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What are some of the memories that make you LAUGH?


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When I get down, I try to think of things that will make me laugh or smile. Here are a few that do the trick for me?


#1. When my first grand child was born, I had her at the ranch because mommy and daddy needed some sleep, the baby had colic really bad . It was during branding time and I had rung the dinner bell for everyone to come down to the house to eat. I was changing her diaper when several of the cowboys came into the house to eat and one of the old timers looked at her and said, " Why, lookie fellers, we got us a little heiffer here!"


This makes me laugh everytime I think about it. A cowboy is so silly he would stand on his head to make a baby smile.


#2. When this granddaughter was 3 1/2 she would not get out of the way of the TV program I was watching... very frustrated I shook my finger at her and told her she was a little brat... she turned around put one hand on her hip, shook her finger at me and said, "Grandma, I'm not a brat... I'm breenana!"


Come on share your good memories with everyone! I DARE YA!

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When DS#1 was born we brought him home and DD (2) had to check him out. She took her finger and started pointing out everything on his face. She pokes him in the eye and said eye then pokes his nose an says nose. I thought my mom was going to have a fit." She's going to hurt him." DH and I just laughed and said no she wants to make sure he's all here. It was so cute. di

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Ok, I came up with a couple, but for those of you who don't like humor that include certain body parts...please beware. It's not that it's bad, it's just real life, but I'd hate to offend anybody...

When DH and I were in MX, he was learning Spanish, and trying to practice as much as possible. In order to practice, he'd go to the corner store (alone) to buy things. One day I sent him to buy 2 eggs, so that I could make pancakes.

Here's the problem. The word for egg in Spanish is "huevo" (ooehvo). That word is also commonly, but not nicely used to refer to the male organ (testicals). So my husband, who had just learned this, went to the store and asked the man if he had any "huevos"...as soon as he said it, he realized what it sounded like and started to get embarrased...

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I posted this in another forum but it's pretty funny too!


I remember awhile back when a friend asked me for help in replacing a leaky tub faucet washer...the handle came off easily but everything else was seized and no way was it coming apart....no problem...we figured we'd just replace the faucet....the tile needed to be removed to get at the faucet....found out there was another layer of tiles ....ok we'll remove all the tiles and found some really bad rotting drywall and framing underneath....the small window sill was totally rotted too....so we ended up rebuilding the window frame....ran a power line from the light above the sink to the window opening then sealed it off with an exhaust fan....replaced the rotted framing above the tub....ahhhh...what the heck....let's plumb it into a full showerhead as well.....new drywall around the tub....tile the WHOLE bathroom.....and of course he happened to mention the floor around the toilet leaked into the basement....the floor was rotted so a new 3/4" plywood floor went down and new wax ring for the toilet to keep it from leaking....of course that meant taking out the cabinet and the trap under the sink just collasped when we tried to disconnect it from the sink....the whole thing had to be replaced from the wall to the sink and then we put a new linoleum floor down and replaced the light fixture to go with all the rest of the new bathroom. We both laughed about that simple little washer job for years!


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