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Posts posted by quiltys41

  1. We've been painting the inside of our house which has taken every moment I have available. Hindsight, I should have started weeks/months ago.


    I'll grab a pen & paper today while we are on the road and catch up on the last couple of days and post it later.


    Thank you all for your wonderful writing skills, it's exciting to see 'what happens next'.




    It is kind of fun writing with yall in this story. It is the first time I have ever tried my hand at writing. Yall make it so easy though, just going along with the flow and adding our part to it. :D



  2. Wow that was so trek last night in the near dark! That gully about got me...makes me wonder what it is going to be like further on if we come across some bigger ones that we can't just go around. I imagine the guys have already thought that out and have a plan for it lol. But we made it to the new site without any problems from our wagon or animals, thank God for that. I still have to draw up a list to get to the mayors wife of all the supplies we need to replace those we had used for the "accident" and since we left on this journey. I wonder if she has enough flour, salt, sugar, yeasts, etc...maybe she has some extra canning jars and lids too? I don't know, but it's going on my list anyways. I just hope that the sheriff can figure out a way to get all those supplies out to us in the wagon train without the town folks seeing it and checking out where it's all going. I bet they will figure something out though. Maybe a couple of trunks full or just a truck that they can sneak out here in the middle of the night. That wouldn't make too many people take notice. Surely not just on semi going down the road....


    Well it's another beautiful morning out here and the peace and quiet is a welcome change from all the clamor at the last camp and the on lookers too. Hey, it's so quiet and there's no one here...makes you want to go skinny dipping lol. Too bad there isn't a pond right handy! No, not for skinny dipping! B) For fishing. I just have a hankering for some fish fried over the fire tonight. :campfire: Maybe a few hush puppies to go with. I know there is no way I could make some slaw. I'll just have to pretend that part lol. I think I will just make a few flapjacks though. Those always fill you up and aren't too much trouble to make. About one of the only "fast" foods I have to fix. It would free up a bunch of time for me today though so I can get the wagon straightened out and everything secured down tight for the next leg of our journey.


    There is laundry to do today too. I want to get that going now so I will untie the big #10 washtub from the side of the wagon and wander over to the well and get some water. It's going to take a bit to haul enough for washing and rinsing. But it's doable. :) I will string a line from one of the trees near us to the wagon. That will be just enough for what I need. I have the blankets hanging from tree limbs just to air them out. They aren't dirty enough to need a washing yet. I think I will wait until we get settled in our new area for that one. Will probably have to wash everything then to get the trail dust out of it all. :0327:


    I wonder if anyone is going up to the hospital to check on the children today? Or are they just going to call one of the folks here with a cell phone? I do imagine it wont be much farther out when we loose all contact with them. I don't think there are any cell towers on the trail, but I could be wrong. Have been before lol.


    And I have to wonder while I am doing wash and straightening here in the wagon, just what it will be like where we are going. So far, I know that there will be hot springs, and that will be such a blessing. And I think of how much work it is going to take all of us to get places built and land cleared to work for gardens and such. All the fencing it is going to take for corrals and such. Whew! But if we work together then the way we have all worked together so far, it shouldn't take too much. What's that saying...many hands make for lighter work? Or something like that. I can imagine having good old fashioned barn raisings (and maybe houses too!) for each other and all the women fixing tons of food while the guys are hard at work. Ahhh sounds like fun to me where others would think I am crazy for thinking that way, I'm sure. But we have all decided it's best to be off on our own away from the world as it falls apart, so we will have to depend on each other this way and live more simple lives than we have in the past.


    So many ideas for things I want to do when we get there too! There is the garden to plant right off, so I imagine that will go in while we are still living in the tent. The house will have to be up before winter though for us. I can do canning and that outside and don't need a kitchen as such for that. But it will be nice to sleep in a regular bed again! Not that I am complaining, just wishing....


    Well I best be off and getting the laundry done and animals fed and things arranged. Who knows when we will be off and running again. I do hope to have time today to sneak over and check on Mt. R and Mother. Have a good Sabbath all!



  3. Oh boy! I am looking forward to all of that Mt.R!


    And to those traveling or having family in for the holiday....I hope you stay safe and have a wonderful time! May you all be blessed with many more years together for Thanksgiving. :D I'll be here tending my animals...sometimes being self-sufficent means NO travel lol, and that gets me to thinking about the grandkids and mom being so far away...I do wonder if I will see them again, but I know we will make it should something happen. Must be the holiday blues settin in lol...


    See yall in the story!



  4. I see Mother over sitting by the fire alone. I think I will grab a cuppa and go sit beside her and keep her company. Even if she doesn't want to talk, someone will be there just because lol. Well, it's been another one of "those" days. I got to thinking with all the extra time on hand to get out something special for dinner tonight. So I grabbed my flour, salt, a little vinegar, and egg and some water. I took it over to one of the work tables where we had done all the butchering at. Scrubbed it down well since it sits outside uncovered and then got to work on making a pie crust! I got everything measured and mixed up in the bowl. I floured the table and put the pie crust down on it to roll it out. Wait! NO!! Tell me I did not do what I think I did. Oh ah yep, I forgot to pack my dern rolling pin of all the.....grrrr..so I borrowed one lol. Next time someone goes to town I will have to ask them to pick me up one. Please, talk about feeling stupid! I know right where it's at too. It's on the table right beside the front door. Right where I sat it down so I wouldn't forget it! :wub::wub: And I got to thinking about it as I made the pies to go with the dinner that was just left overs from the night before. Sure were good though. I made three apple and two cherry pies so that there would be just enough for everyone to have a piece of one.


    Someone was talking near me as I rolled out the pies. It was about AH so I listened in being worried about what had happened with them and all. Seems they have a touch of wanderlust in them lol. Went off exploring some old abandoned farm north of here and that they would be back in oh around 5 hours or a little less. But here it is after dinner and they still aren't back yet. I know a few of us are worried about them and I offered up a prayer that they would return safe and sound. Still, even though I know we should cast our cares on Him, I can't help myself. I still worry about those I have come to think of as family over the past few weeks. I do hope the show up soon...


    Well, I have to tell you about my adventure today! I got to feeling so duh! for forgetting my rolling pin that I rode into town with a deputy that was getting off of work. He assured me that someone would bring me back to camp when I was done doing whatever I needed to be doing in town. So I grabbed a photo ID and some cash. We only deal in cash or once in a great while we used a Visa card, but they were the ones that were gift cards. Those don't require a name and such on them and can be used anywhere a regular Visa card can be used. Anyhow...we got into town and I found a cute little General Store off the main drag there in the town. I felt like I was stepping back 100 years going in there! Almost reminded me of Lehman's except they did have electrical stuff in this one. I wasn't interested in that though. I am more at home using non-electrical stuff now that we are out on the trail and don't have it lol. There were so many different parts to that store, one room alone was dedicated to tools for the farm from single bottom hand plows to parts for a combine LOL.


    Another room was mostly kitchen and that's where I spent a good deal of time. I picked up two wooden rolling pins in there. And another cast iron skillet, a griddle since mine had gotten a crack in it along the trail somehow. After I got through in there, I went to another room in the store with bolts upon bolts of sewing material and all kinds of notions, buttons and bows, lace trims, zippers, etc...I picked up a good heavy denim material, the entire bolt of 20 yards lol. Well, it was on sale! But at 3.00 a yard I couldn't pass it up! I already had patterns for skirts for me and pants for the Mr. But I did grab a unisex pattern for overalls for the both of us.


