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house news

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WEll.....it's official......this house closes tomorrow.....have to talk to the new owner to see how much he will charge us for rent if we stay.....in the meanwhile....we're still house hunting.....saturday we're going back to see a house for the second time.....this is the 1890 house....that needs work.....so far it's the best of the bunch....don't want to panic and rush into anything that we shouldn't .....sooooooo that's the latest here.

Still so excited for you Spit/Spot.....you'll be in there before you know it!




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I am so happy for you Spit-Spot. smile.gif

Beb, I hope you can find what you really want and at a price you can afford.

Just a thought, have you checked the internet out for homes in your area? I know there are places where you can see them. smile.gif

Good luck to both of you and anyone who is looking for a new home.



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Soooo exciting for both of them isn't it Smommy ( hey typo but I like it)

Spot soo happy for you.......

Bleb, wise decision to not rush into anything, check it all out...........

Best of luck for both of you, Smommy and I will come and visit you both when your settled into your new places..... right?




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So cute, Brigie. jump.gif

Of course we will come and visit. Just put pictures on the net and we will see what you are doing. Love to go through homes and see how they are done. smile.gif Old Pine, the kids and I would spend time going through new homes just looking when we were living in CA. That was our intertainment on some Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

There is a very old home in town that was for sale a couple years ago. I told Old Pine I wanted it, but we sure didn't get it. It has a balcony on the second floor and is just a nice looking home. There is another one in town that I would love to own too. It has 3 floors, I lived there before we were married. There were 2 apartments in it and 2 rented out bedrooms. So, it is a nice BIG house. smile.gif Has a beautiful screened in porch too. I just love those screened in porches.

Have fun packing, I know it will take time. Just hurry and get there and get back on line, Spit-Spot. smile.gif



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Ditto Smommy....... My mom and dad love to go looking at new houses on the weekend. They get great ideas for their own house.

Cleaning these new houses lately gets me into a lot of new homes and it is interesting to see the new designs.

I haven't seen one that I would like yet.... probably for the best because I couldn't afford any of them. One was going to 400,000.00,,,,




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Hi guy's......hey i really like your newest name Smommy!

Let's see guys.....we went and looked at that 1890's house again.....this time with my brother who knows stuff......he spotted stuff like an unsupported beam that holds up part of the kitchen (under the frige of all things)....some of the wiring looks like the an unprofessional wired things...the chimney looks like it's lost most of it's morter, the front porch is rotted.....stuff like that......but it has a big back yard with blueberry/raspberry/blackberry bushes...grapes and rhubarb.....stuff i've dreamed about forever......and i seeing it needs repair....we get more house for the money....but we know we won't have it for a while......plus there is 2 offers on it....now i'm even more confused......not good......it looks like we're gonna have to pass on it......got an appt to look at another house tomorrow.....i dunno guy's ....i'm bummin out.....

So that's the latest on the home search....i'll be back tomorrow to let ya know if that one has potential.....





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