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HillBillee's Computer Sick

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Ok Peeps,

Hillbillee will not be with us for a few days are herr computer went down after dling and infected version of morphis and then trying to uninstall it. it is on its way for a refit and should be back up and running soon.




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Morphis is a music site where you can download MP3's for free. I used to go there because it was a good source of the old and really hard to find music. I love the old songs of the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's and right on up to the good songs of today.

I have a few songs that took months of searching to get and a LOT of help from my friends around the world, especially a friend from New Zeeland. I also have a couple of songs from professional singers that I befriended when I was running a music chat room on the net. I kept the room running 36 hours straight over christmas for all the people out there who didn't have family and had no place to go, or anyone to share the holiday with. It helped everyone, myself included get through the holiday, enjoy the holiday and not feel alone. It was so popular that many who had family and things to do stopped in to share with us too.

Well unknown to me, there was some professional artists who was in my room on the holiday also. I had no way of knowing who was who and all was welcomed and shared across the world together. We has 18 counties represented in there at one time or another. It was a lot of fun. We all shared our country's Christmas traditions, so we could get an understanding and a feel of what Christmas was like in all the other countries that was there. They all especially wanted to hear traditional country and traditional Christmas songs from each country there.

Two professional artists told me where they wanted me to go and told me what to download and gave me a song they had just recently written and was waiting to be released in their next album. One sent me an autographed CD when their next album was released.

I am not telling you this to brag by any means. I have learned that if you treat others with kindness and tactfully handle all rough situations you will never be able to give nearly as much as you received no matter how hard you try. Also you never know when you may welcome or entertain some famous people. And those famous people love the internet because it is the one place where they can really be themselves without being recognized and fans falling all over them.

They visit places like this wonderful site and other places they are interested in and can have a real life as a nobody. I feel blessed that I got the chance to know them in a comfortable normal setting and helped them feel and be like there really were deep down inside, instead of being someone well known and famous.

If any of you are interested in a music program where you can get free music I will tell you where you can get a good one. Morphis has a lot of viruses, that is why I was uninstalling it.



A problem is just a challenge waiting to be conquered.

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in the past few months several virii have been written to exploite the users of morphis and kazza. Many of the latest worm virii that would have probably taken a lot longer to diseminate through out the world and would have given the AV ppl longer time to counter them so less damage wwould have been caused were passed through these two forms of file/music sharing.

There is also currently a bill going up for vote that will allow the music and film an software industries to lurk in these places and if they suspect you have pirated music or software then they will have permission to hack your system and then report you and have to arrested.

There once used to be a right to privacy in this land. that is almost uterally gone now.




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