    Then I got to looking around and they had a tack room too!! I had to get to the check out and get out of there before I spent all the money we had left lol. I wanted to get back to camp before dark and tell the guys about this store and all the tack they had so they could come look and find what they needed for the teams and the horses to replace what was beyond repair from that "incident" the other day. So when I got to the check out the girl looked at me kind of funny. She asked me if I was with that bunch out at the farm and on that circus wagon thingy. I had to laugh. I told her that yes, I was with those on the wagon train. She told me to hold on just a minute while she went in to the back room. So I waited a few minutes and she came back up to the register. Then she cleared out all of my purchases! She had went to the back and called her aunt. Seems her aunt told her that if any of us come in to buy anything at all there will be NO charge for it! I asked who her aunt was. Now get this...her aunt is the Mayor's wife!!! Her and her sister owned this store and it was passed on to them by their parents when they died. She had owned this place before she ever married the mayor and he had NO say so in what they did with it LOLOL!!! She also said to spread the word along to the rest of the camp. They trusted us to only get what we needed to replace what we had used up to this point on our journey and to replace what ever had been broken during that awful accident. Praise God for her! It sure helped out a lot in our case.


    So now here I am back in camp. Just sitting here by the fire thinking back on the day. Sitting beside Mother and not having to say a word to each other, but yet still enjoying each others company. Now that is when you know you have a friend! I have my bad feet close up to the fire and it is sooo relaxing and toasty warm. My feet are really bad with the neuropathy and that warm fire is just the thing to make them feel something at least. And it seems to ease the tensed up muscles in them that keep wanting to spasm on me tonight. Probably from all that walking I did today in town. Oops, I think Mother is nodding off, she just dropped her tea! I better give her a shout and tell her it's time for bed. I think I will mosey off that way too. I have to remember to go check on Mt.R tomorrow before sundown. And go thank Annarchy for checking in on me too. What a sweet lady. :) Well, off to bed. I do hope Michael and Lori get back soon...



  5. <Mt.R...IRL yes I was feeling that bad, but it happens frequently so don't worry. :hug3: >


    Well I feel a tad better after that long sleep, but still have a ways to go before I am completely back on my pegs. I get those TIA symptoms sometimes. Mostly when I <ahem> don't pace myself and overdo things. :rolleyes: Seems like there is a lot of that going on around here lol. I saw Mt.R outside her wagon yesterday. She is still looking a little peekid, but better! I think those of us who (I hate this word too!) are fragile are going to have to learn how to pace ourselves better in this new world we are beginning. I can tell mine is going to be work hard but take frequent breaks. Like work hard for 15 minutes or so and then take 5. Or work hard an hour or so and then take 15. It's a hard thing for someone who is used to going flat out all day long to have to do it too. It is frustrating, makes you angry at times and is a constant reminder that you are no longer "normal". But God is good and grants me no more than I can handle. I just have to learn how to handle it lol.


    Annarchy was here at the wagon to check on me and we had a nice visit! She sure is something sweet! I would love to go to a class on hide tanning too if she would agree to hold it. I always have dreamed of doing that and being able to make my own buckskin dress and moc's too! Since I wear a dress or a skirt most of the time, I think it would be comfortable to wear...all that soft hide! Oh my...I have to stop dreaming and get to working here or I will stiffen up lol.


    We all sure got a work out yesterday helping process all that meat! Oh that was so much fun and I had a good time watching the butcher slipping everyones dogs a bone and meat scraps! Our dogs sure liked it and took their bones in the wagon or under it. That kept all of them out from under foot. Sometimes I think dogs are just as bad as kids lol. But now they have those nice thick beef bones that will keep them busy a good long time along the trail. And I got a kick out of watching Mother directing all the traffic yesterday. She did such a good job of getting us all going and keeping us moving on getting that meat done. I had to giggle too when she got the town folk involved in it too. I noticed some of the folks kind of shied back on that. I had thought most people from a small town would have no problem processing their own meat? Maybe those were the city slickers one of the ladies from town was talking about. They sure acted like it. Seems people like that think that all the meat just comes from the store. I have to wonder if they know where it comes from before it hits the store lol. Probably not....anyways, it was nice to know we can all work together as a group if the situation calls for it. Worked like a well oiled machine!


    Okay, I wonder where Michael and Lori are going to? Their wagon is all hitched up and they are heading out somewhere? Oh dear, I do hope they aren't trying to go on ahead all by them selves! BRB...I have to go see what is on that piece of paper that boy has that he picked up over by where their camp was....



  6. Well I got up with a headache the size of Texas this morning, so I am putting on a strong pot of coffee, getting a cuppa and then crawling myself back under the quilts. My vision is off this morning as well as my co-ordination. My right arm is numb again and I am so nauseated! I know all these are the signs of a TIA, probably brought on by all the excitement and stress. So if I don't rest today, I will be next for the hospital. And I can't have that. I don't want to worry anyone or be a problem for the hubby. So I will just putter around today, do some sewing (nice quiet work, no stress) and such that's easy. But I really do need the rest. Hubby said he will get up and make breakfast for us. Oh such a treat! He really cooks best over a fire! He made some wonderful biscuits last night with a covered small cast iron pan that were so light and fluffy but had a very tasty crunch to the bottoms. I ate three of them with some of our precious honey on them last night! (IRL too! lol) I am hoping he will find the hens laying again so we can have egg biscuits. Yummm. Well I have my cuppa now back to bed...



  7. Well it's been quite a time around here and I for one am so grateful for a couple of days to recoup and rest and do whatever else needs done before we all hit the trail again. I do hope that this incident doesn't keep anyone from going on. It would be a shame to loose even one of our "family". And it does feel like everyone is becoming a family of sorts. I know I would miss anyone not going on from here, especially now after all we have shared, be it good or bad.


    I did enjoy the fire last night. It gave me time to reflect back on the day and the poor way I handled the conversation with that deputy. I really do hope he forgave me. And I pray that God forgave me too. Funny how stress makes people react. And it sure didn't bring out the best in me. I found myself sniffling and tears falling freely. I listened to the words of "The Wedding Song" in a whole new light and asked the Lord for help along the way. That I knew I had come up short when so many were depending on me to lead the way in things medical. I came away knowing that the Lord put it on my heart to spend more time in His word and draw strength from it. And so I will. But I had myself a good cry none the less. I think more of that was from the stress than anything. Especial for that little girl from the other camp that was stuck in that wagon that went over the cliff. I haven't heard the extent of her injuries yet, just that she will have to spend a good bit of time in the hospital. I imagine we will have to go on without her and her family, but I do hope she will be out in time for them all to catch up with us on our last stop before going on to the homestead site. That would be so wonderful and God is good, so I will pray for them with that in mind and that His will be done. I know kids are pretty resilient and heal fast, so if I were a betting woman, I'd give her pretty good odds! ;)


    There were quite a few who ended up going to the ER and many of them were treated and released back to the wagon train, but mt3b's and Saintsfan's son is still there. I hear he may be out in time to get to leave out with us! That would be so wonderful and I pray that they all continue on with us. Either way, they are deep in my prayer list for whatever their needs may be. I pray there are blessed beyond their wildest dreams.


