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I thought yesterday was Friday



But I'm glad today is Friday. It's been crazy around here for several weeks. Our little granddaughter (9yrs old) is here visiting all the family. Our house is her base of operation, and currently she is at her other grandmother's home. She'll be back here on Sunday, and will go home the following Saturday. Our DD#2 and her DH and 3 yr old son are in Florida for 2 weeks. Her DH is taking some classes for his new job assignment. DGD decided she would have more fun here with all the grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.

We had our foundation repaired this week (took them 2 days). Now DH and our 2 sons will have to install 4 jacks (under the support beam in the basement). Hopefully all this work will keep the house from splitting in two. Then it will be on to a long list of repairs that we want to make on the house.

Yestereday DH added a 3rd rainbarrel to the two we have in place in the front corner of the house by the driveway. He is really getting good at installing them. We use the rain water on the garden. I still need to try and contact AquaRain to see if their filter would make the water coming off our shingle roof safe enough to drink.

DS #1 came over and took a lot of his stuff that was stored in our basement. We had enough space freed up to install another set of shelves and I have my empty canning jars, lids, rings, canners all stored there now. It is so nice not to have to hunt for everything. Slowly but surely we are getting the basement organized.

Well, I best get off the computer. 2yr old DGS is taking a nap, so I need to get a few things done while I can.

Take care.

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Glad to see you blogging again, Enjoy your visit with your dgd and be sure to let us know what you find out about the Aquarain, I have Berkey, and I think it's suppose to do it all. Good to check though.


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