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Everything posted by gwen

  1. Good Morning to All I want to thank you all for your input on my questions. I really do appreciate it very much. And I hope you don't mind me answering all of them on this one posting. I will begin with the fax question. I believe that I already have a data, voice,fax modem. What I have is an Intell ® 536EP V.92 ( I will have to check to make sure). Anyway my next questions will be concerning this, if I do have the correct one how in the world do I use it as a fax? Yea I'm kind of dumb in that area. And if I don't have one, I found a site where to buy them at very reasonable prices which I will post the site incase it will help others. http://www.WestOutlet.com As to what type of shopping I want to do. I think I will perfer doing the mystery shopper bit. I am not planning on doing this for a living wage, just to supplement my retirement I already receive. I know that I can handle this type of work, while I don't think I could physically do the other work, do to my health problems. I also understand that I can in the future venture into the other mode if I so desire, so this time I will get my feet wet as a mystery shopper. When I visited some of the sites I found that had forum boards I ran across a few things that is not clear in my mind. Now I hope I am wording the question right anyway they were talking about being retested every so often. Can anyone explain this to me. I also found some that were questions on how to remain unknown when they go into a store as a mystery shopper. A few things I learned when I was doing something similar to this was not to make myself noticable. When I would go into a country store, then I am country, can even sound country. When I went into exclusive shops I was playing a role as being in that class and boy can I also sound that part too. It didn't matter how I was dressed what mattered was the way I handled myself. In all the years I worked at the similar job, only one time did we receive a complaint about my work. I cannot tell you the circumstances, but it involved me making a choice of 3 answers and I chose the one that I though was right, this was on an interaction with a respondent, and they thought I was wrong. However, when I discussed it with my supervisor I was found to have taken the right steps. They also said one of the ways that they were uncovered was by coming or driving the same vehicle to their work area. Now that tells me that they apparently always parked directly in front of the business they were doing the mystery shopping in, I learned it is wise to part a little distance aways and walk to the outlet, do your work then leave, maybe walking into another store or two on the way to your vehicle. This makes you appear as a regular every day run of the mill shopper. Now on to my next question do you send your resume by smail, email, fax or other? They say first impressions mean a lot and I believe that. So any suggestions? I never put any of my important information into my computer, regarding, social security numbers, credit cards or things of that nature. So what do you suggest as to how I send in my social security number and driver license to attach to my resume. I guess that is enough questions for now. But you can be sure I will more than likely have more later. Many Thanks Mama June
  2. Morning Want to thank you for your warm welcome. Its nice to be here. Still trying to learn the ropes around here, right now it is on a trial and error basis but I am sure I will get better as time goes on. Again Thanks Mama June
  3. Hi Debbielee Now I hope I got your name right. I want to thank you for the warm welcome and I am sure I will be learning a bunch in the days to come. Mama June
  4. Hill I want to thank you for telling me about this site and for all the help I have received by just reading some of the postings. I have so many questions I want to ask but not sure where to begin. Have some thinking to do on that subject. Again Thanks Mama June
  5. Thanks for the welcome. I am glad to be here. Mama June
  6. Morning Hill Since I am kind of between two states Florida and Tennessee can I do this please. Also just remembered that I am only a few miles outside of Florence Alabama. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Mama June
  7. Glad to be here. It does take a little bit of work to understand how this forum works. Its neat.
  8. gwen

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