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Days of our lives Part 8

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Good morning everyone, thought I should start a new post so we don't mess things up.

Sorry you are having such cold weather Smom, ours is cooling off a little too, but we've had sun all week. The rain is moving in so it should warm up today.

Happy girl you make me laugh, hahahahaha.... my mom and dad sleep in separate rooms because my dad snores sooo loud. My ex used to snore as well, drove me crazy, there's always the couch you know? For him not you.... tee hee.......

Blebbie sorry it wasn't the house, keep looking I guess.... frown.gif

Happy girl the bushes I am cutting down are at another ladies house. On her property not in her house. She has acreage and the hill behind the house has become overgrown with blackberrie bushes. The are particularly nasty, big thorns. We are slowly making progress, two hours again yesterday.

Blebb if I don't keep busy I go crazy.......runs in my family, my mom, brother and me.

My kids waking up early smom.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah now that's funny. They are teenagers do not get up early on weekends. I personally do not know how to sleep in. Can't stand it.... Off to my mom and dad's for a quick visit this morning. Then grocery shopping and Deans guitar lesson this afternoon. Must get some wood cut for a fire tonight as well.

I hope you all have a great Sat. Pat's big appt. is on Monday, my mom and dad are going with him... haven't decided if I am going or not, I don't know if he wants that many people with him, in case the news is really bad...... frown.gif




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Oh Brigie...Just like you can't imagine how your kids sleep late....i can't imagine your level of constant energy and movement....it's so un-natural to me grin.gif

I live in a world of slo mo.....

Your bing bing bing.....cracks me up!

I'm not giving up on Pat....It's just a matter of time that he'll get his miracle!!!!


HappyG.....Your so cute....so that's all it was....your honey snorin keeping you awake.

I'm a snorer...my hubby says the window shades move in and out with my snoring....i think he's crazy...i dont' really snore....i breath loudly grin.gif

You could always try waking him up.

You had your aunties worried...i know it's hard for you ..not sleepin...but when you said a "horrible night"....my mind went to the worse places...so glad that's not the case.

Snowmommie....did you mean me? DEE-B?

Thinkin you did.....there's tons of houses for sale around here....they are just out of our price range...that's the problem....thanks for the suggestion though....your so thoughtful!

Yup...that's a tad Nippy...0 degrees...we're a balmy 14 i think.

WEll i hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

love ya,

pick a name



[This message has been edited by debbielee (edited January 11, 2003).]

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Looks like someone hit the wrong key this morning. smile.gif

Yes, Deb, I did mean you. smile.gif Guess I better go back in and edit it. smile.gif

Just happened to come back here for a minute and saw this. Wow, not awake when I posted I guess, or was talking on yahoo and posting at the same time. smile.gif

I saw that the prices were way above what we would be able to do too.

Have you done a search for renting though?? Some of those might be different. Although, I don't remember seeing the prices on those for rent.

Enjoy your visit, Brigie. smile.gif

Have a great day.



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Hi Snowmommie...don't worry about the typo...i knew you were talkin to me....i was pulling your leg.

About renting...the rent's in our area are as high as a morgage payment...or very close....so that's why we are pushing to buy.

The average apartment is $900+ ....then they want first/last and security deposit...forget it! So that's the scoop on that.

Night night all!



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Good morning everyone. smile.gif

I'm sure you had a good visit with your parents yesterday, Brigie. smile.gif

Oh yes, teens do like to sleep the day away don't they. smile.gif It is the younger ones who are up and at it early.

Well Deb, I do hope you find something soon that you can handle. It is so upsetting when you have to put up with all kinds of things that are so disturbing.

Well, it is so very cold this morning, we have a -8 on the weather bug here. To dark yet to see if the sun will come out today or not.

Hope everyone has a great day today. smile.gif

Love ya all,



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Morning all..... Blebbie or pick a name tee hee.... I too breathe loudly.... rotfl.gif So I guess if we ever actually met in person we could sleep in the same room and not bother each other.....

My friend Jayne is also a slow mo person, drives me insane.......sometimes it is good for me to slow down though....

