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Don't move to Miami

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Here you have it. The ten most stressful places to live in America. No wonder my buddy from Miami is so stressed.


Top 10 Most Stressful Cities


Tacoma, WA

Miami, FL

New Orleans, LA

Las Vegas, NV

New York, NY

Portland-Vancouver, OR-WA

Mobile, AL

Stockton-Lodi, CA

Detroit, MI

Dallas, TX



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Ya dork, we PAID to have our city up at the top....duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


We WANT ya'll to be afraid of our city...those tourists are a sight to behold. I know from first hand all the times homey has come down wearing her sombrera, doing her rendition of the *Cha Cha Cha*...


I'd try to describe it, but every time I think about it I start laughing and can't type...



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I live near 2 of the most stressful cities and might have some insite into the stress. Metropolian areas are filled with a widly diverse set of people. Many of the cities on the list are wonderful places to live in. They have a rich history and beautiful landscape. The areas of poverty and crime in these cities can bring about violence and stress for the entire city.


Tacoma WA is considered the arm pit of Washington State. The weather can be depressing, the crime rate is high in some areas, the once booming economy is suffering with Boeing and the dot.commers laying off. Portland is affected with many of the same problems. Traffic problems abound in Porland, you just can't get anywhere without having to cross a 2 lane bridge that jams up.


Stress in its self is simply how happy we are. If we are afraid, depressed, hurried or angry our stress level goes up. Personally I am working on the stresses in my life. I find that most stress is my personal choice. I choose to be upset. Last night we found our roof leaking, I freaked out. I tend to hate things that suddenly go wrong. I then sat myself down and thought about it. What was the big deal, here I try to think of myself as this pioneer woman and a bursts pipe (we had that too) and a leaky roof have me stressed out. I can control how I feel at some times. As a child I had a lot of irrational fears, I have had to learn to just deal with life without letting it all get to me.


Anyway, some things we can control, some things we can change, some things we can learn to cope with and most things we can offer to God.

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Great points, Joan!!


I find I can often control my reactions to the unexpected stresses in life when I *choose* to.


The problems come when I just let myself go into the anger and/or frustration of it all.


Sometimes I have to consciously *STOP*, breathe deeply, and say a prayer.


**Cat tosses soggy creampuffs at everyone reading this forum...**



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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Joan...


This is why I luv ya...


I can be out there twirling away and you have this inate ability to pull me back to reality with just a few words...


I totally relate to what you said...



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shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cavey...


Between you and me, homey has a thing for shiney mirrors...the bigger they are, the better for that girl...


When she comes to visit you'll always see her standing in front of a mirror, turning from side to side, making faces at herself as she gazes adoringly at herself...




I dunno, I never seen anything like it before...


Must be a cheesehead thang...


*angelic smile*

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Yes, Cavey it's a cheesehead thang.


Years of trudging to the dairy barn, draining those girls dry just so Dar can smother her pizzas with cheese, her arteries with whipping cream, and her hips with cheesewiz. Yes, Cavey it's a tough job that needs to be done.



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