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Hot Thursday Afternoon


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80 degrees is hot here.

I've been puttering at this, that and the other. Used some bleach and scrubbed the picnic table this morning and then hosed off the patio, watered plants.

I made beef broth the other day - I simmer it for 12 hours so put it in the fridge yesterday and skimmed off the fat today and froze it in batches along with some meat.

Tonight we'll have chicken salad, rolls.

The sweet peas are waning. Even though we've picked them regularly they are getting puny and some going to seed so soon I'll pull them out of the ground. They grew to be so tall DH had to pick the high up ones.

Becca Anne: Take it easy with that gardening. Sometimes if I'm bent over too long I feel like an old, old woman.


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Well I don't know what the temperature here is (celsius or farenheit), but it sure is warm. This morning looked a little iffy, so I chose to wear jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a jacket to work today. After work, I had to walk 8 blocks to pick up my highschool transcripts, then 5 blocks from there to the college, then 4 more to get to the train. The heat just about did me in. I have done variations of that trek 2 other times this week, thanks to having out-dated transcripts (Tuesday), and the government learning office's printer being broken (Wednesday). However, I have finally registered for the course I am taking. Now I just have to inform my work that I am not available on Tuesday nights.


I intend to spend this evening relaxing, nursing my blisters, and possibly painting or writing...or maybe just finetuning ideas for my new home.


I hope everyone had a great day!

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