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Have you been "drugged"?

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A friend sent this to me! Thought you might like the thought behind it! CM






I, my siblings, and friends had a "drug" problem when we were youngsters:


We were "drug" to church on Sunday morning.

We were "drug" to church for weddings and funerals.

We were "drug" to family reunions, no matter the weather.

We were "drug" to school when we said we didn't feel good..

We were "drug" by our ears when disrespectful to adults and teachers.

We were also "drug" to the woodshed when we disobeyed our parents.


Those "drugs" are still in our veins; and I believe they very much affect

our behavior in what we do, say, and think. They are stronger

than cocaine, crack, or heroin, and if today's kids had this kind

of "drug" problem, perhaps America could be a better place.


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Well, my kids were "drugged" the way I was "drugged". I do think that a couple of things should be changed in the writing that you posted. I think the words "some of" should be inserted before "the kids". Also, I don't think America is the only place that has problem children. Maybe that should be changed to "The World". I thought it was cute until I read those two remarks and knew that it didn't pertain to my kids.

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LCM...I think It's great that your kids were "drugged" like you! It'd be nice if more kids were....as for the the changes you suggested...I agree with them but do not like to change a letter as it was sent to me! To me that is playing editor and when too many people play editor sometimes the original document becomes distorted.

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Well, to be honest, I was offended by some of the contents of the letter as it generalized the youth in our country as being on drugs. Yes, there are some on drugs, but I do not believe that is the majority. And, quite frankly, I don't believe that America is all that bad a place. I've traveled all over the world and I won't leave the country again. It is a country blessed by God and with good people.

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I'm sorry you seem to have taken this a bit more seriously than it was intended. The author was just playin' with words, and the point is that church, celebrations and remembrances, family, school, and a respect for authority was a healthy aspect of *our* youth.


And parents who still insist on these values are still raising good kids.


Love ya, LCM. 1luvu.gif



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uh,oh, logcabinmama, I understood it to mean to drag your children to different places, with them complaining all the way!

That's an expression that's been used often and has nothing to do with (real drugs) otherwise I would never have answered this post.

I think it was supposed to be the past tense of drag... At least that was the way I took it

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Count me in as one who was drug also when I was a child. and I had no problems when I drug my kids to the woodshed, or church, or such.... infact, they (my children) have drug their own children to the woodshed and church, and family reunions also. Nice family tradition in my books.


The world has a problem today though, I dont believe for one moment that ALL children are bad LCM... but I do believe that if the children today were raised with the same sense of values that we were raised with and that most of us here at Mrs.S are raising our own with this would be a much better world to live in. According to the govt... if we spank our children we are abusing them,

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Yep, been there, done that. And I'm sooooo thankful, because yes, it has made me into who I am today, and hopefully I will also pass it on to my DD...just as my Greatgrandpa did to my Grandpa, and my Grandpa to my Dad, and my Dad to me...

I agree with you T. Our DD is really good at home, but sometimes when we are out in public, she throws a temper tantrum as if she knows that in public there is not much I can do about it. I have never and never ever will, beat my child. But I do belive in spanking, and in disciplining a child. So at home, DD *knows* that she cannot throw temper tantrums...but in public...I'm afraid of saying or doing anything that would cause someone to "report" me and take my child away from me!!! It's something that weighs heavily on my heart...

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Happygirl, I think that your little girl is about the same age as my granddaughter, she has done the scene thing in the stores also, we have handled it by making her realize that if she cuts up in the store that she gets carried out, and won't be able to go shopping again for awhile.... I know it doesn't work all the time, but she is getting better...

We must remember that they are at the learning stage and want to explore everything that they can touch...

Another trick is to have her fold her hands behind her and let her look at her hearts content... I did this with my own children and it worked well with them..

About those people in the stores, a swat on the behind does not mean that you are beating your child. If you have a strong willed child , it might take a swat to do the trick, only one though , after that it's time to leave the store. They do get tired so easily

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