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Posts posted by gardnmom

  1. I don't know how to link your sig to the site, Karen, that is something that Caveman must do. I believe he has his hands full at home right now. Sorry.

  2. Kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will be here Christmas eve for our Christmas eve buffet and gift exchange. There will be a variety of treats including shrimp coctail, macaroni salad, assorted cold cuts, jalepenos/with garlic, cheese/ crackers, corn chips with salsa, veg. with dip, hot chicken wings with Jim's blue cheese dip, deviled eggs, and peanutbutter cookies, sugar cookies and other desserts. every ones favorite foods get served up.

    Just the setting up yet to do and of course the last minute cleaning.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  3. We had temps in the teens last night also. Have the wood stove going though. Love that wood heat, I can keep it just about the same temp all the time and cooler when we are sleeping. The furnace allows a 10 degree difference in temp before it comes back on and I keep it set at 68.

  4. We have a little snow, not much but will get more by Christmas. The cleaning is slowly getting done, it seems like it takes a lot longer to accomplish anything these days. Just have to start earlier to get it all done.

    The Christmas eve buffet has been worked out with the kids, so The get together should be very enjoyable.

    I want to put together a reading for the kids to talk about the reason for this joyous season.


    Snowmom, it sounds like here trying to get things done with Jim under foot is difficult. He doesn't know what to do with his time in winter when he can't just go outside and putter.


    unikemom, I like to freeze ahead some of the dishes for holidays, too, it sure does save my energy....

    Have a good one.

  5. We uaually put the tree up about 1 week before Christmas, add in the other decorations at that time, to my way of thinking that is long enough to clean, around, under and in back of them. My living room is simply not big enough so it becomes crowded in here. after about 10 days I don't want to deal with it any more. So in order not to be frustrated by it all I wait to get it all out.

    However the shopping is done, 1/2 the gifts wrapped and one mailed that needed to be, so I am on schedule.

    I feel like we have managed to get something that each of them wanted, at least I hope so.


  6. It is raining here, too. If it were snow we would have a couple of feet so I am not going to complain. I don't drive in snow, cause there are to many idiots out there to do stupid things on there hilly roads and there is not olace to go except into or over the bank, not good choices. I have my Christmas shopping done and some of it wrapped. Got the package off for great-grandson today. only has to go 75 miles so should get there in plenty of time.

    Got to finish wrapping so I can put the tree up.

    Have a good one.

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