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Condo-hunting Stress

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Hey there! I hope I'm not in the wrong area with this thread?

I promised on Sunporch I'd regale you with my condo/townhouse hunt. Yes, I'd much prefer a house and that was what I was saving for with dreams of a garden, fruit trees, etc.(Something like Darlene has) All the things you can't do in a cubby-hole apartment.

Everyone tells me that if I can get a townhouse with even a tiny strip of a back yard I can make it an oasis, right?

Actually, the true stress is we HAVE to move-the apartment building I live in has been bought and they have plans to tear it down (kinda a very final way of heaven telling me-time to move on, kiddo. LOL). Some of these people have literally lived here 25 years, and I can only wonder what they will do.

The new Co. has pretty much slacked off most maint. and such. Worse of all, they did not pay the county the pool permit. That sounds small to some people, but most of the families here counted on the kids spending hours at a time in the Miami heat carousing in the pool. This is a blow to some of the single parents who use those hours for a little down time.

But, back to the hunt-I've got some pluses to counter the stress of having the building demolished beneath me. I'm pre-approved, I've got buddies willing to go with me to scout out things like the illegal wiring job we found in one lovely condo and just mosey around poking their noses into things while follow the realtor around. Finally, has anyone tried Buy Owner and did they like it?

Thanks for letting me vent. I appreciate it.

Cookie huntress del house

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Cookiejar, it's a shame that you have to move..... Just how much time do you have left in your currant home, before eviction takes place?

About the pool, does it say in your lease that you would have full use of the pool in pool season? If it does, then the new owners are suspose to provide the same services until the poeple are all out,,,, Maybe they might consult an attonery about it....

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May your new home be blessed with all those extras you've desired for so long, especially room to garden. I can think of no better therapy than to have your home as a sanctuary to retreat to when the big ole' world closes in! Happy Hunting, Cookie friend!

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Hey Cookie! I just read the posts and realized that my answer might be misunderstood as being nosey, not the case.....

I was concerned that you might not have enough time to find another place if you bought a house or condo, there's weeks and sometimes months in the process of buying property when you finance...

I'm sorry if I sounded too nosey.

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That's the salt rub, MaJobie,

This is a month-to-month, According to Miami-Dade rules, 30 days is the max warning. But they are not giving the warning, just slooooowwwwly slacking off and cutting off things till they get the sale then warn. That's why I sound in *semi-rush* mode (work all day, pack evenings..blahhhh! I need a martini..LOL).

As it stands, I truly DON'T know the apartment-tenant code..so they could *ahem* fiddle-fart around until the building falls all the while fending off threats with "once it's gone, what are you gonna do? Why fight?"

One neighbor whose stove quit recently was told point blank by the building "caretaker" that it was'nt going to be fixed. The idea being, we're all NOT rich, by the time we bring any lawsuits the place is gone anyway....Arghhhh.


But, on the non-acid-stomch burning side, it ISSSSS fun to house-hunt and explore, figure neighborhoods etc. I'm being upbeat.




(Just the one venting relaxed me so much, gracious.)

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Cookie, renters have rights too, if you cared to to look further into this situation, then you might want to check with your city government about tenant's rights.....

If they couldn't help you, then they should be able to tell you where to go for the help you and the other renters need...

There is a web site called ....renters . com .... or something like that , there's also a landlords . com...

I used to go to these sites about a year ago, I lost interest so stop going....

Hope things go well with you....

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this is a good place to come and vent. so don't worry about that. glad you feel at home enough to feel safe to do so.


good luck on finding yourself a new home.


don't have the stuff to mix ya up a martini but heres a nice warm cup of chamomile tea to help take the edge off.



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I reread and noticed I'd been so rude, Ginger (Gardens!!!!), Happygirl, Lois and Theyd, Thank you....

