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Posts posted by ozzzyyy

  1. Hi Absentis Anima....Have we met?? Your user name is unfamiliar to me. Welcome!!


    We all miss Kay! I hear that she is doing well and has her own site to operate these days. Knowing Kay, she is fruitfully busy.


  2. Theyd, it sounds like a lovely spot to plant an kitchen herb

    garden. The mints you may want to place in some ornate pots as they can be very invasive and can take over the area if not contained. Dill and tarragon are the tallest so they should be planted in the back. If I could add anything to your selections of plants, I would add a few chives. Even if you do not eat them, the lovely lavender blossoms grace any garden.

  3. Why we love Dr. Seuss (in a few words)


    By Maria Puente, Craig Wilson and Mary Cadden, USA TODAY


    A man of few words, but, oh, what a sense of fun and imagination he could pack into those few. And make them rhyme, too! On the 100th anniversary of Ted “Seuss” Geisel’s birth, here are some words he would never have used in his books but we always will remember him for anyway. .........


    (The entire article can be seen here)




  4. ((((((((Becca Anne)))))))))


    You are loved much! You do what it takes to take the very best care of *YOU*


    Also Be sure to ask your dr. for free samples. When we had no insurance, we were given many meds free. It was a lifesaver *literally* when my teen son needed anti-depressants.


    Awhile back, I had a post down in streams for depression. I'll see if I can bring it back up. It had really thoughtful information.


    love ya!

  5. Welcome to Mrs. Survival, Perky! We are so blessed to have you join our home on the web. Maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself? I know that others will want to join in on welcoming you here and there is sure to be a bounty of cyber treats before too long. Glad you are here!

  6. Hi Perky! Welcome to Mrs. Survival!


    Here's my rubarb recipe. This recipe is famous every June at our annual ladies garden party/perennial swap....every crumb is devoured!


    Rhubarb Crunch


    2 cups flour

    1 1/2 cups oats

    1 cup butter

    2 cups brown sugar

    2 teaspoon cinnamon


    Mix dry ingredients. Add melted butter. Blend in well. Pack 1/2 crunch mixture on bottom of a 9x13 pan. * Pour in rhubarb sauce. Add remaining crunch mixture on top.

    Bake about 40 minutes to an hour at 350’


    *Rhubarb Sauce

    1 cup sugar

    2 tablespoons cornstarch

    1 cup water


    cook until thick and pour over 4 cups of cut up rhubarb





  7. A Story for Valentine's Day

    By Jo Ann Larsen


    Larry and Jo Ann were an ordinary couple. They lived in an ordinary house on an ordinary street. Like any other ordinary couple, they struggled to make ends meet and to do the right things for their children.


    They were ordinary in yet another way ? they had their squabbles. Much of their conversation concerned what was wrong in their marriage and who was to blame. Until one day when a most extraordinary event took place.


    "You know, Jo Ann, I've got a magic chest of drawers. Every time I open them, they're full of socks and underwear," Larry said. "I want to thank you for filling them all these years."


    Jo Ann stared at her husband over the top of her glasses. "What do you want, Larry?"


    "Nothing. I just want you to know I appreciate those magic drawers."


    This wasn't the first time Larry had done something odd, so Jo Ann pushed the incident out of her mind until a few days later.


    "Jo Ann, thank you for recording so many correct check numbers in the ledger this month. You put down the right numbers 15 out of 16 times. That's a record."


    Disbelieving what she had heard, Jo Ann looked up from her mending. "Larry, you're always complaining about my recording the wrong check numbers. Why stop now?"


    "No reason. I just wanted you to know I appreciate the effort you're making."


    Jo Ann shook her head and went back to her mending. "What's got into him?" she mumbled to herself.


    Nevertheless, the next day when Jo Ann wrote a check at the grocery store, she glanced at her checkbook to confirm that she had put down the right check number. "Why do I suddenly care about those dumb check numbers?" she asked herself.