Dean had a friend stay over last night playing video games until all hours, now friend is sound asleep on my living room couch...

Best of luck on the house hunting market bleb.... our rent here would also be higher for me , which is why I wanted to hang on to the house until the kids were finished high school, our mortgage payments are only 600 a month, rent would run over 1000 for three bedrooms. I am hoping when we sell in two years that I will be able to buy again, on my own this times....

Hi smom and Happy girl, it's raining, what's new in BC, at least it's warmed up a little.

Thanks for the wishes on pat, I am going to let my mom and dad go and I won't... I think he would be uncomfortable with so many people going with him to the doctors..Still praying for a miracle or at least a plan.

ONce I get teenagers up off my couch it will be a lazy day, clean house, laundry etc. Will try and get a walk in but it sure doesn't look inviting our there right now.

Have a great day all, I will report on Tuesday about Pat's appt.




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Your kidding Brigie...a little thang like you "breathes loudly"......that's surprising.....unless your so pooped out from all the work you do....that makes sense.

Oh seeeeee i'm not the only buddy in Slow Mo......i'm thinkin ....we're the majority....your unusual......ya think?

Kick that kid off you couch.....if ya vacume....he'll scramble....can i do it ..huh...can i?

Yeah....that's what i mean....that 900+ is for a one bedroom....it only goes up from there....if i'm gonna live on potato soup to make the rent...i'd rather do it paying our own morgage...not someone elses......how's that?

Smart staying where you are for now Brigie.

I'll be waiting to hear how it goes with Pat!

Hi Snowmommie....HappyG and Gang!

Have a great Sunday!



[This message has been edited by debbielee (edited January 12, 2003).]

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Good morning everyone. smile.gif

I know I am a little later than usual but, I am here now. smile.gif

We went to a nephew's Birthday Party yesterday after Old Pine got off work. Then we came home and ate and then we watched a movie, well part of a movie. smile.gif

Hope everything goes well with Pat today and he doesn't get ill after his treatment, if he has a treatment.

Deb, hope things work out and you will soon find a house you can live with. smile.gif

It is another COLD day here, -9 according to the weather bug.

Hi to everyone else, Dee, HappyGirl, Spit, DI, and just everyone. smile.gif

Hope everyone has a great day. smile.gif

Love ya all,



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Hi all hope you are all doing well today. It's,...... you guessed it .... raining. Oh well, not too cold.

Blebbie I agree with you I will find a way to get approved for a mortgage on my salary if it kills me..... I would hate to be paying rent after owning for soo long..... Once you are in the market then you have equity and you're ahead of the game... So don't give up hope... you'll find a house.

Hey hey Happy girl, you are amazing.... you have such a great positive attitude.... Your life has not been easy and you have dealt with it... I am so proud of you... my goodness I sound like your auntie, although I am probably old enough to be your mom.....I didn't reply is your post to Hilly above because I knew you were posting for her, so I didn't want to intrude. I just love positive people..........

Smommy, how ya doing today? snow, sleet what's coming down from your sky, at -9 I hope you don't get any precipitation, because you know that will mean snow.....

What movie did you sort of watch last night? Just curious, because my kids and I watched Signs the other night, silly silly, started out slow, then got silly with aliens and stuff...

Have a great day everyone.... good vibes going out to my big bro, he's off to the big hospital to see the cancer specialist......




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WE think alike Brigie....cuz i was wondering about Snowmomies movie....and i was gonna post to HappyG here too....about her post.

I'm with Brigie HappyG.....it took courage to write that...and i know you did....just to help Hilly.....your a great person and a overcomer....i like that too!

I Remembered about Pat......i'm praying for that miracle....it may not come today...but it will!

Hang in there Brigie....let us know.

Hi everybody.....have a great Monday!





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Good Morning everybody! Thanks for your words of encouragement. Now I feel bad...I did spend a lot of time writing the post yesterday, and then today I deleted most of it. I do want to help anyone I can with what I have been through, I don't want it to be in vain, but then I read Cat's post in "From the Heart". It scared me, to be honest. I deleted most of my post mostly because of people that can read it and I would never know. What happened to us is very personal and I don't mind sharing it (it did turn out ok! smile.gif), I just mind someone being able to use it against me. How sad frown.gif. Here I am thinking that I'm doing good for someone, and then I have to go and delete most of it, fearing what someone can do with the information. I have to say that in this case my family comes first. It's sad that I have to pick between protecting my family and helping someone else. As you can tell, all this has really bothered me. I am a very trusting person...too trusting, sometimes.

