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Posts posted by Auntmeanie

  1. Hey,

    Look I know I'm not a real gardener, that I've newly discovered its joys and such but....*sigh*

    On another page I started waxing enthusiastic to trying tomato growing on my balcony.

    Well, I went to Walmart and was ready!! Ready to buy perlite, soils, feeds whatever. Your girl was going for it. I'd dragged a Cuban-American friend along for lugging duties and moral support.

    I bounced into the garden dept. and NO SEEDS.

    Now, I knew there were no *starter* plants cause I did a once over of the back lot. I FINALLY got someone to answer me as to where I could find seeds and he sneered (loudly) "everyone knows it's seasonal, that means next batch in October."

    As I backed off he bellowed, " Should I warn the Walmart produce section about you, ha ha ha?" Meaning I'd wander into produce (superwalmart) and decide to denude a tomato of it's seeds.

    Of course I was mortified and quietly fled. I know you envision me as some out-spoken but No. You get my unspoken words. In this case as he bellowed on, I simply lifted one eyebrow, nodded and left but seethed inside.

    My friend encouraged me to seek a garden nursery. my question is, do most nurseries harbor baby plants or should I just seek seeds online?

    Final thought, is it me? or doesn't Miami have a all-year-growing scale and most seeds should be available?

    Thanks for letting me vent. I'm not an idiot just not used to this turf.

    I'm trying NOT to be mad




  2. LMAO Cat!!! :24:


    Westbrook, LONG LIVE FRED!!!! Was that hostess organized or what? I wish you could have seen the orderly rows of garden plants.


    I listened intently, but am still thinking how to make it viable at my work. This IS downtown Lauderdale (land of superficiality) I work in. But... The pressmen (BIG burly blue collar guys) managed to put in a butterfly garden by the outside lunch tables. I also know they clandestinely feed and water various stray kitties. Maybe I could start where the reception of a new idea would be best? Out by the printing bays?




    The-open-to-new-ideas cookie



  3. LMAO Mare!!

    Yes, I've remember to count my blessings and NOT shoveling my weather is one of them. smile.gifGood news!! For my Birthday my sweet step-mom sent me a $50 dollar gift for Half.com!!!! Hmmmm, where to start with book buying? I'll start with Artic homestead....

    Oh but TOO many wonderful choices!!! and $50 goes a lonnnnnnnng way on half.com

    a sweet dilema, isn't it? smile.gif

    The happier cookie



  4. Hi Hillbillee!!

    I'm another trapped-in-the-city-wish-I-was-in-the-country friend, which means I really want to hear about how it's going up there on your homestead. smile.gif

    Your going to love it here! Great friends, new ideas, open forums, friendly advice and sometimes just a warm shoulder to lean on when times are hard. Welcome buddy!!!




  5. OooOoooooooh Lowlander girlfriend,

    Now that would be pure luxury. That clean linen scent, crisp comfy sheets fresh everyday.

    I convert things to rags too though my friends say "why not just buy paper towels?"

    Welcome to the consumer age, huh?

    I also do a occassional heavy duty clean out or donate day. I love the feeling of space and tidiness afterwards.

    I hope some more of series like 1800's house etc make it down here to BBC-America or PBS. *sigh*




  6. OMGosh,

    you guys are sooo funny. I love the junior AARP squad. grin.gif

    Yup, I just had to get through the day, look in the mirror and see it was still me and go on from there. I realized people will still love me the same, I wll age gracefully ( and still fight wrinkles..LOL).

    Tomorrow is another day..LOL.


    40 and counting


  7. The chica Gun Club and Wahhhhh society.

    Hmmm sometimes it seems like there's so many issues that it will be overwhelming. Also, I think we tend to *dwell* on things, nudging and pouring over and bothering them like a bad tooth with your tongue. We just can't leave things alone.

    Is there some cosmic law that says you must address these issues this minute? If it's some past action you regret, well..that's it..it passed. The trick will be to learn from it and go on. Sometimes forgiving ourselves is the hardest part.

    Or as my Aunt says, what will it mean in a year? Will anyone remember it in 5 years? The to **** with it. smile.gif

    A good WAHHH cry your heart out is healthy sometimes. Go someplace, have a true pity why-me-lord party and free up some of that emotion. Like a volcano sometimes you just have to let go. It literally is soul releasing. You'll feel more capable of pulling yourself together afterwards. Just promise not to look at your puffy face in the mirror afterwards.

    just concentrate on the here and now and what your doing today, buddy.


    Grande Poobah of Wahhhhhh



  8. I SOOOOooooOOo wanted to make a crack at Westbrook, but Ginger is right here and would have busted us. :happy0203:


    I loved the site and enjoyed the kitties in bloom pics. Since I eventually will (cross fingers) get my house, I've been fascinated with putting in a tetra pond. Really great site to help.


    Brief quip... Cookie and the worms...


    While doing a dinner party in Tampa, I wandered with the hostess out to see her secret garden on the side of her home. A brief lovely tour, and then she showed me her rabbit hutches and these cunning sifting boxes underneath, for what I thought was for bunny sanitary reasons. Looking closer, I noticed fine earth and... were those roots or something? I reached my finger tips down, and then the earth and roots rippled. I leaped 4 feet off the ground. Eeewwwww big ol' worms!!!!! (stop laughing at me, Westbrook!)


    Once my hostess got over her laughter seizure, she explained her composting helpers and natural fertilizing "works". I was fascinated and impressed, and required another martini.





  9. I love avacados also wink.gif

    Hmmmm, Is it a moisture thing your talking about? The moisture in the air is more conductive for citrus.(envisions Mare with her misting bottle trying to sweet talk a tangelo that it was at the beach.LOL!!) I really will try to research the indoor kind better.

    If it's viable, I'm sure the air from a swamp cooler would make them happy.




  10. My whole apartment complex is surrounded by fruit trees! there are even short banana (prayer kind), figs, sopoto (spelling), lots of people keep mangos and avacados but not like the shrunken California kinds (wink to the Californians). Mangos give incredible shade.

    http://www.co.miami-dade.fl.us/parks/fruitansspice.htm is another cool place just to visit if you make it back here!

    I'll look for my list of other fruit tree shippers. One of my friends thinks some of the garden places by Kendal has some too for me locally. WooHoooo!



  11. Oh Good Grief Mare, I'm sorry,

    I don't know how to make it a jump URL so heres the address


    But I cannot get miniature lemons from (hence we looking at apricots and such)as certain citrus cannot be shipped her to FL. But it gave me ideas!

    www. doityourself.com went into details on setting the trees up. But I'm sure you know that site.

    sorry on the delay




  12. 70º??? ahhhhhhhhhhhhgghhh!

    That is cruel and unusual punishment to tell us about luscious weather like that!!!!

    (This IS revenge for all the times we mention pretty weather down here when it's snowing where you are, isn't it? "Fess up!!!)

    I suppose some of you actually have 60º or less at night?? While swelter at 79º?

    Hmmm some sort of Up above I-10 revenge I'm sure.


    (wondering who I could sweet talk out of visiting that has 70º weather. I clean windows!!!)

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