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Posts posted by Ayla

  1. Hello, and a big thank you to LeeFae and admin for sorting out my membership - LeeFae spoke very highly of your forum and so far it looks great, I'm very happy to be able to interact with it now! :)


    I am from Australia, currently living in central Victoria but my husband is in the military so we're not from here (from Queensland), and by the end of the year we'll be off again. We have three children, all born at home and home educated as well (well, just the eldest, youngests are not yet school aged). We are aiming to make a radical tree change in the coming years, we already have 9 acres purchased in Tasmania but we're not quite in the position to abandon huz's career just yet and move there.


    I am a total geek - I love gadgets, love computers, love the internet, and I'm a gamer as well. The last thing I ever want is the end of the oil age or societal collapse. BUT I know that running out of oil is on the horizon and so I want to sensibly aim for home security and food security for my family. That's where forums like yours are attractive to me. I don't do well with the DOOM types out there, or people who are fanging for the end of civilisation - I want community building, I want useful skillz, and sensible/realistic discussions about PO etc - so I tend to discuss this stuff among a safe set of online friends who are similar to me. LeeFae is part of that group :)


    It's frustrating being in a transient state with huz's job - I'd really love to be settled somewhere and start putting in fruit trees, running some chooks (we only have one wee bantam), growing our food stores, etc. - but I would like to try to make the most of this time by skilling up as much as I can. My youngest babe is at an age where I can leave him for a couple of hours now so I am going to look at doing some courses to learn about things like cheese making, beekeeping, and whatever else I can find locally. Like LeeFae, I have just learned to crochet in the past year, and I would love to get better at canning. Huz is skilling up in woodworking, archery, hunting & skinning rabbits, and collecting hand tools. We're also collecting up hand cranked kitchen tools when we find them.


    Thank you for having me, and I'll see you around the traps :D

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