Anyway... grin.gif How are ya'll doing? I'll be praying for Pat today, Brigie, and for you Blebbie-pick-a-name grin.gif, I'll be praying that you'll find the perfect house for you at a wonderful price. SnowMom, you seem to be doing great, but I'll pray for you, too! smile.gif

I was up from 11pm to about 2am with my DD. She just screamed anytime I put her in her crib. I have no idea what's wrong. She has slept by herself in her room, through the night smile.gif, since she was 3 months old, so it's very strange that she is waking up two nights in a row crying. I'm exhousted (sp?). Oh, well. I'll just take a short nap today and move on!!! smile.gif

I'm glad you guys got to read some of my history.... Hope you don't think bad about me for deleting it! Luv ya'll! smile.gif


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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Good morning everyone. smile.gif

Hope things are going well with everyone.

Brigie, how did things go with Pat yesterday?

Deb, don't give up the hunt.

Happygirl, I did get a chance to read what you wrote too. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope your DD slept better last night.

If there is any tention in the home, they will sence it and it will make them act different too. So, that could be one reason she isn't sleeping as well.???

Well, another cold day here. Weather Bug says -8 now. frown.gif

You all have a great day now. smile.gif

Love ya all,



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Hi you all, well the news is soooo good, must be the miracle you were talking about Bleb.... My mom and dad went in with pat yesterday, sat in on the examination and everything with the specialist. He said that the tumors are finally reacting to the chemo and are starting to shrink. He said that it may take a long time but he is confident that Pat will recover in the long run. They gave him a double dose of chemo yesterday. We are all meeting at my mom and dad's on the weekend. It was a great day yesterday.

My mom forwarded all the emails she received from her family (9 siblings,) and my dad's family (11 siblings. ) I have been reading emails for a while this morning and as a result am running behind this morning.

Oh must tell you, I went bathing suit shopping yesterday, arghhhhhhhhhhh what a horrible thing to do. I swear the mirror lies, the lighting is horrible and arghhhhh, got one any way, one piece, had a little two piece but didn't want to wear that anymore. I have to go to hydrotheraphy (swimming) with my students at school every Thursday, have been able to get out of it since before xmas but now I have to go. Eckk, hate bathing suites, hate swimming.. blah

Smom you didn't tell us what movie saw.

Happy girl, so sorry you felt you had to delete some of your post but I do understand because I went in and made sure my profile didn't show to much. I'm glad you posted it.

Hope you get a nap today, maybe your little one is teething, she's about two right? Isn't that the time when molars are coming in?

Thanks for all the prayers and support, I hope you all have a great day, I know I will...... grin.gifgrin.gifsmile.gif


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Hi everyone, I haven't been around for awhile. I just got so tired of traveling daily that I've pretty much just stayed in the midwest lately. grin.gif

Brigid, great news about your brother!! We'll keep those prayers going for him.

Debbielee, you'll find something, never fear. It took us 24 years to find our dream place. The house isn't much, to say the least grin.gif, but we've found our paradise. You will too, don't give up! This place just kind of sneaked up on us one day and we "knew" it was ours when we saw it!!!

Snowmom, when do you plan on being in Northern Iowa again? I would just love to meet you. The last time you were here we were in California frown.gif

Have a great one everybody!!! I'll try to get ambitious enough to travel here again soon.



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Oh Brigie...you SURE know how to make me happy! THAT is the most WONDERFUL NEWS! What HOPE! I'm just so happy for Pat...and your Whole family! It seems now with the doubled chemo....Pat won't be feeling very good...but we at least have a real Hope now...that it's working...and is'nt all for nothing!

Thank God for hearing everyones prayers....it's not over...but it's looking REAL GOOD!

