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Busy weekend



Good morning,

Just a quick note. I finally posted some pictures of our garden.We've been eating the lettuce from it, and the tomatoes are growing though still green, but we are so excited that we have a "zucchini" and a couple of peppers starting to grow.

DH is tackling the basement today (started yesterday, after adding a second rainbarrel on to the back rainbarrel), and I'm working on my craft room (trying to organize it).

Yesterday, we received an estimate for repair work on the foundation of the house - hope to have that done this month. Then DH and our boys will need to put in 4 jacks inside a wall in the basement to support the support beam going through the center of the house. Hopefully, this will solve the cracks, etc.

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July.



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and Good Morning to you dear friends!! If y'all run out of organizational tasks, I know of this Alabama family that could use a bit of organizing themselves!! ;)


I've made some real efforts in decluttering myself and it's making a difference, now to stick with it!! :)


Off to look at your pictures! :wave:

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