    She tried to disregard the incident, but Larry's strange behavior intensified.


    "Jo Ann, that was a great dinner," he said one evening. "I appreciate all your effort. Why, in the past 15 years I'll bet you've fixed over14,000 meals for me and the kids."

    Then "Gee, Jo Ann, the house looks spiffy. You've really worked hard to get it looking so good." And even "Thanks, Jo Ann, for just being you. I really enjoy your company."


    Jo Ann was growing worried. "Where's the sarcasm, the criticism?" she wondered. Her fears that something peculiar was happening to her husband were confirmed by 16-year-old Shelly, who complained, "Dad's gone bonkers, Mom. He just told me I looked nice. With all this makeup and these sloppy clothes, he still said it. That's not Dad, Mom. What's wrong with him?"


    Whatever was wrong, Larry didn't get over it. Day in and day out he continued FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE.

    Over the weeks, Jo Ann grew more accustomed to her mate's unusual behavior and occasionally even gave him a grudging "Thank you." She prided herself on taking it all in stride, until one day something so peculiar happened, she became completely discombobulated:

    "I want you to take a break," Larry said. "I am going to do the dishes. So please take your hands off that frying pan and leave the kitchen."

    (Long, long pause.) "Thank you, Larry. Thank you very much!"

    Jo Ann's step was now a little lighter, her self-confidence higher and once in a while she hummed. She didn't seem to have as many blue moods anymore."I rather like Larry's new behavior," she thought.


    That would be the end of the story except one day another most extraordinary event took place. This time it was Jo Ann who spoke.


    "Larry," she said, "I want to thank you for going to work and providing for us all these years. I don't think I've ever told you how much I appreciate it."


    Larry has never revealed the reason for his dramatic change of behavior no matter how hard Jo Ann has pushed for an answer, and so it will likely remain one of life's mysteries. But it's one I'm thankful to live with.

    You see, I am Jo Ann.


  8. Hi all,


    Last night we got about 7-8 inches of more snow and still falling! My house is going to very soon look like an igloo. I cannot remember getting this much snow since I was a child! Our winters have been relatively mild...always cold but certainly no record high snowfalls. The snowmobilers absolutely love it this year.


    I had plans to go to town today and do some errands and grocery shopping but I think I'll wait till the snow plows come out first. We now have a SuperWalmart, just opened a few weeks ago and it is certainly giving our sole grocery store some much needed competition. I love not having to drive an hour to visit Walmart and do some $ saving shopping.


    Other than that, I think this is a fine winter weekend to snuggle in and read some good books. Sure beats shoveling


    Happy Friday everyone!





  9. Great to see you again, Lowie!! Your neighbors are blessed to have your families help. I cannot imagine what damage 6 inches of water can do. Good thing you are on a hill.


    We have had major snowfall this year and bitter below 0 temps. The only car trouble I've had was the heater quit working in my van. Normally we could get by... but when the ice starts forming on the inside of your windsheild while driving...well, it can be quite hazardous. Hubby took it into the shop and got it fixed. No more of that.


    Just trying to stay warm, lose weight, get motivated to exercise and dream of warm sunny days in the garden....

    I'm better at some of those things than others


    Happy Thursday everyone!

  10. OH Lowie, Thank You, Thank You for sharing your gardening adventures with us!! How I have missed you! Here in Michigan we have been dumped with a load of snow and frigid below 0 temps...it seems like Spring is sooooooo far away.

  11. Welcome to Mrs. Survival, Kiaja!! Such a pretty name!

    I'm sure you are going to love it here!! Looking forward to getting to know you. Our Cat is really special.


    I'm also married with 2 children, my DD almost a bonifide teenager and my DS grown and outta the nest. I was a SAHM for 16 years but in recent years have re-entered the workforce. I am presently the general manager at our town's cinema and therefore love to watch movies and eat popcorn. I also enjoy spending time with family and friends, camping, gardening, playing on the computer and spoiling our pets. thats my life in a nutshell. Simple but good

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