    As for the doughnuts, I find myself unable to eat any of them. It just sits wrong with me somehow. Call me a nut, but I just can't. Seems almost like blood money type of thing. I do hope this so-called mayor doesn't think a little food and a few extra supplies are going to buy us all off. I am still mad as a hatter over it all and I am sure God will channel that to the good for me, at least I keep praying that lol. And yes, it seems as if all I am doing since the accidents is pray. Is there anything I can do better with my down time that pray for us all? And I find myself doing it while working on anything today too. I tried to get the wagon all straightened back out. I am going to have to sew or patch that giant rip right down the side of the tent today too. Right in the middle of the tent, all the way from the top to the bottom of it! Well it has to be fixed since all our money was put into leaving and the supplies. We don't have enough left to be buying a new tent like this one. It cost an arm and a leg anyways. I probably shouldn't have been so extravagant, but I knew we would be mostly living in it along the trail. Best find my needle and thread. I want to find time today to go over and check on Mt.R too. I understand how those spasms feel. I get them too when I get too tired. It's embarrassing when they happen in front of strangers but they really don't hurt or anything. More of a nuisance that harmful. I got mine as a side effect from my strokes. Could have done without them, but I got it, so I deal with it and try not to get too worn out. But I do need to check on her anyways. Maybe she would like some warm tea. I'll take her a cup when I go.


    I wonder if anyone has thought to make a list of all who are in the hospital and kind of do an update of them for all of us back here at the camp wondering how they are? Sure would make it a lot easier prayer wise, at least it will for me. I like it when I can take a specific need to God in prayer. I know that He sees and knows all, but it just makes me feel better lol. I am the selfish one this morning aren't I? And if I'm not careful I am going to start crying again....well too late, sniffles dead ahead. Geeze, is this ever going to end?


    Hubby is checking on all the dogs and the chickens. At least the chickens were in their cages, but they were already tied back onto the wagon and when it took a hit from behind, they got a good jolt and got real upset. One of the dogs has a really deep cut in her pad on her front paw. I put some bag balm on it after cleaning it out real good and put a bandage on covered with some vet tape bandage. But sometime in the night, she had chewed it off as dogs are want to do any time you bandage them up lol. She is licking it now as I look at her, so I'm not too worried about it getting infected, just worried it will take forever to heal. She may have to ride the wagon with us to give it a chance to heal. We will see how she does. Here's hubby now. Oh, says there are NO eggs this morning. Great. So now the chickens have stopped laying? And we were counting on having those eggs along the way for eating in so many different ways! I bet the mayor can't replace that!


    There's Michael again. I wonder if he ever rests? And Lori goes all the time too. I do hope they take advantage of the down time and spend some of it together. Alone. LOL, well as alone as they can get out here among all of us. Maybe a walk together. Even if they go looking for some of the lost livestock. Still, it would be nice. Ahh, I am such a romantic at heart. I'm sure they do spend time alone. But still, a romantic can dream! Oh and I need to go check on Mother too. She was running and helping everyone so much. I don't want to see her wear herself out either. She is such a fountain of knowledge! I am in awe of her! I just pray she gets to take a breather today. And I know, everyone has to much to do to just sit around, but a mental health day would help everyone at this point. Give them time to sit and put this whole thing into perspective and get unwound a bit. That IS a good thing to do. Better than filling it deep in the mind somewhere to deal with later, which isn't a good idea. Maybe a good sing along at the campfire tonight would do everyone good. Although I wouldn't blame a soul if they didn't feel like singing right now. But still, it wouldn't hurt to try it. Maybe Michael can get the kids to going and then the adults are sure to join in! I'll have to put a bug in his ear about it if I can catch up to him today lol.


    Well, I am glad I started this journal now. It sure has helped along the way. I wonder if my kids and grandkids will join us when we get to our destination? Or, if they will make it on their own. Will they even be interested in reading this journal at some point in time? No matter, I'm sure someone will like it and find some interest in it. But for now, I have to close it and get to sewing on that tent. I think I will put some water on the fire to boil so I can take Mt.Rider and Mother a cup of tea in a bit. And I hope someone comes back to camp soon with an update on those in the hospital still. I sure am worried about that little girl from the benefactors wagon group. Well, off to sew!



  8. Well it started out to be another beautiful morning. Such wonderful colors in the morning sky, it was enough to make you stop and stare for a few minutes. I said a quick prayer of thanks while putting the big coffee pot on the fire. I got a few things out of the wagon for breakfast. Michael was close by but not fully awake yet lol. I gave him a cuppa coffee and watched him wander off mumbling something about squishy easter eggs?? LOL I do wonder what that was all about.


    Then all heck broke loose. While I was in the wagon trying to convince Mr. Q that it was time to get up and going for the day, I heard someone demand that we leave our wagons and line up? Then that awful noise from the helicopter sent the animals into a tizzy and most of them ran off. I jumped out of the wagon just in time to see one of the wagons from the benefactors train head off over the ravine!! OMG there are people yelling and I hear children crying and a blood curdling scream off to my left. Animals are stampeding and I see a young girl get run over by a fast moving cow. Dang! This is all going to come to no good and I try triaging them in my mind right now as to who needs attention first. Someone went and grabbed the little girl and took her to the medical wagon, so that is where I headed with coffee pot in hand jik we would be there for awhile. I also took my medical BOB too that I carried in the wagon for little boo-boos along the trail. I and the other medical people set up a table outside of the back of the wagon where we grabbed someones grandson and put him to work writing down names of the injured and just at quick glance what was wrong with them.


    The little girl was seen to first as she seemed to be the worst injured in our group. I grabbed my pen light and looked into her eyes while asking here where she hurt at and could she point to the spot for me. She just pointed to the cut on her head and said that was all that hurt. It was bleeding pretty bad as any scalp injury is want to do. There are many, many blood vessels in the scalp, all superficial or close to the outer layer of skin. Hers was deep and probably needed stitching. That would get done later when we could locate her parents to help us with her. But for right now, I handed her over to one of the other volunteers to get her cleaned up. I think he was a deputy? At least he had some kind of uniform on that looked like a deputy. I was mad as a wet hen. I probably should have held my tongue, but I just couldn't. I tied into him asking him if he had ANY idea what a mess he and his fellow deputies had made and the injuries they had needlessly caused? And why did he want to see all these children hurt like that? I asked him if he had any kids. He said "Yes ma'am. A son and a daughter, both under 6." So I asked him if he thought he would be mad if someone had needlessly caused them harm and physical and mental trauma? I think he had tears in his eye as he turned away from me mumbling a "Yes, ma'am."


    I realized what I had done wasn't right. I put down my notes and went over to the deputy holding the small girl. He was trying to clean her up the best he could. I touched his shoulder and said "Thank you for stopping what you were doing and coming over to help tend to the wounded. It is much appreciated and I can tell that you really do care about us and what has happened here this morning. And I ask that you forgive me for being so harsh with you? And if you don't mind, I would really like having you stay here at the medical wagon and helping us with the rest of the people. Especially the little ones that you seem to have such a way with?" I saw him smile for the first time that day. He agreed to stay with us and help in any way he could.


