not sure how long it will take). DH can't go with us as they have a deadline at work. DD#2 closes on their 1st home tomorrow, so we will help as much as we can while there. We drive back Sunday, so DD#3 can start her CNA course on Monday.

Yesterday, we did a mattress swap. DD#1 swapped a full mattress set for a twin set (that DD#3 was using). The twin will be used for DD#1's DS, and now DD#3 has a bigger bed for those middle of the night invasions by the 2 yr old. DD#2 is going to take the remaining twin bed set, that we have, for their DD's new bedroom. Her FIL will be going up on Sunday to help them with the moving of the furniture, so he will take the mattress set and a rain barrel we have for them. It really helps to be able to shift furniture around the family.

I need to close and get ready for the drive. You all take care.


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