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Posts posted by Sariah

  1. This thread is real old, and here I am reviving it.

    Chickens are a big part of our life, and I agree with much of what Hill said above....

    But let me add what I have found to really help with our flock and our budget.

    We keep hens so that we can have eggs.

    We like organic brown eggs.... have you ever priced them in the store?

    So for us, even if we fed them straight layena feed, it would be cheaper than buying week or moth old eggs at the store.

    But we supplement their diets buy allowing them to free range in certain areas of the yard, we also feed them our table and kitchen scraps that are also given to the barn cat and the rabbits.....

    Cat gets the meat, since there is usually little left over.

    Rabbits get fruits and veggies, chickens get fruit and veggies too and anything else left over. They are not fussy like the cat and the rabbits.

    Although they will not eat onions, and they will not eat brown shells, but they do not have a problem with white shells... weird!

    In the summer they lay tons of extra eggs which we give to neighbors, friends, family .... I prefer to give them to others who could use them.... everyone seems to give us surplus from their gargen of things I did not plant, so it all works out nicely.

    Sariah :-)



  2. I am very excited to see what Mother is going to be doing with all these threads.

    As far as Emergency Childbirth, been there done that, and I can tell you that if it is not your first(this was my sisters 3rd child) nature takes over, and if you have ever given birth, at the time I had 4(I have 8 now), you know basically what to do when the baby is in a hurry to greet the world.

    Thankfully paramedics arrived shortly after he made his appearance. But I tied the cord, cut it, delivered the placenta, and if you have never felt an umbilical cord, it is actually pretty kewl feeling.

  3. Hi! I am new, this is my first post.

    I am an avid geneaologist.

    Some of the names Snowmom has form a group of names I have.

    Bradley, Brewster, Eastman, Goodwin, Gould, Snow.... Were these names from New Hampsire/ Massachusettes in 1600's?

    Some other names from that time and place are Bean, Sinkler or Sinclaire, Fifield, Webster, Hoyt, Sibley, Godfrey.

    I also come from Kendall, Thomas' in Cornwall/Utah

    Some other names from Cornwall on my pedigree are:Hellyar, Hicks, Trevethan, trembath,Hore, Phillips, Rundle, Goard, Hambly, Bray.

    Simmons, Stone and Goodale are also names of interest your list.


    It is always fun to find out if I am related to someone, or not. :-)



    Have a wonderful day!


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