A. On the welcome

B. On the count-your-blessings note that I *can* go get another place (wink) and should remember to be grateful.

C. That I have cool e-pals willing to lent me vent. (Double thank you).

Sorry I was seemingly rude...overly preoccupied... but still no excuse. Sorry and Thanks!!!

I guess the injustice/greed gets me sometimes, but I'm trying to channel into fun ideas, I.E. paring down my belongings and donating things. Learning to live a simpler life.Actually learning to LET-GO-OF-THE-BOX at Goodwill. (Picture my internal voice like a cop's saying"DROP IT COOKIE, PUT THE BOX DOWWWWNNN, STEP AWAY FROM THE BOXXXXX).


Giving works for me towards de-stressing...if that makes sense?

Okay open question, this may sound simplistic but...what are your packing tricks? Unfortunately, my work-buddies LOVE to regal me with their nightmare packing adventures...

any tried and true tricks appreciated,

the frazzled cookie

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i have found rolling takes up lest space... roll all and any matrial things like clothes blankets etc and shove into platic bags. then stuff the bags arond the hard to put anything else places any ways that is what i do. Oh and never let my brother help me pack again!!

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Cookie Jar, I recently moved and we used , whar's called( contracter bags) that we bought at home depot.... They are big and tough and will not tear easily... you can put big bulky items in them...

A big roll is about 13.00 dollars....


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Thanks Theyd and Mayjobie!

Great ideas and I can add them together! Luckily, I will only be moving 45 mins. away, which is a plus, right? One friend told me that she put fancy work clothes in travel bags and instead of carrying by the hanger which gouges flesh, she used a canvas wood tote, the kind with canvas attached to two handles. Easier gripping.

I'm still fretting about finding a place on the Broward/Miami-Dade border.


Thanks everyone,


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Cookie, I've moved several times, and we really couldn't afford many packing supplies. A lot of grocery stores will give you (or sell for a small price) their boxes. Also, I used my towels and linens to protect my breackables.

One thing that really helped me is clearly label were the box goes and what is in it. That way when you get to where you are going you can prioritize. When we moved back to MN from Mexico, I even had a list in a notebook that said what each box contained.

For examle:

Box A: plates, cups, bowls, glasses...VERY FRAGILE!

Hope this helps!

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Oye CHICA!!!

Darlene, you know I'll never be far, I mean aren't we the only true south FLA's online? LOL. YOU are not rid of me yet, missy! LOL

BTW-update- I'm having trouble checking the tenent's laws, but will get more info (South FLA internet troubles or someone hacked into the local GOV lines.)

I've been busy with work/househunting and homelife. (grin).


I couldn't find contractor bags at our home depot here in little havana, but they'd heard of them and they sounded so cool.I am going to wrap dainty dishes and crystals in paper then buffer with kitchen towels, bath towels etc. Great ideas. What's your opinion on those *vacuum bags* ( as seen on TV...hahaha). Any good?

I did hit up my local grocery (Publix for Darlene) for boxes as well as my work for the computer paper boxes. The notebook idea is great!!!! A friend said to tape a plastic organizer file to the box to easily extract the print out of what's in the box (my handwriting is atrocious! Hahaha!).


I appreciate the help! Moving just a few things is okay, but a household move is soooooooo much more!!!! Where did I get all this stuff? ACK!!!


Your semi-packrat pal,


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Oooh Cookie this is sooooo exciting... what a job you have. But just think of all of the junk you will get rid of and how clean your new place will be. I will be moving in two years, so I am filing away all the of the helpful hints from everyone. good luck, have you found anything yet?

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Bridget!!!! (Hugs, Hugs, Hugs!!!)

I have to REMIND myself that is indeed junk and to let it goooooooo. I swear I'm worse then most guys.LOL!!!!



any safety packing tips? Like one friend said "DO NOT let a magnet touch your computer", ever heard that one?

What's your favorite donation? One friend said to give things to "disabled vets" or some such group. What's your charity? I have women's business suits, maybe a woman's shelter? Any ideas? or better yet, just clearer ideas.

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