    I got back to treating the injured, all the while worrying about that wagon that had went over the ravine with such a sickening crash. I hoped by now there were ambulances on the way and someone had made it safely down the ravine to check and make sure there was no one in the wagon. And we had so many injured in ours. It seemed like everyone had at least a cut or two that would need stitching up or butterfly tape put over them. One man from the other wagon train had been in the middle of the oxen trying to pull his two out to hitch back up to the wagon when all this started. They found him unconscious and laying in a heap where the oxen had been. Luckily some of our medical people found something to use for a stretcher and went to retrieve the man and bring him to the medical wagon. He was awake and talking to us by the time he got there. His eyes though. The pupils were a little off suggesting he had a concussion at least. He did complain of a splitting headache. I told him to stay as still as he could or I was going to tape his head down to the stretcher. I didn't want to take the chance that he had a fracture somewhere or a broken neck or something else that gets only made worse by movement.


    Where is the ambulances??? And why isn't someone coming back here to tell us what happened or where the ambulances are or if they are even coming??? Oh geeze Q, keep your cool gal. This is NO time to go flying off the handle and giving into the confusion. Keep your head on straight! These people need you to help them. You promised you would be there when they needed you, now buck up gal and make good on that promise! O snapped out of it when I saw the man with the concussion out of the corner of my eye trying to move his head from one side to the other looking around at what all was going on. I got a roll of wide silk tape out and told him to look up at the ceiling. When he did that, I tapped his head to the stretcher by winding the tape around the stretcher and his head about 4 times. There, that should hold him still enough while I go see if someone else needs me here. I spotted a little girl peeking around the corner of the wagon like she wanted to ask something but was afraid to. I went over to her and said "Hi there sweetie, I'm Quilty. Can I do something for you? Are you hurt any where?" She looked at me and said "Yes ma'am. One of the other ladies sent me here to look for you. She said I need a band-aide for the scratch on my arm." I told her to stay right there and I would be right back with a band-aide for her. I went and grabbed my small medical BOB and headed back to the girl. I sat down on the ground next to her beside the wagon. She showed me her scratch on her arm. It was a little deep in spots and she said she got it from a chicken she had tried to pick up and take back to their wagon. So I told her to be really still that I had to clean it up so there wasn't any dirt in it. I washed it up with some soapy warm water and a rag. Dried it off with another clean rag. Then I pulled out my "Special band-aide box" and let her pick the one she wanted. It was full of Barbie, Transformers, Care Bears and such band-aides just for the kids. She picked a care bears and handed it to me to put on her arm. I asked her if she would like to be in charge of the "special" band-aide box today? She smiled from ear to ear and just about squealed a "YES!" I told her she could only use them for the other children that had bad scratches like hers. She seemed so happy to help us out and wandered off with the band-aide box to help us "patch up" the other children.


    So many people needing tending too. There are only a few of us medical people. I start to wonder if we are going to have enough supplies for this? And what of that wagon that went over the side? I see people standing around yelling and waving arms, but I don't see anyone going over the side there to check in that wagon yet! I hear the thuuu-uump, thuuu-uump, thuu-uump of a heavy chopper coming! Lord please let that be a medical chopper I hear! I really want this man over here sent to an ER for a CAT scan of his head and neck! Not to mention we are really wearing thin here and getting tired fast. It's about time to take 10! So I go over to Mr. Mt. Rider and ask him to go take a break and I will cover for what he was doing while he goes. Then when he gets back, he can let someone else go on break. If we don't stop and digest what is going on and rest for a few, we wont make it through all of this mess.


    Oh wonderful! I see 5 people in orange jump suits headed our way with bags, oxygen and a couple of stretchers loaded with orange boxes. The help has arrived at last! I feel like I can finally take a deep breath and do so. Strange but there seems to be water running down the front of my shirt. Oh, tears. I knew they would come, but I had hoped they would hold off until later when I was in the privacy of our wagon. I couldn't help it, the tears just fell. All the hurt and all the damage. Animals that would have to be put down and lost. Senseless waste. All of it. And for what? Some pompous asses suspicions? Did he call us a cult? I see Mt. Rider up there with them all. I hope she explains things to him. Go girl!


    And all this, I still see no one going over the edge to check the other wagon. Okay, that's it. Someone grab some rope. Lets go! I grab Saints Fan, one of Mothers grandsons, and a few other men from our wagon train and head up to the other train and the ravine. I walked up to where all the people were gathered. Has anyone taken a roll call yet here? Is there anyone missing?


    They all just stared at me like I had seven heads or something! No completed roll call. Great, that's all I need to hear and take off to the ravine, men and rope in tow. I see a few of the ladies coming running up from our camp to help too now. They ropes are carefully anchored and thrown over the edge. It's not too far down, but far enough that it looks like the wagon is smashed beyond repair. I don't see anything moving down there but we are still going to go look anyways...

    I and a couple of others start down the ravine on the ropes. It's hard to do when you want to be at the bottom asap. Trying to take it at an even pace so I don't tangle lines and end up upside down or worse yet, loose my grip on the rope all together and fall to the bottom on top of that wagon! Inching down ever so slowly, but safely. Almost there. Okay everyone, be careful down here. We don't know if there is anyone in there or not. And there may be snakes down here too. If you hear any rattling noise, STOP where you are and yell out! Okay, lets go see about this wagon. Saints fan and Mothers grandson carefully start lifting what they can out of the back of a wagon. They see a small pair of legs tangled up in some boxes in the back. One of them yells to come quick!! Help!! They gently lift the boxes off of the legs. Trying to be so careful that they don't cause any more harm to who ever it is that is down there. And judging by the size of the legs, it's a small child.


    Oh Lord, have mercy. It IS a child! Four of us carefully lock hands together forming a sort of stretcher. One of the men gets into the wagon and gently lifts the child from the wreckage, holding her head and body as still as he possibly can. The four of us get as close to the back of the wagon as we can. He gently places the child in our arms and we back the little girl away from the wagon and into the shade. Someone watching at the edge of the ravine yells back to get the choppers medical crew here NOW!! By the time we get her to the shade, the medical team is coming down the ropes with a stretcher basket. They put the little girl safely into the basket and start taking her up the edge to the waiting people above. Once they all get back up they tape her down onto a stretcher and run off at break neck speed to the chopper. I have NO idea who the child was. She had to be one from the benefactors train as she didn't look familiar to me at all. I see the chopper taking off and say a quick prayer for the little girl.


    Okay back to the medical wagon. There are injured to tend to and other people who need to take a break. Maybe I can go relieve them so they can freshen up some....



  9. What a wonderful Easter day it has been! Started out with the most magnificent sunrise that was full of purples, oranges, yellows and reds. My isn't it so pretty to see? The thought of how He did this for all of us to enjoy is just so overwhelming. I look along the trail as we ride and see all the beautiful scenery and think that His hand is in it all. That He made us caretakers of His creation! And from the sounds of it, we will be heading to one part of His creation that is almost eden-like. Hot springs? Oh my aching joints long for that!!! Can you imagine soaking in them in the evening after a hard day of gardening or laundry and baking and such? Oh the joy of it!! I can't wait to jump in lol.


