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Posts posted by ANewMe

  1. I'm so ready to toss this thing across the room!!!! Its not even a year old, but recently I've noticed that as I type the cursor jumps back in a sentence or down a paragraph and sometimes it will just automatically delete a whole sentence. DRIVES ME CRAZY. I spend more time backing up and fixing problems. Any idea what is causing this??? I've never had this problem before.

  2. We have met a great couple a few houses down from us.Our kids are the same exact age and we really have a good time with them. Yesterday she came over and we made bows for the girls for back to school. Her husband came down and we all ended up out back and ordered pizza and made a night of it. It is so nice to have a couple to hang out with. We seem to have so much in common.


    I was asking about Hurricanes and when they make the decision to leave. One thing led to another and BOOM.....he came out and said "I'm a prepper".....I kind of sensed it but wasn't sure. This is sooo very cool b/c we have never had friends who truly shared our views....or my views. I say my views b/c DH does as I say...LOL. I'm thinking that b/c DH enjoys hanging out with him he will rub off on him and he will take a more proactive role. He IS getting better...

  3. As I was clicking around online I continued to see this book "The Harbinger" plastered everywhere. I remembered that I had downloaded it for free awhile back so I decided to check it out. There are no words to describe the impact this book made on me.


    One might think it's just another "political" book, but it is so much more than anything you can imagine. Mr. Cahn shared a message regarding our Country and the state of our affairs through a narrative that grabbed me on the first page and didn't let go until the very end. At times I could not help myself from "thinking out loud" or expressing my emotions verbally. (This does not bode well with a sleeping husband!) By the time I reached the end, the hair was standing up on my arms and I sincerely believe that I held my breath for a chapter. As the book concluded I was left with a heavy heart for my country, fellow citizens, family and friends; but I was also confronted with questions regarding my own personal thoughts and faith. To say that this book has impacted my life and would be an understatement.


    Of course, I am always recommending a book here and there, but I can honestly say... with no doubt.. that of all the books I have read in my life this would be the one I would strongly encourage everyone to read. I will never think of 9/11 the same. I will never look at the news the same. The book is worth every penny and then some....you will NOT be disappointed.




    The link for the Kindle edition





  4. There's a site called Pixel of Ink that lists free books for the kindle



    You'll have to double check the price to make sure they're still free (sometimes the books are only free for a day or two) but they have a pretty good selection/list.


    ETA: they also list bargain books too, not everything they mention is free



    YES!! I get them on FB and there are many other sites that list free ones. Maybe we should make a thread on places to find them

  5. Hollywood Scandals (Hollywood Headlines)





    Seed Saving Tips and Techniques





    Out of Time










    How to Find a Job When There Are No Jobs





    Passport Through Darkness: A True STory of Danger and Second Chances





    Her Dear and Loving Husband (Loving Husband Trilogy)




    The Thirteenth Gift







    The Delphi Chronicle Book 1










    The Sentence of Marriage


    I have been told this is a fabulous book and there are 2 more in the series that are around 2.99

  6. I just started a thread that is devoted to Kindle Freebies. I think I'm going to stick with that for right now until I find out if anyone has Nook or Nook app. I have Nook but Kindle seems to have become more popular. If you have prefer Nook or have Nook let me know.


    Big job but very excited about being able to contribute to our community. I've learned so much from everyone and thinking this may be a good way for me to give back. So PLEASE give me feedback on what you would like to see or any suggestions on how I can make it better

  7. Let me tell you what I'm thinking about doing then you guys tell me if you would be interested....


    I'll set up a thread for FREE Kindle books, apps and games where I will post links to titles as I find them. I won't post any kind of synopsis about the book....just title and link and if possible the genre. I'll keep the thread updated as often as I can.


    If anyone has Nook then I can do the same and set up a thread exclusively for Nook....


    Then I thought about setting up a Smashwords thread for anyone who has a device other than Nook or Kindle

  8. I mentioned before that I had a FB page that was dedicated to FREE and extremely cheap ebooks for Kindle and Nook.


    I know that many people don't use FB and some people use PINTEREST. Some don't use either. I would like to work something out so that everything I find can be shared here with ya'll but I want to make sure that there is an interest before I persue a seperate avenue of making it available.


    1) Are you interested in Free books and if so do you have a Kindle or Nook

    2) Are you on FB or Pinterest.....

    3) Would you prefer that books are listed here at Mrs. Survival?

    4) What are your reading interest?

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