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Grandsons went back home.

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Well, it has been a while since I have been on line or here on Mrs. S to post. Sorry about that, but, as I have said in earlier posts, I have been busy entertaining the 2 young grandsons.

They went home last night, boy, miss them already. Well after having them here almost 3 weeks, you can't blame me for missing them. smile.gif

Now I just wonder how many times I will wake up in the night and think I hear someone saying 'Grandma' smile.gif or during the quiet of the day. It has been soooo good to have little ones around, but it was tiring for us too. After all, our baby is almost 31 and these were his babies. smile.gif

I want to say a big WELCOME to all the new posters. Happy Birthday to all who I missed saying it to and just say 'Hi' to everyone and that I will be trying to get back to posting a lot more now.

This week will be just getting to the posts that I can as now I need to do some cleaning. smile.gif Wonder why? HA. After not doing anything much for the past 3 weeks. Oh well the boys were much more important to me than a few dust bunnies. smile.gif Please forgive me if I miss posting where I should for a while.

Any questions I need to answer I will do my best to get to them as soon as I can. I see there are a few things in the F. A. Forum that I need to get to so will try to get to them within the next few days.

For the past several days we have worked on the Alphabet, making a little booklet for each of the boys. Of course the youngest one, age 3, didn't do much with it but, that was ok. We had also made a sticker book and put stars stickers in it for doing certain things. We made play dough, we have colored and cut and pasted and man, what else. They played outside a lot and had many many baths, smile.gif two a day somedays. The have been on picnics and have met some cousins around here who they don't see much. They played with our old 'Light Bright' and other things that have been here for many years. The Light Bright was one that we had for our kids. We went to the library and they picked out books for us to read to them at nap and bed times. The library also had games and puzzles as well as other toys that you can check out. I think we have about 20 books to take back along with two educational puzzles and 4 movies. We got the books on Wednesday evening and yes, they were all read to them. Sometimes I read 2- 4 books at nap time or bed time, but they all were read. smile.gif

Well, you know one thing about the kids being here, I have finishes a craft item I started about a year ago and also did another one. This I was able to do while they watched movies or just played with the toys. I found out there is life without the computer and internet, at least when I am not alone.

We had thunder storms this morning so didn't get on line as soon today as I wanted to.

Anyway, need to get this posted and see what else I can do to answer other posts. Just know I have missed being on and love ya all.



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I can hardly wait to become a grandmother so I can have as much fun as you and find fulfillment also!! Your grandchildren are indeed blessed! When I grow up I want to become a "grandma" just like you smile.gif

Of course I'd really lose it, if my almost 18 year old DS made me a grandmother anytime soon at age 37!! But in the years to come, I relish the thought of lavishing attention on my children's children and sending them home with wonderful memories!! I had an absolutely wonderful grandmother in my groing up years, bless her soul!! I want to share what she shared with me with my grandchildren!!

Thanks again, Snow, for sharing!! Yes indeed, there is so much more to life than the net and it is sooo good when we come here to share our joys in life!!




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Glad you had such a wonderful time with your grandchildren smile.gif I had a grandma I got to visit every summer for a few weeks and boy do I treasure those memories! I'm sure your grandchildren will treasure their memories of you as much smile.gif Good to see you back!



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