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Wonderful Wednesday

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Good morning Snow and everyone. Our temperature is 7 this morning and no wind so the house feels nice and with the snow cover it sure looks pretty out there. It was so drab looking all winter w/o the snow but I was really enjoying it.


I got a few more quilt blocks made yesterday too. I hate to admit it but I spent all afternoon on the computer playing around when I should have been working but there's always today to get more done.


I use the crockpot a lot too. Actually, I use an old one for a humidifier. It gives off the nice warm moisture the house needs so much of this time of year. Anyway, like Snowmom and Mary I use mine for supper and it's so easy. DH hates to have tough meat and there's nothing to tenderize the meat to the falling apart stage like cooking in all day in the crockpot.


Have a great one!


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It IS a wonderful Wednesday! I opened the blinds at the east windows, and it's so bright as I look out - about need my sunglasses to see!

Snowmom, what did you make in the crockpot that you didn't like? I'm not very brave at trying new things. DH is a 'meat and potato' man, so most of what we have is simple.

You quilters are so ambitious! Dee, will you use your quilts in the summer to keep the heat out? Maybe you could put a quilt rack on a nearby wall to display them while they weren't in use. Snowmom, what are your quilts like?

Hope you enjoy the school trip today, Cat. I remember going on those and coming home so tired! Fun days, though.


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