    Well I am taking a little advantage of us being stopped for the night. We are running low on roasted coffee so I pulled out my chicken cooker (long sided cast iron skillet with a lid about a size 8) and one cup of my green coffee beans that I had brought along. I put the beans in the skillet and took a whisk with me over to the fire. Oh, and a metal strainer too. I put the skillet over the fire and started slowly stirring the beans around. Just a little here and there at first, but always moving the beans so they don't burn. And then it started smoking and with the little breeze that was blowing, it sent it right into the main camping area where all the wagons are hehehe. The smell of roasting coffee is enough to wake anyone up and wanting a cuppa! Well after they started smoking, I had to stir faster and constantly. Some of the kids came over to see what I was doing (and some of the adults too drawn in by the smell lol) after they noticed me making all the smoke in the pan. Well some of the beans started the first crack stage and they make a loud popping noise and they jump in the pan like a Mexican jumping bean! The kids thought that was just so cool! I stirred to a chorus of "make it do it again" lol. I stirred until the coffee was a dark black color, but not burnt and the second crack was almost done. Then I dumped the beans out into a strainer and let one of the older kids stir them around in it and blow the chaff out! LOL the first time they did that they got a face full of chaff and quickly learned to kind of blow on it farther away and on a slant so that the chaff went off in another direction. Once that was done, we spread the coffee beans out on a pan to dry and cool off. Now, in the morning, I will get out my hand crank coffee mill and we will have fresh roasted coffee in the 30 cup pot for any who want to try it. And the next time we need to roast, I will provide the green coffee beans if you bring a cast iron skillet with deep sides to it. We will gladly teach you how to roast your own since it is so cheap to buy it that way. We got ours for the trip for 15.00 for 20 pounds of Mexican turquesa beans which may be cheap but they taste like a million dollar cuppa coffee!


    I did manage to get some laundry done today and put away. Hard to get much done today with it being Easter and all. I spent more time watching the kids hunt the easter eggs than I did anything else! Those were some really neat ideas of how to color them! All ours come out brown or blue-green to begin with. Wonder if I could talk Thelma, Louise and Whitey into putting some pics on them too? :happy0203::cheeky-smiley-067: LOL sorry I just felt goofy there for a minute. I love to laugh and cut up and with this trip it is really needed to let off some of the stress we are going through. They say laughter is the best medicine and I think they are right! Well I am off to finish packing up the wagon for getting underway again in the morning. I am really getting anxious to get there now that we have left the big cities behind. I feel like asking

    ARE WE THERE YET???!!!

    lol but I wont do it. I'll leave that to the kids to do! Well have a good night everyone and it was a joy to celebrate Easter with all of you. And thanks to ceegee for the very nice service! :grouphug: Stop by in the morning yall for a cuppa fresh roasted coffee!! I really need to hit the hay now. I have been flirting with a headache all day and my joints seem to be aching more than normal even for this rough ride. I am hoping a good nights rest will cure it right up...



  10. Oh it's so nice to be stopped for the evening knowing tomorrow is Easter! I hope to be up to see the sunrise. Maybe someone will come around and give us a yell. :) And it's so good to get that pot of beans and ham hocks on the fire and out of the wagon. Liked to have killed me smelling it all day long as we rode along lol. I thought I had it wrapped up tight enough but those smells still escaped. Now I have to make a pan of cornbread in my cast iron skillet. It's not hard to do, we did it all the time at home. I don't think I would know any other way to make it up.


    Mother, I would love to get more of those Irons for the campfire. I have the popcorn one also that we just love. And you know, I have some seed stored for that too lol. Hubby wasn't going anywhere that he couldn't grow his own popcorn! He gave up the movies that usually go with it, but he's one stubborn man and wont give up popcorn or potatoes.


    Glad you liked my chickens names Mt. Rider. Thelma and Louise just seemed to fit them. They love to get in a carrier and go for a ride. So this is nothing new to them. I just hope they have NO plans for escape LOL. I will need them once we get to where we are going. They are my best layers so they will be put in with a rooster and I will let one of them go broody so we get some chicks. I am hoping they will be just as good layers as their momma. :rolleyes:


    I drifted off there for a minute. Just listening to the sounds of the camp and enjoying listening to the sound of children laughing and having fun. It's been an easy ride so far compared to the wagon trains of old. And now that we are off the beaten path, I suspect it might get a bit more rough. But I am still looking forward to the trip. I hear someone off to the side of me talking about getting a few unmentionables washed and hung up in their wagon tonight. Wondering if I hadn't ought to do the same. I wouldn't want to get mine seen in broad daylight lol. Don't want to scare anyone! Well off I go to do some wash and some straightening in the wagon. Since we have been on the trail for awhile, there are holes appearing and things need re-packed so that there aren't any accidents. Ahh, the fun never ends! I love adventure!



  11. I don't know about yall, but I sure will be ready to stop for a bit and get the laundry caught up! Wonder if there are any fish in that pond? Maybe we should let the guys figure that out while us ladies tend to the cooking, laundry and wagons. :clothesline: I am going to make some biscuits in my cast iron dutch oven just for the kids tonight around the campfire. I brought along a cast iron pie maker for in the fire. You can put bread or a biscuit in it and stick something in the middle of the biscuit (like chocolate!) and let it melt in there for a bit. Take it out of the fire, let it cool and you have a pie! The edges of the iron crimp the bread or large biscuit edges together so the stuff in the middle wont leak out while you are eating it. I saw it at a store before we left on this move and grabbed it thinking it might give the kids something fun to do one night around the fire. ;)


    Well, this has been pretty tiring so far riding along in the wagon over all the miles we have covered. But I think today, it felt a little easier. Maybe I am starting to get used to it? LOL< I have to wonder what it will be like when we get to our new homes. Will we be so used to riding and going that it will be hard to settle down and stay put again? It will be nice not to have saddle sores though hehehe...


    I think tonight while we are just relaxing I will get out my two books, "Green Pharmacy" and Steven Fosters "Field Guide to Medicinal Plants of America" and ask Mother some questions about them. A friend gave them to us before we left thinking that we may need them once we get to where we are going. He was even nice enough to take us out for a day and show us a few of the basics. But me and my stubborn head that has a hard time learning anything new and sticking in there, has forgotten most of it already! I hope mother can help me find a way to learn this stuff and remember it! These natural herbs and remedies are really going to come in handy once the pharmaceuticals run out. And who's to say that this country or the world is going to hold together for any length of time once we get to our new place? If it doesn't then we wont be able to ride to the next town and get things like aspirin and such. Maybe once we get to the new place, Mother can take a few of us and start a class? I sure would be interested in going to it! She could charge for it too, maybe eggs from one of us and milk from another and stuff like that instead of paying cash money? Just an idea...


