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Posts posted by cookiejar

  1. Originally Posted By: BiscuitMaker
    Can't put much in the attic here it will melt-----

    I think the idea I was trying to denote was that we could put things up there that wouldn't spoil or such...maybe things like glassware? Boxes of china? Jackets?

    I understand it getting hot enough to melt things. I've even considered a solar circulating vent-one that just takes care of itself and keeps air moving through.

    Just bouncing around ideas.

  2. If you can name 10 flaws in *The Jericho* Series


    If you have 10 recipes on file that have nothing to do with food

    (How to make soap, How to make wax candles..etc.)


    If you can name 3 ways to use baking soda and it doesn't include baking.


    If you've ever cached anything


    If you can GPS better than Nasa


    If you know the exact amount of time it would take to walk out home from anywhere, while carrying a backpack, and water (and your hobby is not hiking)


    If you shop in camping and hiking stores and you do neither lol

  3. When you can't enjoy the view from anything anymore...


    I was at a party at my boss' place and he has a STUNNING view from the 30th floor overlooking beautiful Bayside...and all I could do was look down and think Man what a loooong walk.


    When a family member says "it's time for a rotation", and you think of your preps as they look at your tires.


    When someone picks up a bullet on a detective show and you already can name the style, "Oh that's a 22". (Wink to Vic303)


    When you have more than 3 bins of fabric but feel the need for 2 more (wink to Westie)


    When your on a first name basis with the folks that bake in your supermarket and they *save* buckets for you.


    When you crow with delight over new food grade buckets (*SCORE!*)


    When you can name at least 5 surivival novels and their authors (Wink to Bookworm)

  4. Originally Posted By: jewlzm

    When you get caught going through someone elses trash.. not for ID theft.. but for extra compost materials?


    Now THAT has visual impact! :blink:


    When you watch Cops/Swat/Court TV and make in fun of the handguns of both the good and bad guys (by caliber, etc.).


    When you can watch a Cops episode and can name the gun maker and caliber 3 seconds after the cop finds it and holds it up.

  5. Originally Posted By: preparing

    26, and amazed others thought about the tunnel! Here are a couple more for the list...


    *- When you drive by trees you cannot see the forest for all the firewood.


    *- When you cannot throw a pencil away or broken colors, and store them for later.


    *- When you are worried you will not make this list, so you go fill up your car and buy 50 rolls of tissue.




    Oh Prep-chica, you fit in so well... I loveeee the forest for the firewood! That was great.



    *- When you can name 6 places for online seed ordering - 3 of them for heirloom.


    *- When the words "Burpee catalog" makes you quiver with anticipation.


    *- When you can quote the hours of operation for Sams Club, Walmart, Costco, or Tractor Supply.


    *- When you can name 5 breeds of an animal, IE: 5 kinds of chickens (Rhode Islands), 5 kinds of goats (Nubians)... and know which is perfect for your area.



  6. Originally Posted By: Leah

    I'm going to go hide my face now...


    You know I really would like to cook the neighbor's weiner dog...


    Mmmm - weiner dog!


    Aren't they cute?!


    It's the nice quiet girls ya gotta watch...


    I can hear you calling them now... "Here Mustard! Here Relish!"





  7. If you've done or thought of 23 or more of these...your a nut job like us! :24::welcome:


    If you can ADD to the list...your my hero/heroine!


    If someone yells "GET BOB!" and you ignore people to run out to your car... you might be one of us. :happy0203:



  8. I did ask and Thank You Darlene!


    I just kept remember the things some of our snowbunnies were talking about like when the blizzards went through and you faced weeks without fresh produce and irritated people.


    Westie's right, Lord knows what a pandemic rush would be like or a full fledged crash (How many of us were startled by the recent market scare?).


    And your right Stacy, but let's take it a step further...what if there was noone to control the price gougers??


    Remember seeing $6 dollar gas for the hurricane escapees?


    This was a scary show-n-tell of Darlene's.



  9. Originally Posted By: Mother
    There you go Cookie, a perfect cover for you nepharious (boy is that spelled right?) activities on the old closed golf course. But how are you going to explain that bag of seeds and plants you're carrying with you? bouquet

    This is Miami,
    I put on sandles, cream colored beach combers and a aqua top.
    Then all I have to do is fill an empty junk food bag (chips,munchos, etc.) with seeds. put a cell phone to my ear, speak and wave my arms alot (tossing seeds), occassionally click with the camera at weeds and complain:

    " Can you believe it? I can't believe it! I am bringing it up at the condo meeting! It's a mess out here! This is a mess! OMG OMG OMG WEEDS everywhere! Oye! We need to get a lawyer! OBTW, did I tell you Paris Hilton's in town? No? Yes!What would Paris Hilton think? What if Entertainment tonight drives by???"

    You get the idea.
    I'm obviously missing my career as an undercover agent ts1.gif


  10. Originally Posted By: dogmom4

    The Weed Science Society of America is attempting to collect high-resolution digital images of all of the common weeds of North America by the end of 2006. Images of many species are still needed, and contributions are requested.

    Stacy (lots of clear photos...)

    Hmmmmmm, sounds like a job for-armed and dangerous camera girl! The bane of closed Golf courses!

