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Thursday, nursing home day.

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Morning snowmom: Sounds like you are keeping busy....

I just wanted to post quickly, for I do not have much time to stay on today. PLEASE ANYONE (DARLENE) GET OUT OF FLORIDA NOW, PLEASE EVERYONE START MAKING PREPARATIONS TODAY FOR HURRICANE IVAN. THIS STORM IS VERY DANGEROUS...Key West Florida is already starting evacuations,even though Ivan is not supposed to be in until MOnday.


I am making preparations now, we have 30 people coming up within the next couple of days to evacuate from Ivan, DH and I have been on the phone all day looking for Generators, and motel rooms for family members in Florida. I have booked 4 suites so far and have arranged to borrow a cousins travel trailer, one of the big RV's with fold out sides. They all refuse to even think of trying to stay put during this hurricane... I am doing some cleaning, and fixing up places for everyone to sleep, have got to get to the store and do some heavy duty grocery shopping.


So everyone take care and please be safe. I am praying for anyone in the path.

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Good afternoon,


I cannot believe this hurricane season! I am praying for everyone in the path of these beasts. I've lived in tornado areas until recently and those scare the heck out of me-but even with those we didn't have so many close ones in such a short time span. I am saddened at the sheer numbers of people who are losing homes and businesses. I am wondering if some of the people that evac'd for the first one have been able to even go home again in the last 3 weeks, and now this one.


I was a lazy bones today. I washed some dishes, did some laundry, took meat out to thaw (polish sausage and potatoes tonight) and then read for awhile before work. I got some time all by myself, totally and completely alone, and decided I was going to enjoy it.


The kids don't have school tomorrow, so I think we'll go on some adventure in the morning before it gets too hot.

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