    Well the chickens are still laying. One has quit, the white one that lays the blue/green eggs. But then she has always been the lowest on the pecking order and such a nervous Nelly! Seems like every time she gets her routine upset, she quit laying. Don't know why I thought this would be any different for her. But the two black hens, Thelma and Louise, they just keep on laying. Seems like nothing bothers them lol. And with just the two of us in the wagon, it makes for a nice breakfast every morning and then we don't have to worry about packing the eggs so that they don't break. I think I will take the two fresh eggs in the morning and make an omelet with them that hubby and I can split, along with a few fresh biscuits and some of that muscadine jelly I brought along should be just enough to fill us up! Ah...sweet dreams tonight of omelette's and jelly lol.


    I have a question to ask you ladies...are yall keeping a journal once we get settled? Kind of like a record of our lives to pass along to the next generation? I thought I might start one then. It's just too much right now to write in one. Seems like there is always something needing done now whether we are sitting in camp or riding down the trail. But once we settle then I will get one going. I want my children and grandchildren to know how rough we had it, how we learned and grew as we went. What worked and what didn't. And to not pass on all that knowledge seems like a sin almost. So, what do yall think? To journal or not to journal....


    Well I am glad that the quarantine was lifted and we are all back together again. I worried about having the train kind of broken into two parts. Didn't like the people in the back being cut off by so much space. But all is better now and I do hope we don't have to repeat that again! We got so lucky that it wasn't the H1N1 with all the traipsing into the towns along the way! I really think we need to cut our exposure. I realize that there aren't any more large towns now, but they can get sick even in one horse burgs too. Maybe we need to have one or two people designated as the ones to go into the towns and get the supplies and mail? Maybe two that have been vaccinated for some reason? Sure would make me and the other medical people more at ease about yall coming back into the middle of all of us without being quarantined first for 5-7 days!! We HAVE to think about things like that to limit our exposure or we are going to be stopped somewhere on the trail for a few weeks and what if we are so sick that we can't go on and the place we stop has NO water or anything? It could spell the end of us and our train. Or we could loose quite a few of us that way. We need to think about this. And I will leave it to Mother and Mt. Rider to figure out since they are what I figure is the head of the group. Maybe Mt. Rider might want to say something to the other train too. From the way they have been described here, I doubt if they would have the sense enough to figure this out on their own. Sounds like a bunch of city slickers to me that have NO country sense at all. I kind of feel sorry for them and I wonder if they will even make it to the final destination? Sounded like they were about done in already...


    Well time to go round up the laundry in the back of the wagon. I can't wait to stop tonight and get dinner going! Maybe I should do a pot of beans and one of those smoked ham hocks that I brought so many of? Yep, sounds good! I don't know if I want to use any of my onions that I brought though. I was hoping to keep them stored until we get to our new place. Maybe I can find that container of dried diced onion...it should be around here somewhere...









    (PS...I am sorry for not having posted for awhile. Our internet was so messed up and then they finally took it down for a few days to fix it. Meanwhile, we got chickens!!! SO I have been out watching them more than I should LOL)

  12. Good Sabbath to you all! What a beautiful morning it is. Hubby is going off down to the fishing "hole" with they guys and some of our extra poles if any of the boys need to borrow one. He's a pretty good teacher too, especially of things of this nature. So if anyone has an interest in learning to fish, he is willing to teach them! Now might be a good time to learn too on this slow pretty little stream.


    We have two of those huge enamelware coffee pots Mother if you want to use one back there for the sick folks. I don't know about them, but I still drank coffee when I was sick lol. Or you might want to use it for hot water for tea? Just holler and I will get it back to you.


    This rest period is the perfect thing we needed for those sick folks too. Can you imagine not feeling good and being constantly jostled and juggled around over rough ground or just riding a wagon? Ugh, I don't think it would be fun at all! So far, just the one little girl from the other train seems to be the worst of the cases. I wouldn't give anything unless the fever gets over 102. If it is a low-grade fever, just let the body naturally fight off what ever is causing it. And I haven't seen any new cases since yesterday morning, so that is good news! Maybe we can get these folks healed and get the train back together. I don't like having us all spread out like this, but it's best to keep it that way until the last person is come down with it + another couple of days. That's just to make sure the last sick person didn't infect anyone else. Then we can all get back together!


    Michael, yes we have been praying too every day and evening for all of us. But I was thinking that maybe a few extra were needed by our fantastic prayer warriors during the day as they think of it. Seems we have been hitting so many rough spots already that it wouldn't be a bad idea. :D And I would like to send a special thanks to the benefactors for allowing us this two day stop. I can observe Sabbath and it also allows a rest for those who are ill. To me it has many benefits doing this. And while I am at it, since I am a Sabbath keeper, I just want to add that I will NOT ask that we stop every Friday at sundown lol. I am sure the good Lord will understand why we are not doing that and instead I will keep the Sabbath in my heart and mind. I will do most of our cooking and cleaning before Friday evening, well as much as is possible on a wagon train LOL. It brings some special challenges for me. I had to carefully pray on this trip before even agreeing to go just because I knew we would be traveling on Saturdays. But the Lord put in my mind a few things to let me know that He understood what was in my heart. And that all would be well. So while the hubby drives, I will do my Sabbath studies. That works out very well too. So to me, there are so many blessings being on this wagon train. Ones that I am very grateful for, besides just getting out of the mess back East (We are traveling West aren't we?) and getting to a new place where we will be safe from what is coming.


    I am going to start a pot of beans and some smoked hamhocks that I brought along. If I start the beans now and keep them over the fire all day, it should be enough to have them ready by dinner time. And later I will mix up a pan of cornbread in my one pint dutch oven. It's a small little thing, but with that lid I can put it in the coals and also put some on top of it to make a little oven out of it! And the cornbread comes out so tastey in it! Hubby even uses it to make a few biscuit in and they turn out pretty good too. We both enjoy cooking over an open fire, so this is a fun thing for us. And if they manage to catch any fish this afternoon, then I guess we will be having those for dinner too! Oh I do hope there is some left over for breakfast. Nothing like cold fish in the morning!


    Well off to gather laundry and string a line off of the wagon and onto that tree next to it. Best get that done now while there is a chance to. Who knows when our next stop like this will be???



  13. Good morning everyone. :) Mother, I was up early at my campfire :campfire: and saw the two of you go by me, so I was keeping an eye and an ear out too. Or trying to because I was a little preoccupied with thought. First off, I think we are going to need special prayers for the folks in our wagon train. Since we have started, things have not gone too smoothly. I wonder if that is the reason, the need for special prayers? Maybe we could get some prayer warriors of the wagon train going on this.


    My other preoccupying thought was one I cannot believe anyone else in the medical field hasn't picked up on yet??? :motz_6: This may prove to be unpopular at first with those in certain wagons...but here goes! Those of you exhibiting symptoms of colds, running fevers, etc...then you are going to the back of the wagon train! I'm sure we can get someone to guard you back there, and you will now be camping away from the main train at night. Not so far off that we can't yell at each other and such, nor protect you either. But you are now a health risk to the entire wagon train. And if you are carrying H1N1 on board, you have the potential to make us all sick and possibly call the traveling to a halt. And since time is of the essence here, I propose that we quarantine them as much as we possibly can from the rest of those of us who are healthy.


    Now, in order to do this I need to know a few things. Are there any of you who have sick ones on board in the medical field? And do you carry "protection" against intruders under the wagon seat or in the wagon? Why I ask is first one, I don't want to have to pull well medical folks into the quarantined train if it's not needed. Why risk exposing others when they may be needed to help with the main body and couldn't if they have been exposed? Second, we need to see if we will have to call for volunteers to help guard the back train?



