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Becca Anne

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Hi Becca Anne...and anybody else that might read this! I wanted to ask you about your DH's job. My DH had a situation at school were they actually asked him to leave. My DH had done nothing wrong, but through a lot of miscommunication he got the raw end of the deal. Today he had a meeting with the president of the school and he said that nobody had the right to ask him to leave but him.

To make a long story short...my DH has his A+ Certification and is now going to work on getting his Server Certefication. I'm not sure if this means anything to you, because it sure doesn't to me!!! I just nod my head and smile! I'm more arts and crafts kind of person.

My question is this: Do you think (if you don't know, do you think you could ask you DH?)with just his A+ and Server Certification he can get a good job? Our goal is for me not to have to work at all, but if push comes to shove, I could teach conversational Spanish and get some extra $ like that. We are just a little nervous that he won't get that great a job with what he knows, and we won't make it financially. Of course or trust is in the Most High, giver of all good and perfect gifts.

I'd like to know what you think. I think he'll be done around Christmas or so, and it'll be really nice to have him home again.

Thanks for your help smile.gif!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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I will have to ask my DH his opinion, he will have better advice if he knows the exact part of the computer field he is certified for. It sounds like he studying for Server Administration?

I'm fairly sure he will agree with me about this. If at all possible he should try to finish his degree, since he will have much higher earning potential in the long run and it will be easier to get hired without much experience. He could get a job, build experience and continue to work on his degree part time. Now there are wonderful online degrees he could pursue.

My DH started off at his first job out of college doing computer programming, and was promoted to Web Development Manager within a year. That was at a Telecommunications Co that went public, then belly up and was sold to another Co. He was offered his current job soon thereafter and now is the Computer Dept Head honcho( official title Manager of Information Systems) for a major Infomercial Company.

A degree really helps with long term earning potential. It eliminates the glass ceiling.

Computer education is an ongoing process, in order to stay current you need to keep certifications current and learn new things or you will be left behind. My DH is currently getting certified for Program Management. We are spending a fortune on it, but it is an investment that will pay off and is worth the $. Sometimes the company will help pay for the training, which helps but it's worth the expense even if they don't pay.

I'll get back to you on DH's opinion.



[This message has been edited by Becca Anne (edited October 30, 2002).]

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Hi Becca Anne! Thanks for your promt response! There has been some development in the story...

Last night my DH and I decided that he would take Server and then come home. He is taking the course at about 3 hours north from here, so we are having to pay double rent, a lot of gas, and extra food...so we really can't afford for him to be up there any later than December.

We are living off of loans from my inlaws, but they have said that they can only carry us through December, and we don't want to borrow any money from anybody else.

My DH is hoping to be able to get other certifications other than just Server, but we'll see. Once he gets a job, maybe he can take other courses in the evenings or weekends.

We are really hoping for him to get a good job that will support us with out me having to work. He has, of course, no experience, so he probably will have to just move his way up.

Let me know what you think...and have a great day! smile.gif


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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