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Posts posted by Sparrow

  1. Thank you for the comment. This is one of those things that have been stuck in my head but that I have had a hard time wrapping my brain around. It's like the thought of saving up a little for the express purpose of being stolen goes against some deep natural instinct. Maybe I can trick myself by viewing it as a donation or a tithe. :rolleyes:

  2. There is something I have been wondering about, that kind of goes with this thread. Would it be a good idea to "prep" for thieves. By this I mean putting aside a little cash and some things like jewelry that isn't that valuable. Putting this stuff in a somewhat easy to find hiding place so if they find it or we are forced to give it over they might possibly think that they have gotten what we have????


    Does that make any sense? I'm not to sure I worded this right, but I guess yall get my drift.

  3. Okay- I'm going to share something here and ***hope and pray*** I do not offend anyone. If I do I don't mean to. I'm only sharing because it has worked so good for me over the years.


    We invented this system in high school to pass notes, and hide things that being the rebellious teenage girls we were, we did not want teachers or parents finding. Cigarettes and other contraband. Lord we were rotten. :blush:


    Here is the possibly offensive part.... What you do is buy a box of tampons...Then you open them by pushing them out and popping the seal instead of tearing it... You then throw out the actual tampon and are left with the applicator.... You then place what you want to hide in the applicator...You put it back in the plastic wrap and seal the end back with a drop of glue if you want... Then you can put it in your pocket book, or glove box ect.


    If you are hiding cash you can easily prepare a whole box if done carefully and have yourself a $1,500.00 box of tampons. Now I used to carry one in my glove box when I was making the 8 hour trip to Ohio on a regular basis. At one point I left my van with a mechanic over night and someone busted out my windows and took what they could find of value. They took out my glove box- dumped it out- took what music and stuff I had in there- they also took my change out of the cup holder....but my tampon with the $100.00 in emergency 20 dollar bills was laying on the seat untouched!! It was 2 men and 1 woman who did this so it worked on the woman as well as the guys.


    Good grief as I sit here thinking back it's a wonder the school didn't ship us off to the nurses offfice with as many tampons as we passed, but we never had to read a note out loud in class. We only had one teacher ask to see what was handed back and when we went up to show him his face turned 20 shades of red and it was never an issue after that. After all, the only thing he saw was a tampon in a wrapper.


    Well that's my best hiding spot- don't think too bad of me. :Blushing:

  4. I have pretty much taught myself to crochet. So far I have only made two afagans (and a mouse chewed up my first one :angry: ) and a couple of pair of slippers, and some scraves.


    The way I learned was to get books from my library. They had several and even a video on the basics. I had to take out more stiches that I put in probably, but now I have a pretty good handle on the eaisier things. I still check out books from the library for different patterns, since I homeschool I could get a teacher card which allows me 3 week check-outs instead of 2, if I renew it once that gives me 6 weeks which so far has been enough time.


    Anyway I just thought I would share, so you could maybe check with your local library and see if they had anything you could use.


    Good Luck!!!

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