    Mt. Rider what do you think? Do we keep the train together and risk us all becoming so sick that we can't travel and have to halt the train or do we put a few in the back end separated by a small distance that are showing symptoms of the flu and thus keeping the rest of us somewhat safe? I realize that we have all been exposed by being around them already. But do we continue to be exposed and end up all sick too? I think we need to hash this out quickly before moving on today. We only have so many medicines, either natural or manufactured. Only so many supplies to get there. Do we risk it all?



  14. That was some warning there Michael. I have a hunch those guys coming after the camp are the same ones that I overheard in the ER waiting room! Will keep a sharp eye out for them, but with us breaking camp early, I bet we get ahead of them and stay that way.


    No need for thanks on helping with those injured and possibly injured. I volunteered for this at the begining of the trip. And will keep right on helping even after we reach our destination. Mother, I am glad to hear the GS is sleeping. That way he isn't up and fretting over not being able to move around much. ;) I think the willow in moderation and the St. Johns Wort would be really good for him. You know those younger folks surprise us some times with just how fast they heal up and get back to normal. I bet he's up and going in no time.


    Well the hens are fretting. One of them has stopped laying already but the other two are still going at it. I think she quit because of all the moving and jostling around she is getting in the cage hanging off the side of the wagon lol. Since ours are always penned we thought it better to just keep them caged up for the trip rather than trying to free range them since they aren't used to it. I figured they would free range a little too far and get lost. You know how chickens are...they scratch their way to China if you don't turn their attention on something else LOL.


    As for entertaining the young ones along the way when we come to a town. Maybe I can get my hubby to show them how he can hypnotize a chicken? I bet they would get a kick out of that! :lol: And some of Michaels magic tricks too would get them to laughing and show that we mean no harm to any of them. Might smooth things over with the town folks real nice like. ;)


    Well, time to get camp packed up and put the coffee pot in a quilt behind the wagon seat. Nope, I'm just not quite done with it yet. :mornincoffee: And whoever donated the cheese grits? You get a hug for that one! I love them and not having to cook last night was a God send. Bless you and thank you for those. Well off to pack up the wagon and get outta Dodge so to speak.



  15. Mother, you watch that grandson of yours carefully. They put his kneecap back into place at the hospital. And I did talk them out of keeping him on the promise that we would watch him carfully for any undue swelling, increase in pain, kneecap looking "out of place" or more off to one side than in the middle, and for any fever meaning he could have an infection brewing. Im glad I packed some doxycycaline antibiotics in my medical kit! You're grandson is a good boy. He was so brave at the hospital. And they were very nice there until they found out we were with the circus going through town. Well just at the desk. They were mostly worried about payment, but I gave them the name of the benefactors like Mt.Rider suggested and they clammed right up? Who are those people? Anyway, I am just glad no one was seriously hurt in the melee. I hope we get out away from here soon....I heard whispers among a few men in the waiting room to come out here and see what we had...



  16. Okay, the coffee pot is on, chickens are fed (really too! I love this!!) and rooster is really crowing out my back door lol. Time to get a move on folks. It's getting late, lets roll! :D Our tent is packed back up in the wagon and all we need to do its wash out coffee cups and the 30 cup pot and we will be ready.



  17. Okay, I got my chickens this morning. Well about 8 am lol. So we are just catching up to yall, but it took us longer sneaking around the gravel roads and all. Just so glad we didn't get stopped by any officers along the way like yall did! We had a few people look at us strangely, but being country folk and all, they kept to themselves and didn't give us any problems. Although the man with the gun in his front yard at noon looked a bit threatening. :o I did remember to put my basic first aide kit under the wagon seat just in case as someone said. Smart idea too, I would have hate to have to run to the medical wagon and back if it was an emergency! So, since we are late pulling into camp and missed the meeting, will someone be posting the chat for it? This IS unreality LOL. Okay ladies and gents...we are off to set up our tent for the night...it's been a long long day for us!



  18. I think I would skip using the bulls too Mother for the same reason. They are so unpredictable and can turn bad so fast. Think we would rather stick with the oxen also. And thanks, was glad to know I wasn't too far off on what I was packing. I forgot the well head and the leathers! Duh! Would have had to cap it off and run up to AH's store lol. :rolleyes:


    It isn't just the library wagon Mother...what if something happened to the medical wagon, or your wagon? It's risky with any one of them. So I wouldn't mind putting my medical things in different wagons just in case. ;) And that still hubby has is an old autoclave to switching it back to intended use is no problem if we need a sterilezer. Got it covered!


    Modern stuff vs. old stuff I hadn't even tought of like that. Since we have such a mix of the two here that we use daily of both. Like the cast iron cookware. I don't use anything else but that most times. So to think of it as old timey stuff? Nope, seems modern to me LOL. Yeah that tent in a bag thingy uses all the newer light weight materials that is water proof and rated to like -20 degrees. I don't think I would want to use an old time canvas tent, but that little wood stove thing is meant for that, so we would stay warm. But wow, could you imagine having to pack and put up, then take down and pack again a big old heavy canvas tent of at least 14x18? :0327:


    I liked Mothers idea of going back over the list and deleting things we could make when we got there. That's what got me thinking about not taking the table and chairs from the kitchen. They are solid oak and pretty heavy. So, I thought it might be better to have the hubby make that after we get where ever it is we are going here. Man has he got a lot of work to do then! Build the house, drill the well, make the furniture, plumb the house, etc...guess I am going to have to lend a hand as much as possible after I get the garden planted!



  19. Okay let me give this a try and see what I can come up with using yall's lists as a guideline. Oh, I need to put a couple of books in the library wagon. A PDR for meds, Where There Is No Doctor, Nursing fundamentals (to teach others with), Surgical Atlas (praying I wont ever need it), Complete guide to Illnesses and their treatments. and OB/GYN Nursing. That's all for that wagon. Is there a medical wagon too? I need to put in a small bag with 20/25 lbs of equipment such as a couple of stethoscopes, bp cuffs (2), very padded thermometers, and some surgical clamps, etc...Bag/box will be about 12x12x12. Is that too big?


    I guess we are going to have to go with the oxen team for the wagon and for plowing and such once we get to the homestead. I am really going to need a donkey or a horse though once we get there to make rounds on. Maybe someone would donate one or trade once we get there? Maybe that can be someones tuition for the nursing school I want to open! Hey I will need at least one apprentice, preferably female (due to child birth issues and modesty, etc..sorry guys) so if we have any young ladies age 15-35? Might be an idea for you. :D


    Okay, since I moved to TN from IN in one day with one load about the same size as this wagon, I might have a clue how to pack this lol. At least I am hoping so. It's just the weight ideas I am having a problem visualizing. Especially with hubby's still and that equipment! I think it will come in very handy in just having for tincture making alone! Not to mention using that for antiseptic properties. I am sure we can think up some other uses for 80-90 proof liquors.


    Well let me start here and please give some feed back if I mess up. :wub:


    Mr. and Mrs. Q R.N for me. Everything from OB to ER. Also long time canner and sewing of clothes, quilts, etc...gardener for years. Willing to teach all. Good shooter. Avid fisherwoman. :D Can cook outside and good scratch cooker. Can skin and butcher own wild game, clean own fish.

