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It's really March 15, 2010



My blog won't let me post a date past 2009. Still haven't figured out how to correct it. Oh well, life is not boring.

DH, DS#2 and I just returned home, from DD#2's home, last night. We went up there last Wed, and had a wonderful visit with the family. The grandchildren are getting so big (almost 10 and almost 5). On Sat. evening, we went to the National Geographic Museum to see the "TerraCotta Warriors" from China. What a wonderful exhibit! It was amazing to see all these amazing artifacts from 200 -300 B.C. and the workmanship was inspiring. What was a little distressing at the exhibit, was the rudeness of some of the folks. DSIL was carrying a sleeping DGS, and had people run into him, or cut in front of him - and not even say "excuse me". While visiting I was able to finish the sllipcover I started last June for their dining room chair and made a slipcover for the other dining room chair, and also hemmed a pair of pants for DGD. DH helped DGD make an "Anne Frank" wooden spoon doll for a class assignment. We also got to attend a play practice for DGD's play (we won't be able to attend), and DGS's gymnastic's class. DD made some great dishes, and I'm going to have to get her recipes. I was dragging today, but did get the laundry caught up, and also the ironing. DS#1 and DDIL and one of their friends, DS#2 and DD#3and DGS all came for dinner tonight. I opened up 2 quarts of my spaghetti sauce and cooked up some pasta, made a salad and corn and had ice cream and cookies for dessert. I'm going to have to close and get some sleep. Tomorrow while DD#3 works, I'll be babysitting her almost 3 yr old. He is such a joy, but is also quite energetic.

Take care, everyone!


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