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Posts posted by rainygardener

  1. consider starting a bartering system. YOU make the profit from those who were foolish enough to not be ready. personally i think everyone should have one vegetable growing in their backyard. and one fruit tree, as well. i also think vocational/adult schools can teach a course in self sufficient living. that would be a good name for it. under it would fall ecology, survival, roughing it, etc...


    what do you think?


    Our town community school started old fashion living classes that are really inexpensive and some are free. I was thrilled to see it, I feel alone in prepping in my town. I hope to se more gardens and fruit trees around, I certainly have planted tons of fruit and berries myself.

  2. We've found prep items at yard sales, too. I also like to look for used books at yard sales. Most books are $1 or less.


    If an older person is having a yard sale or if it's an estate sale, we usually find more things. Some of the newer housing developments seem to have yard sales that are just baby, kids and holiday items.



    When you are finished reading your books you can turn areound and sell them on Amazon.

    I look for books I can turn around and sell and have cleared out most of my books, except for my favorite prepper books.

  3. A few years ago I really needed canning jars, but didn't want to pay a fortune. I put an ad on the grocery store board for used canning jars, I had old women from all over calling to give me their canning jars! One replyed, you know your making work for yourself, I was greatful.:runcirclsmiley2::hapydancsmil:


    Good idea! How did you word your ad? I'm in the same boat, not much cash to work with..


    "Wanted, canning jars" please call #...........

  4. A few years ago I really needed canning jars, but didn't want to pay a fortune. I put an ad on the grocery store board for used canning jars, I had old women from all over calling to give me their canning jars! One replyed, you know your making work for yourself, I was greatful.:runcirclsmiley2::hapydancsmil:

  5. I have really wanted wool blankets as part of my preps, but just havent had the money. Today I bought wool blankets at a yard sale for $1 a piece, I'll wash in woolight ans line dry.


    Garage sales are also a great place to buy oil lamps and candles inexpensively.

  6. I made more mittens from old sweaters (felted)

    I made my kids all big three ring binders with all my recipes in them

    All my kids now have afgans made too


    that's about it in the homemade section this year



    I love the idea of making binders with your recipes for your kids, what a GREAT IDEA!

  7. I have to garden more. I grocery budget has gone from $35 a week to about $75 with food price increase.


    Next season Ill add more raised beds and garden, mixing berrie bushes and ground berries in with my shrub beds.


    The next house we buy and it may be next year, won't have shrub beds, it will have fruit and berrie beds in place of flower beds. I will do a lot more canning as well.

    We want to join the Gleaners assosciation to get large amount of potaotoes and fruit, gleaners is very cheep to join and you get tons of leftover harvest from farmers.

  8. I live in a tight fit subdivision. My neighbors unfortunately take great interest in what we have and what we are doing, we have a 6 ft fence, doesn't matter.


    I have found that having a dog gives me more comfort than a higher fence. My neighbors are afraid of the dog, so it helps me to feel less likely things will get stolen or we'll be bothered.


    Can't wait to get another place with more elbow room and privacy.

  9. I like the lattice and vines idea - I'll have to head over to Lowe's and check the prices out. If anyone asks, I could just say we are trying to make the yard look nicer for putting it on the market in a few years. (more like tomorrow if I could)


    Frankly... I don't trust anyone in this park at all. I know there are a lot worse parks out there, but there has been a fair share of problems involving police here. We have a nice shed, but we keep most of the tools and things in here because I know what would happen.


    I do have assorted "in plain sight" weapons in every room plus a few odd other toys. ;) It's just the husband and I here, no family close, so when he is at work I am all alone except for the dogs - who are too cute and cuddly. The cats are better at intruders and letting me know if they hear something. (No big dogs allowed, or I'd have one)


    And... it was pretty creepy, because I thought the large bush in the front yard blocked their view from our house. :( I have always tried to hide any preps we were bringing in, using boxes or bags or waiting until dark, but now I worry. :( They are not the first people to make observant comments, either. Another neigbor made a comment about our receiving a lot of mail and packages last year, and another one commented about a family member who had been visiting. :unsure: It makes me wonder who else is watching us.


  10. I was thrilled to find a feminine site for preparedness and sharing ideas and support in the tough times. I think of myself as a gentle preparedness person. Our home is in continually saving, stocking up and circulating stock, gardening and canning, heirloom vegetable seed saving, making homemade mixes, raising my 8 hens and composting. We are currently reinforcing our home security due to the poor economy in the NW. We have our own business and strive to be as self sufficient as possible.

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