I'm not giving up prayin till i know he's cancer free! I can't wait to let the other's who are praying for Pat...know the great progress!

Man....a bathing suit? Don't even wanna THINK about THAT!

Keep warm Snowmommie..Thank you /Dee HappyG...and everybody for the pep talk about the house....i know it will work out!

Hi Dee....i best go check in the midwest forum to see if you posted on the memorial service...i've been wondering how it went. How are you doing?

HappyG....it sure is a fine line to walk..and a major shame...you did the right thing in sharing....i'm sure the people who needed to see it....did.....and then you did the right thing to delete it...if that's what you felt you should do.

Hope Baby Happy is alright...and is sleeping better...do you think it's her ears again?

Hi everybody! Have a great Evening!




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{{{{{Brigid}}}}} that is such fabulous news!

I too detest shopping for bathing suit. I hope you found something you can live with smile.gif

Happygirl I hoep your DH stops snoring soon, my DH snores sometimes and it drives me batty. Do you thing DD might have had a nightmare? I hope it isn't her ears again. As long as you aren't sharing your exact location I think you're pretty safe. I understand why you want to protect your family though. I find I am often too trusting. Sad world we live in frown.gif

Debbie- I really hope you find a house soon, renting is no fun frown.gif

Snow- Stay warm! I hope it warms up there for you. We are in the teens tonight here and boy do I hate it when it gets cold. Sure wish it would stay 30 or higher all year long. I knew the warm weather was too good to last. Sigh.



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Good morning everyone. smile.gif

Oh such great news about Pat. This is just what we have all been praying for. smile.gif

Glad you found the suit you can be happy with. smile.gif

Dee, nice to see you here yesterday. smile.gif I don't know right now when we will make it to Iowa. We haven't made any plans, but when we do, I will sure post it in here or the Great Midwest.

Still waiting for you to find the right house, Deb. smile.gif

Hi there Becca.

HappyGirl, I hope that DD slept better last night. smile.gif

Hi there Spit, how are things going now. You have to be all settled in by now and enjoying your new home. smile.gif

Hope everyone has a great day.

Love ya all,



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Hi everyone, Becca Anne and Dee sure is nice to see you down here, or rather up here again. Dee, I got your seeds this time, thanks soo much, your envelope was sooo pretty, and all the little packages, you put me to shame.

I did get a bathing suit and finally tried it on this morning, bought it two days ago, was afraid to try it on. It fits okay, it'll do, I don't think I look to hideous, won't frighten small children, I hope.. tee hee

Happy girl hope you got some sleep last night or at least a nap in during the day.

smommy, WHAT WAS THE MOVIE YOU WATCHED? tee hee thought that would get your attention.

Blebbie, well what can I say, tee hee..

Spitty Spot must pop over to circle of friends to see what the news is, sure hope it isn't something you're going to throw in my face......

Have a great day all, talked to my brother last night, he was feeling great, sounded great and positive.




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Still on line and came back here to see if you had posted.

Man, I forgot to tell you the name of the movie. Sorry.

It was 'The River Kings', it is a series and takes place in Australia. It was very good. smile.gif We got this from the library.

The movie I watched while walking was 'The Memphis Bell', that was a WWII movie and is good too. smile.gif

There, I did it. smile.gif I told you. smile.gif

Now, I just have to go eat and walk and bike.

Love ya all,



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Morning everyone. Hey Brigid glad you got the seeds this time. Wonder where the box of others ended up! DH and I went to see Catch Me if you Can the other night, just thought you might like to know. wink.gif I've seen better but it was ok.


Happygirl, I hope your DD has settled down and you got a good nights sleep. It's hard to function, especially with a little one, when you don't get much rest.

Snowmom, we saw Memphis Bell years ago at the theater. I don't remember much about it but the planes were well dressed.

Hi Spit, nice seeing you again. You've been missing in action, so to speak.

Debbielee, are you getting rid of any of that snow? I sure hope so, what a mess it must be.

Must get to work, cards here tomorrow and this house sure doesn't look like it was spotless (maybe not quite smile.gif) Christmas Day.

Have a great one!



