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Mean people. Yuck. Name calling, putting other down, bragging -- I don't see the appeal. Can't stand it, can't stand being around it.



It's simply WRONG. (imo at least)

It is simply wrong how people are treated in the world today - I know that's not a news flash, and it's something that society as a whole just accepts as the way things are, but by golly, it makes my blood pressure rise! People deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion - what is so complicated about treating others as we'd like to be treated? Why do some look down on others and feel they are judge and jury, or even more so, little gods in power positions where they and only they can ma



Scary stuff ...

While I was ironing yesterday, I was watching an episode of The Universe that I had recorded over the weekend. The episode was I believe an older one from 2010 or early 2011 (thinking 2010) and they were addressing solar flares and citing a report from an official scientific organization (forget the exact name) that put out a report in 2009 stating that 2013 is projected to be the worst for solar flares in quite some time, and then proceeded to mention the possible outcomes if a major flare wer




From what (little) I have seen regarding blogs, it appears as though they are filled with some insight or knowledge or are otherwise of some use to others -- this blog doubtfully will ever fit in to those categories. Mine is likely to simply be a holding tank for the things that I need to get out. I don't have many 'real life' friends ... or internet based friends for that matter ( I tend to be more solitary in nature, more of the observer as opposed to the jump on in and be part of the action



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