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Posts posted by Nermalina

  1. I am glad I'm not the only one with nightmares about school.


    I have a few variations. Mostly it's that I haven't graduated and am going back to get my diploma, also only adult there.


    The other school dream is that I don't know my class schedule or where my locker is. My locker combination was easy 38-32-36 and I never had a hard time remembering it because 8-2=6.


    Anyway ... I also have nightmares that my parents have sold my car and I have no control over it, never mind the title was in my name. I know there's deep seated issues there. That's my most frustrating dream.

  2. Hello!


    My name is Nermal, my husband and I are new to prepping. I found this site while searching for prepping support sites. I am looking for a place to bounce ideas off of people, I have tons of questions and can't wait to learn all I can from the site and all of you here who have so much more knowledge than me.


    I am mainly prepping for a few reasons:


    1) I'm not sure my job will be around much longer. My employer is one of the largest in the county and we're bleeding money like a stuck pig. DH is on disability, and while his check is a huge help, if it's all we had it would only pay the mortgage, the truck payment, truck insurance, and a few of the utilities.


    2) I'm waiting for the electricity to out and stay out for a long time. We live in a part of the US where Novembers are terrible with heavy wet snow and high winds, it's only a matter of time before something goes over a power line and we are out of power for an extended period of time. Already this year, before November, we've lost power three times. The first was last February, we were w/o power for 36 hours. Thankfully we were having warmer than normal temperatures and our water didn't freeze and the house only got down to 50 degrees. At that time we didn't have anything prepared. We've got a good amount to things ready. We have a back up heat source and cooking source. We still need to get more fuel for both of them but would do okay for a few days (longer if it weren't winter!).


    3) We are also waiting for the SHTF and wouldn't be surprised if it comes in the form of an emp. This one we aren't as prepared for, and I'm not sure what we need to do.


    Anyway, I'm glad to be here. Glad to learn all I can from everyone here!



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