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Hi everyone! Jsut wanted to let you know that I've been here, but everytime I have started posting, something happens and then I can't get back to it, and my DH needs to use the puter. It's happened two or three times now frown.gif.

My DD is doing better, now. I have no idea what was going on, but hope that she starts sleeping through the nights again.

I'm really sentimental this week. My monthly reminder of being a woman is coming next week, and it sure throws my emotions for a loop. Blebbie, my eyes got teary when I read about you nephews going to an "undesclosed" location...I'll be praying!

Brigie...I hate trying on swiming suits. Bra's too. It just drives me nuts! I leave so depressed, and with out buying anything! wink.gif I'm so glad your brother is doing better...I'll keep praying!!!

SnowMom, I'm glad you were able to enjoy a movie. My DH and I have a movie night on weekends and also a game night. It's fun! We have been playing scrabble lately, and I one the first game. Not the others, but at least that first one! grin.gif

Dee...it's good to see you here! Hope your meeting (?) tomorrow goes well. Let us know how it went!

Hey Spit! Good to see you around, too! How'd your son's team do?

BeccaAnne, I wondered if my DD was having a bad dream too, and when she woke up was afraid of being alone in her room or something. She's doing better now...and me too! smile.gifWell, better go for now. I'm a little tired, so I think I might lay down for a little bit...and then go to bed! grin.gif

Have a great day, everybody!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!! Ok are you all awake? grin.gif

Just thought I'd see if everyone was up and at it this early. grin.gif

Prayers going up for all those in the service. \0/

Again, so happy that Pat got good news. smile.gif

Dee, you just keep looking and I'm sure one of these days you will find the house you want. smile.gif

We just don't set down very often and watch a movie together so this was good. smile.gif

Old Pine had to be in early today so when I woke up early, I stayed up so I wouldn't over sleep.

Dee, you said something about sleeping in in another post. Isn't it nice to be able to do that sometimes. smile.gif

I am a morning person, so I am ususlly up by 6:30 or so. If I am sick and such, I sleep later than that. I am so very thankful, I have not been sick for a long time now. I do have times I just can't sleep though.

When Old Pine gets home in the afternoons, we usually take a nap, he gets about 1-2 hours and I get 15 minutes if I am lucky. I don't do a hard sleep during the day, just a few minutes and I'm ok again.

It is wow, man, it went from a +7 to a -2 in a very short time here on the weather bug. I guess it gets colder just before sunrise sometimes.

Today is Thursday and I will be going to the nursing home today to help.

Becca, as long as I stay home, I can stay warm. I'll start the van about 5 minutes before I leave and that will help.

Isn't it funny how when it is summer it gets down to 50 - 60 and it is cold, but in the winter, if it get up to 40 it is warm. grin.gif

Oh, I taked to our #1 DS and he hasn't had much work this last week or two. It has been raining some and when it rains he doesn't work and when he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.

He didn't say, but from what he didn't say I have a feeling the ex or soon-to-be-ex has been complaining. He started to say something and then stopped. He is still not sure what to do, he has been looking for another job and has been thinking of coming home. He said he is thinking of that as an option too.

Have a great day everyone.

Love ya all,



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Good morning all, thanks for telling us the name of the movie you watched smommy, haven't seen either of them. Dee is Catch me if you , the new one about that twit who pretends to be everything from a doctor to a pilot? I thought it looked kind of stupid in the adds. Won't go see that one.

Spit there are no animals at the pool so I don't know if I would frighten them. Mostly it's my skinny legs that would scare people, got lots of scars on my legs too, soo will jump right in and stay in. tee hee

Dee I wonder to what happened to your little box of seeds, maybe some postal worker is happily planting seeds..... smile.gif

Blebbie keep house hunting... and shovelling snow.

smommy you are so right about the temps. I keep telling my kids in the summer save some of the heat we'll need it in the winter. Our house gets really cold in the winter and really hot in the summer. In the winter I remind them how much they complained about the heat in the summer.

Anyways, as usual I am running late, meeting my walking partner this morning instead of at lunch( I'll be swimming at lunch) We will walk at about 7:45, still kind of dark.

Have a great day everyone


quietone1 smile.gif




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