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Everything posted by Oldpine

  1. RenieB, I agree with you totally! At one time, I thought how nice it would be to live close to the ocean and enjoy temps that are comfortable year round. Not now though, as I would miss the seasonal changes and it isn't just the "color" it is the smell and the feel of the different seasons. To live in an area that didn't change, would be boring. {Ummm, will I still feel that way about mid January when we are in the middle of an ice storm???}
  2. What a terrible tragedy to have happen! I will be praying for the family and for the children of the area. What a terrible lesson to have to experience so early in life.
  3. I'm with you there, Dee! As I posted, fall is my favorite and I love from the end of summer through the Christmas season. The time around Thanksgiving has always been such a special rewarding time for both me and my family. However, once Christmas is over, I start looking for spring! You know there is that old saying ~ 30 days has September, April, June and November; all the rest have 31 except January which has eightyyyyy! My birthday is even in January and I still find myself wishing the days of January and February away! One redeeming quality *seed catalogs* and sitting by the fire dreaming of those spring gardens!
  4. I was thinking, and what I have discovered is the heat may have reached my brain! 'Cause, I want to talk about fall, which thankfully, isn't that far off. I love autumn ~ the colors, the smells, crisp feel in the air ~ I even like the fact that my family starts expecting cooked meals again as the temps cool down. (Nah, they don't always get homecooking, but ususally, I break down and cook.) I enjoy being out in the heart of creation during the fall, but my favorite activity is to wait until one of those cool showers comes along, open up all the doors and windows, light all my favorite candles and wrap up in a quilt my greataunt made and read a good book (or the Good Book). A little spiced tea and I am in heaven! My troubles and stress seem to evaporate into the folds of the quilt and I am renewed and refreshed once again. What about you? Got a favorite time of the year? *sure you do~* *speak*
  5. Everyone is so friendly! Thank you for the warm welcome and for the cold ice tea! The Arbuckle Mountain Range is just off I-35 between Oklahoma City and Dallas in south central Oklahoma. You can click on the link and it will show you the general area. There are several thumbnails to click on to enlarge the "view." I think you can even take a virtual tour of the Chickasaw National Park, which is in the same general area. http://www.shopoklahoma.com/turnerfa.htm Don't misunderstand, as I love it here, it is home, but our little mountains don't compare beauty wise to the Blue Ridge. They are so lovely! If I could have picked my time and location, I would have picked the Blue Ridge and the time . . . that's a little more difficult, but most likely the late 1800's until mid 1940's. I love the people there, the scenery and enjoy the stories of the families who's lives are carved into history along the mountain trails. Darlene, *mi casa es su casa* (Not to worry, guys ~ we'll keep her in the jeep away from the four legged mode of travel.) And yes, Rocky Ridge Ranch is the place! I don't care for flat plains, but we don't have as much pasture as we could use, due the "rocky ridge." If you *think* you have heard the name Rocky Ridge before, it was the name Laura Ingals Wilder gave their farm in Missouri. We just liked the name and it fit.
  6. Well, after all it says *Where the Heart Is* So, we know your heart. How bad can that be? Didn't Jesus say something to the effect, "if you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father?" Sometimes in trying to be PC, we miss the whole point of life.
  7. Thanks, for the warm welcome. Yes, {{{Debbie}}} Power Surges! Although, this afternoon, mine feels more like Power Outage. Just came in to relax a few minutes with a glass of iced tea. The heat is terrible this afternoon. Our humidity must be way up there. Wish it would storm or something to break this pattern. But autumn is just around the corner and I love the beautiful fall colors.
  8. reci, Thank you for the information! I wasn't aware B & N were doing this. And you can pick continuing ed. units. Wonderful! I am soooo excited! You have made my day!
  9. Oldpine


    Thank you! I will check the used bookstore for White's book. I also think Amazon carries used books, so I may try there. Again, thank you . . . {{{MOgal}}}
  10. Oldpine


    MOgal, Would you mind sharing your soap recipes? It would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  11. I've been *lurking* around reading the posts for a few days. Decided to bite the bullet and say hi. I am a wife, mother, and ranch *flunky* ~ the pay is lousy, but I get to hang out with the boss. We live in the heart of the Arbuckle Mountain Range, which is thought to be one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. They aren't too high, however the scenery is beautiful. We have an active family ~ three sons, two daughters ~ a number of pets and livestock and generally stay busy, which in turn keeps us out of trouble *for the most part.* I just wanted to say *hi* and let you know, I'm here in the shadows, enjoying the posts and soaking up information at the same time. Remember: Women do not have hot flashes, they have *Power Surges* [This message has been edited by Danny Lou (edited August 08, 2002).] [This message has been edited by Danny Lou (edited August 08, 2002).] [This message has been edited by Danny Lou (edited August 08, 2002).]
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