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Posts posted by Katz25

  1. If you guys watch youtube  Agenda Free TV has been almost every day with coverage.  Gives accurate up to date information:

    Here's today link that started half hour ago:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEQ9QTzyQ8U

    Also Twitter is alive with news.  BNO Newsroom is an excellent source and updated news.  They are very reliable.


    This is very scarey I don't think I've ever seen anything spread so fast.  It has me worried.

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  2. I'm glad you all are liking her book. I bought everyone of them and have read them all, I couldn't stand it!! LOL!! They are all good. I downloaded them to computer on Kindle from Amazon. I think I can share them somehow, but I don't know how. If someone wants to read one and knows how to share from Amazon, I'll try!!

  3. I'm so sorry, I know how hard it is to lose a family member and that's what they become. Even though she was young baby, I know you loved her. Just know how happy she was her short life and how loved she was. The only bad thing about our little fur babies is that they don't stay with us forever. Sorry for you loss.

  4. Hey Jeepers I think I can loan you this book to read thru Amazon, just need your e-mail address. Not sure how that works but if you want to send it to me, I'll try it and see if I can get it to you. I could at least loan you the first one and you could see if you like it. Do you know how "loan" works??

  5. Well these books aren't free, but they were recommended on another site and downloaded them to kindle and I am really enjoying reading them. So far there are 4 books, the last one just came out this month. They are written by Deborah D. Moore. Book 1 - "The Journal: Cracked Earth", Book 2 - "The Journal: Ash Fall", Book 3 "The Journal: Crimson Skies", and Book 4 - "The Journal: Raging Tide". I have read the first two and am reading the third one now. Very good read, some good information on storage, canning, etc. You can read about the author on amazon. She has lived this life so she can write about it very well. Anyway if you have read them, would love to know what you think of them, if now give them a try. Good books.


  6. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY, WHAT ARE THEY THINKING...I'M SO DISGUSTED WITH ALL THIS!! Okay I'll stop yelling, so frustrated over everything going on. But I really couldn't believe this tonight on "THe Kelley File" when she reported they are thinking of bringing ebola patients here for treatment...to our country:




    So I say it again what is wrong with our country, will they not be happy until we do have an epidemic over here????

  7. Patriot Nurse just posted this article,,,pretty scarey:




    The CDC is a joke it seems to me, they have a rehearsed speech they say over and over to every question. And what's up with telling that nurse it was okay to get on the plane with a fever...granted she should have known better being a nurse...but they the CDC told her it was okay. Oh my gosh how far is this going to go before it stops.

  8. I heard a doctor of FOX news today talking about the Ebola Zaire strain and that's enough for me to not sleep at night:




    Why is a health care worker sick and yet all his family are still well, does that make sense to anyone here?? Not me.


    Also 5 people were taken off flight this afternoon and waiting for confirmation in Kansas for possible ebola. Jeez this stuff scares me.


    The nurse that was sick I don't think was totallly suited up like the drs have been showing. Her whole face/head wasn't covered. That's what they are showing here.

  9. I didn't like what they did to the dog either, I think they paniced and just did it. The dog could have been tested, just wrong. On another site a lady said you might as well separate yourself from your dog now and get use to it because it was coming. I said my dog is part of my prep, she is my companion and my security-both physically and mentally.


    I hope the policeman is okay too. I saw his son on TV last night, felt very sorry for his family.It seems lots of mistakes have been done here in Texas and other places. I don't think people are taking this seriously enough, but I can't do anything about other people, just keep prepping.


    One other thing I wondered yesterday with the cop is that they said the testing would take about 48 hrs to determine if it was ebola or not...so how come the plane that was stopped they let everyone go in two hours. What sense does that make?

  10. When I heard it was one of the police, I thought about the arrogant Judge who went there with no protection to take the family to their "new" place to live. He said he wanted to show everyone there was no fear of anyone getting sick with ebola and then went home to a wife and small child. I wonder how he feels tonight, still so self assured. I swear some people in Texas can be so stupid - I can say that because I live here!! LOL!!


    Did anyone catch "The Kelley Report" tonight when Sen. Cruz said that the CDC said that by January, 2015 there would be one million cases of ebola? I had to sit here a minute because I couldn't comprehend that. I mean this is October, so what are they expecting?


    Also in Texas the family is saying they have been discriminated against because he wasn't given the same treatment as a the white patients with ebola. He didn't get the vaccine or whatever, he didn't get the blood like the reporter is getting, he was turned away from the hospital, his family was left with no help. While I can see some of the statements as true I just want to say. "WHY WAS HE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, HE LIED TO GET HERE, AND WE SHOULDN'T BE LETTING PEOPLE FLY HERE BACK AND FORTH AND THRU OUR BORDERS!!!


    Okay I'll get off my soap box except for this...ebola could cause a huge migration of people from other countries across our borders bringing all kinds of diseases. What is wrong with this country??



  11. Israel is reporting that the ebola patientin Dallas has died. I wonder if that's true or they're just mistaken. Surely if he died they would be reporting it on our news. If he's still alive how awful for the family and everyone here that is so scared.


    Here's the link: http://dtolar.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/ebola-a-nurses-perspective/


    I don't think it's true, but I do know he is very critical, at least that's what they say.


    I'm suppose to go to Lubbock tomorrow to dr. and thinking of calling it off. Bigger town, dr's office, IDK kinda worried about it.

  12. Well they reported that the man throwing up on the plane didn't have ebola...BUT....how could they let those people on that plane with him and his daughter leave in two hours. That just blows my mind...they had no idea when they let them go, why would they let them go???? All this makes no sense. They gave them the sheets that tell about ebola as they sent them on their way. oh my gosh people what is wrong with you, do you think they cared, no they didn't. I saw one man being handed one and throwing it in the trash. Please tell me how this makes sense. Noone seems concerned, like this is all a big joke. They say the man in Dallas is critical now. They don't have any idea where they moved his family. The sheriff comes and takes them with no protective clothing, no mask, no gloves, etc. Something just doesn't make sense. Either we're just about as stupid as dirt here in Texas and don't know how to properly handle ebola (which is possible) or something odd is going on here. Why would noone wear protection to get the family?

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