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From Ginger’s Heart To Yours….     Have you ever thought yourself to be a woman of influence?   Influence :1. an effect of one person or thing on another [Latin influere to flow into]   Each one of us has been entrusted by God with an area of influence within in our homes and community. Someone today is watching and witnessing how you handle yourself in everyday life and ultimately, it is up to you whether that influence would be a positive or a negative one. I’d like to sh



What is Rest?

What exactly is rest? For the life of a Christ follower it is to have faith, trusting in the work of our Heavenly Father. To stop our own efforts, cease from our own labors and allow Christ to really move in and through our lives.     Our Thursday Ladies group has been studying the book of Hebrews this Summer and the resounding theme for me keeps coming back to entering God’s rest and what that truly means in the lives of believers today. It is so easy to talk of God’s rest, and is especiall



A Valentine that lasts forever

A Valentine that will never fade....better than roses, candy or even the finest of chocolate.... God has sent me on a mission. I have some great news for you. God has sent me to restore and release something. And that something is you. I am here to give you back your heart and set you free. I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him. Let me comfort you. For, Dear One, I will bestow beauty upon you where you have only known devastatio



Four things in any land must dwell.....

Four things in any land must dwell, If it endures and prospers well. One is manhood true and good; One is noble womanhood; One is child life, clean and bright. And one an altar kept alight.   There is much truth in this favorite quote of mine concerning family life. For a healthy family to endure and prosper well; in my humble opinion, you have to be living in God’s plan. (Proverbs 3: 5-6) You must invest wisely all that God has entrusted to you. A savings account does not accumulate and



A Back Yard Parable

In May of 2006, I was shown an unforgettable lesson in my own back yard. One that has led me to grasp the redeeming quality of God's hand of rescue and to shepherd grace at all costs; especially towards those that are unlovely and inconvenient. Let mercy reign!   Our Dear Daughter owns chickens as pets. DD has lovingly adored her feathered friends since the age of 3 years old, now owning the oldest hen in the county still going strong at the age of 13 & 1/2! This blue cochin banty hen wil



3) Created Eve

The story of creation is a beautiful thing. One may think that they know all there is to this classic story of how woman was created but do you really?? Wouldn't it be truly grand to spend some time with Eve, over iced tea and swinging slightly on a garden swing and let her tell her story of how it was in the beginning.....   The story of creation is a wondrous event. God creates the Heavens and the earth and everything in them. And His creation is utterly,perfectly glorious! Sometimes we fo



2) A Loss of Heart

As a young woman (especially in my 20's and 30's) I like the women around me, got busy with the business of life. I worked hard and tried harder. I slept less,aimed higher, and failed more. Even being involved heavily in church kept me tremendously busy, not really going no wherebut continually asked to do more. Be more. Be better. Follow these 7 steps, these 6 lifestyles, these 12 concepts. But in all my trying, I could not feel I was growing as a woman. I just felt tired.   I know that I



1) The heart of a woman

This is a journey of discovery. That we would discover who God meant us to be.   What does it mean to be a woman? What is my calling in life? What does God value? What does He want from me? What do I want? And is that okay?   We are not carbon copies of each other. Not at all. God loves diversity and Has fashioned each of us uniquely and well. There is one thing all women share, and that is a feminine heart. We have to start there because as the scriptures tell us, the heart is the cente



Captivating, unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul...

Song, a Psalm of David. (Psalm 108:1)   My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul.   Hello Dear Friend! You are welcome to journey with me through Captivating, "Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" (co-authored by John and Stasi Eldridge)   Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, t



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