    Mr. is electrician/plumber/gunsmith. Hunts, fishes, gardens. Has own water company so knows wells. Also has own still. :0327: Trains hunting dogs.


    Animals: 5 dogs will all be coming. Trained to hunt rabbit, squirrel. Eat raw diet, BARF diet. 4-6 chickens. 1 rooster and others hens so we can propagate own flock. Cages for chickens along with waterer and feeder. 1- 50 lb. bag cracked corn for feed + leftovers, scraps. Dogs will eat leftovers, also 2- 50 lb bags dog feed.


    Kitchen - 3 dutch ovens from 1 quart small fry lol to the big #10. All we own is cast iron around here so will pack in as much as we can. Have fry pans from the small #3 up to the larger ones. One good set of Old Hickory knives and sharpener. 1 AA model 921 canner. I can't leave that!! Has weight instead of guage now so no need to get it checked every year...whew! Canning jars....?????? Is it better to take them along packed with food or take them empty and packed inside and around them with sewing material????? I have boxes and boxes of them. Will pack in a lot of those. 1 tent wood stove - http://www.outfitterwarehouse.com/inferno-...kage-p-224.html only weighs 99 lbs! Not a bad heat output either! Made to heat a 14x16 or larger tent, light weight, so thought this might travel well to our new place to be used there until a better wood stove can be ordered. :D Also have to enamel coffee pots to hang off the wagon from the large camp fire size to the regular 12 cup size. Also 50 lbs. green coffee beans. I can roast those over an open fire along the trail to use. Stuff like the cast iron pans, pots can be hung under or on the sides of the wagon. Will have hubby rig up something to strap chicken cages to the wagon also. Lets see, we need plates, silverware, coffee cups. I have a set of grannyware enamel that I think we will bring along. It's almost indestructible and made of metal. That blue with white flecks in it? Yep, that's it! Also need the meat grinder, apple/potato peeler/slicer/corer, Victorio strainer, hand mixer, spatulas, turners, canning lids and rings, odds and ends of kitchen ware.


    Health: nursing bags and medical equipment in the other wagon. 1 small case of aspirin to medical wagon. Personal medical in small bag to go in our wagon.


    Sanitation: TP for trip then using rags at the homestead. Keep those in a 5 gallon bucket in the outhouse in clean water. Get washed frequently like you would do for diapers. use that bucket on the trip (with a lid and removable seat) for potty. Shower bag and hose. Lots of soap in bars for personal, laundry, etc.. toothpaste and extra toothbrushes. Hair scrunchies, brushes, combs. Deodorant or baking soda/baby powder. Towels and wash rags.


    Sleeping: Have a suitcase sized bag on rollers with a tent, 2 collapsible chairs, etc..in it for camping along side the wagon. Also has 2 sleeping bags in it rated to -20 degrees. I pray it wont ever get that cold while I am camping LOLOL...


    Clothing. All jeans. Both his and mine. But I will also have my long jeans skirts. I wear those all the time and they are so comfortable. I even ride in them. Also a few shirts for each of us along with underware. And bringing bolts of material. May need to use the fabric to pack jars and such with to make sure we bring as much of it along as we can squeeze into the wagon. Small box of patterns for mens shirts, pants, womens shirts, skirts and dresses. Also women underware, children's pj's and clothes (shirts and overalls.).


    Sewing supplies: bolts of fabric...see above on that. Also 2 sewing boxes about 10x10. One with nothing but spools of thread with packages of needles and loose straight pins packed in around the spools. And in the other one, buttons, zippers, hooks/eyes, buckles, tape measurer's, scissors, pinking shears, interfacing, etc... till I have to sit on it to get it closed! Also 1 treadle machine in a very small desk w/3 drawers packed with sewing supplies. Doesn't weigh much.


    Hubby's supplies: gun-smithing tools. Light weight. PVC pipe strapped to the side of the wagon. 1 small box with elbow and such plus pipe glue and cleaner. Rod's and reels for fishing. Guns wrapped up in quilts except for one shotgun for under the seat of the wagon for protection. Shine still and copper piping. I thought about us leaving this but then hubby said "wouldn''t you want someone making that for tinctures and wound cleaning and what if you had to do surgery? What would you use to clean the site and the instruments with?" So I gave in and told him it would be okay to bring LOL!


    General: Hand crank radio. Hand crank flashlight. Hurricane lamps. Candles. hubby can make table, chairs, bed frame when we get there out of wood. Hand tools to make home with. That is going to be weighty...but needed. Nails. Would a 3 gallon bucket full be enough? Or a 5 gallon? Sod for roof so no shingles. Oh, a sink please. I know we are going to forget something here...that is what scares me the most. What if we get out there and I forgot something stupid, like a can opener or the hand saw to cut the wood with? Oh add an axe here also and the saw and the can opener lol. But yall know what I mean? Ugh...back to packing...one well point and a hand driver. Need metal pipe to get it down with then will change to the PVC we brought with also. Save the metal pipe so someone else can use it to drive their well down with. two man saw.


    Okay that's enough for now. Will work on the people food tomorrow. Getting late now. Please look this over and tell me if I am doing okay or completely off the mark?



  20. Q peeking in here....wondering if this wagon train will have room for one more wagon with an R.N. and a gunsmith who also is what some would call a "country boy"? He can hunt, trap, fish, etc...with the best of them anywhere with just about nothing lol. And I can do a lot of the medical that comes up having worked in the ICU. Even stitches, wound cleaning, etc...


    I think I need to go over the first post and see what we need for the wagon though. I know a team of oxen for it but we will need a horse for me too so I can ride over to who evers place is needing me for the medical problems. Would make it a lot easier to get to someones house on horse back once we get there than it would walking to your places! :D And there are a lot of skills we don't have such as raising livestock. So once we get there, we would rather barter services like medical for teaching how to raise goats say, instead of cash money.


    So...got room for another couple in one wagon!?



  21. Welcome Karelle! So glad you joined us here. :curtsey: It is pleasure to meet ya' and I have to say you raised one mighty fine daughter in Darlene. She has been the kindest person and so thoughtful of others. Nice to know someone can keep her in line! :happy0203:


    There is so much to read here and learn. Please don't feel overwhelmed at it all. Anyone here will be happy to help you and just remember.....the only dumb question is the one not asked!


    May God bless you in your learning....



  22. yeeah! Primative skills, that's it! I knew I didn't have enough coffee yet lol and even if I did, Mother could figure out what I meant. Plus with the sewing, I asked DH about it and he said we might want to include how to sew soles on moccosins too for footware. Then he says...well I guess then you are going to have to know which are the best leathers to use for them and how to catch the critters lol! Why is it with men you ask one simple ? and get an essay? LOLOL!



  23. Originally Posted By: susie
    Suicide and euthanasia, just in case.

    susie in some cultures and religions that may be justified. it may even be considered a kindness? But just for me and my house, morals will not allow us to have part in that and legally as a licensed medical professional, I cannot have any part of a discussion that favors them as it will put my nursing license in jeopardy. I do wish you well with it how ever.

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