  11. Necie waits till I'm covering this Dept. and she whips out the YKK posts.


    It's just not fair. You caught me with my pants down. I'll be brief (not boxers), I am trying to run a clean outfit here Missy.

    This is a pretty button down establishment.

    And you slip in and bring back material that was disruptive before. Now you have folks fastened back on to this.


    Well, there's nothing to it but let people read it again. Then we'll have to let this slide seamlessly back on track to regular humor.


    The in-jean-ous


  12. Okay, perhaps we all noted I have some water issues bordering on...a syndrome.


    I've been through 3 boil water situations (weird to learn that's NOT common in the rest of the world).Plus our hurricanes, etc. From high tech filtration systems to low tech charcoal and gravel boxes...it doesn't hurt to know how to treat water for safety.



    Ensuring a healthy water supply

    Store at least a two-week supply of water for each member of your family.


    Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day. A normally active person needs to drink at least 2 quarts of water each day. Heat can double that amount. Children, nursing mothers and ill people will need more. You will need additional water for food and hygiene.


    Never ration water. Drink the amount you need today, and try to find more for tomorrow. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing activity and staying cool.


    Store water in thoroughly washed plastic, glass, fiberglass or enamel-lined metal containers. Plastic containers such as soft drink bottles are best.


    Before storing your water, treat it with a disinfectant, such as chlorine bleach, to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Use liquid bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and no soap. Some containers warn, "Not For Personal Use." You can disregard these warnings if the label states sodium hypochlorite as the only active ingredient and if you use only the small quantities in these instructions. Add 4 drops of bleach per quart of water (or 2 scant teaspoons per 10 gallons), and stir.


    Seal your water containers tightly, label them and store them in a cool, dark place.


    Purifying your water supply

    In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain microorganisms that cause disease such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis. You should purify any water you're uncertain of. There are many ways to purify water, none perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Before purifying, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of clean cloth.


    Boiling is the safest method of purifying water.


    Bring water to a rolling boil for 10 minutes, keeping in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool before drinking.


    Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring it between two containers. This will also improve the taste of stored water.


    Add a pinch of salt for taste.


    Chlorination uses liquid chlorine bleach to kill microorganisms.


    Use liquid bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and no soap. Some containers warn "Not For Personal Use." You can disregard these warnings if the label states sodium hypochlorite as the only active ingredient and if you use only the small quantities in these instructions.


    Add 2 drops of bleach per quart of water (4 drops if the water is cloudy), stir and let stand for 30 minutes. If the water does not taste and smell of chlorine at that point, add another dose and let stand another 15 minutes.


    If you do not have a dropper, use a spoon and a square-ended strip of paper or thin cloth about 1/4-inch by 2-inches. Put the strip in the spoon with an end hanging down about 1/2 inch below the scoop of the spoon. Place bleach in the spoon and carefully tip it. Drops the size of those from a medicine dropper will drop off the end of the strip.


    Purification tablets release chlorine or iodine. They are inexpensive and available at most sporting goods stores and some drugstores. Follow the package directions. Usually one tablet is enough for one quart of water. Double the dose for cloudy water.


    Distillation will remove microbes, heavy metals, salts, most other chemicals.


    Fill a pot halfway with water, and tie a cup to the handle on the pot's lid so that the cup will hang right-side-up when the lid is upside-down.


    Put the lid on the pot upside down, making sure the cup is not dangling into the water, and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.

  13. Actually, Oleta State Park has openned back up after repairs. I think I'll gather up some buddies and do a picnic to find out what's going on.

    This is the link to the marina/eco tours...turn your sound!

    And yes, the food is fabulous at the restaurant.


    I can't find tours that aren't like: See the butterflies!

    OooOoooh look dolphins! We're kinda touristy oriented (I know, your all shocked!).




    I think the trick is, get the books, get the the tours, just get going!

  14. http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/images.asp?plantID=935#


    Using the guides you've sent I think I found one of my critters!

    Now is he useful, that will be to find out.


    a ruler huh? I think I can get away with that or a zippo.


    The thing is, it is cool that I have so much around me besides the obvious coconuts/mango/orange/avacado/banana trees that I think everyone will be hunting.


    This is only a handful of the large amount of photos I took.

    I'll put a few more up...I'm trying to figure out how to get them out here small but still easy to see.


    I wanted to be pro-active so you'd understand I'm serious about finding alternatives.


    The sites are really a help. I'm waiting on a friend to give me the name of a book...it's something like "encredible edibles in Florida or some such".


    As Darlene has said, in another week or two we'll be back in OUR planting/sprouting period. Then we can well imagine the wealth of flowering nibblies I may encounter.


    "Fred Look! There's some strange woman phtographing the weeds on our lawn!!! Call the association!"

  15. (sigh)


    and I was all proud of myself for craftily snapping away...

    Still, the idea is, I found so much, and these are but a handful of images. It gives us urban types something to think about, alternative nibbles.



  16. I see you didn't mention the part about "if only you'd had a quarter next to it for size reference...oops, I forgot to tell you that".


    Meaning maybe I'd better sneak back on the lot again. Or perhaps nab a few of the critters and do a photo inside, still-




    I can see me, a quarter, a camera and the city's finest having a discussion on the course:


    "But, honestly officer, I'm researching edible weeds".

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