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About this blog

A little of this and that, and a whole lot of thoughts that keep me up in the midnight hours.

Entries in this blog


Well, as I've been typing on this blog here and there, it turns out that it doesn't appear to the rest of you unless I hit the publish entry button.   Here I was fussing at myself for not keeping up with it like I wanted to and the little bit I was doing wasn't even going out.   Oh well live and learn.   A special thanks to the little birdie who let me in on what I was doing wrong.   Only one more official day of school left, then next week to do the required paperwork and get it



Busy as usual

Good grief this time of year is always so busy. I finally have a few minutes to myself though so I thought I would jump in here and try to go through the posts and blog a bit. So here is what is going on in my world.   I have DH working on building us a play gound area. To me this is a form of survival prep because I will be able to get so much more done if my son ( and what ever other under 12 year olds I have running around) have a safe area with things in there to actually play on and w



I'ts good to be back!

Well, it's good to be back. I am no where near 100%, but come to think of it I wasn't all there before I fell anyway. I broke the toes on my left foot when I fell, and the right has an ugly sprain. I miss my feet. It's not even so much the not being able to walk very well that is the issue. It's all the little things I do with them on a subconcious level. I didn't realize how many there were til I go and do them without thinking and then have to yelp a little bit. Goofy things like scrat



Be back ASAP

Well, I managed to fall down some steps and hurt myself. I'm having a bit of trouble getting around and sitting at the computor has been a bit hard. Hopefully, I will be feeling better soon and can get back to posting.   Til then everyone take care! I'll be back as soon as possible.    



Only have a minute.

Well I don't have a lot of time because I want to go through the forum posts also. I only have one kiddo at home for the weekend, so I am using the time to catch up on some things I need to do, and maybe even have some time left over to relax.   I wanted to keep my every Friday blog goal though. It's been a roller coaster week, with lots of ups and downs and a couple of surprise twists.   More next week or sooner if I can.    




ARRGGHH!!!!! I tried to put in a picture and deleted everything I had typed so far. Sooo, here we go again.   I've decided to appoint one day a week as my blog day. For now I am going with Friday, since that is generally a day when I have a little more free time, I am hoping it will work out.   Overall this has not been a bad week. I had a couple of days where I was really just dragging- but I got through them non the worse for the wear. << A special Thank-You to all of the lad



Never enough hours in the day

Well this is not working out like I had hoped. I wanted to be able to get in here to post every other day or so, but ya see how that's going. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs doing.   I have been reading what I can on here as much as possible. I was going along my merry way thinking I was doing OK. I mean at least I recognize and openly admit that there is potential for disaster and chaos in the future, while all but one person in my life



A New Beginning

Well, I am very new to this so don't expect too much right off. I thought to start off explaining why I chose the username Sparrow. I know everyone has heard the expression go to your "happy place". Well my happy place often has music playing when I get there and one of the songs is about the Sparrow, which of course comes from the Bible verse "His eye is on the Sparrow". Some days I feel I need all the help I get. I noticed one member here caught my meaning without me explaining it. One



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