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What do you tell the kids???

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I have two teens and a 6 yo.


I haven't said anything much to the 6 yo about everything going on in the world today, because she's just involved in first-grade stuff.


Still, at times I ask her privately whether she has any questions about the things she might have heard on the news. Once in a while she will, but it's all beyond her comprehension. I basically just reassure her.


But the teens should be more aware, so I try to talk a bit about it now & then. Just answer questions, mostly, because they don't want to consider what *might* happen.


I don't think they understand what a major disruption could bring, and I'm not even sure I *want* them to understand. Isn't it enough to go through the teenage years?


What do you think? How much do we protect them? How much do we prepare them? They're not out on their own yet.

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I saw a piece on CNN today telling Americans to prepare staples, water and such and then they concluded that we should have comfort items (Candy, etc.) for children as they will have the toughest time understanding what all this means. My heart broke.....I couldn't believe my ears...was this my "America" they were talking about?? I have absolutely no idea what we should tell our children. My heart is heavy with unknown grief. Have we been so sheltered to think it would nver happen to us?

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Ginger -

In answer to your question... yes, I think we have sheltered our children far too much... myself included, although far less so than many of my friends...our children... the majority of them anyway, have never known what it is to live without pretty much everything that they wanted... a TV for their room, a stereo system, a new car to drive, brand name clothes... the list could go on and on....and to get things almost immediately...they want, nor wait, for nothing... and in many ways, it's sad.... because we as parents haven't been doing our job... which is to prepare them to leave our homes and get out on their own.

This ol' world has new challanges to face, yet I don't believe they are any more challanging than they were to our forefathers and mothers....This country has faced war before, and at that time, it was as unthinkable to them as it is to us now... I believe we owe it to our children to be truthful and to teach them that if they are prepared, as the scriptures say, we need not fear... Preparation and knowledge help bring peace of mind....they need to know what they are facing so that solutions can be found... Afterall, if you don't know what the problem is, you have no hope of fixing it...

There are also those out there in the world that would have us panic so that they may benefit from it....be cautious as to what and who you believe, assess what is best for your family, but don't hide the truth of what is going on out there... there are ways to live in the world and yet not be of it.... I also believe that if you, as a parent, speak of the things that are going on in the world with calmness, then your children will be more calm when facing things also... If we react with panic ourself, then that takes away any security that our children would otherwise have...regardless of what is going on around them...

Well, I guess that's my little soapbox speech for today....Be calm, be prepared and be truthful.... those are the things we owe our children...and love...lots of it...




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I held my DD close today...more for me than for her... I must say that it does scare me what may happen. The news is so depresing, and yet so informative. I told my DH that I wish I could just ignore it and it would all go away, but I'm not sure that it works that way...we are doing what we can to prepare. We will leave everything in God's hands. He knows best...

My DD is too young to be told anything...so I guess I don't have to worry about that. But with DH, we only talk about it a little at a time...don't want to get down!

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we all need to trust God in all things... Go to him for all things...say our prayers, ask our questions ... and then most important listen ... stay still and listen. one of my fav verses is "be still and know that I am God" don't ask me where it is at, for i don't remeber. All I can tell any one about talking to the children about all that is going on around us is to share what has been done in our family... As we where growing up, we where taught survial. What if games... we camp learn how to make fire, winter camp... learn to track... learn how to handle a gun, a lot of how to's ... how to make something from nothing... how to take one tater and feed four.. how to take a rag and make a sunday go to meeting dress.... etc.... we never really did with out but we didn't have all the name things either till we got old enough to buy our own...

Now my DD has a family of her own and those children can tell you how to stay warm in a snow strom... what to do if ....

they learn as a family... while doing family things like camping...having family nights together... talking openly about what is happening.... when you teach your children how to camp.. i mean really camp .. what to do if a fire.. tornado or any of the other natural disasters you have just taught them some of what to do if there is a promblem... we talk to our children about what to do if a stranger apporaches them.. etc...you teach them part of what to do... In my family right down to the 8 mos old grand child we all have what is called a 72 hour kit. and in it is all that would be needed to survial in case of.... you can make a game out of it a learning game of what if... and teach your children what to do what if we lost all our power cause of a stroam ...


ok enough of my mouth.....

just keep praying and listening to HIS spirit. And in His words fear not....


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Well Said Theyd and LM....I agree completely with you!! So there is no sense in me saying the same things in my own way! I know that everything is in God's Perfect timing. I've heard a couple different preachers say that we all need to pray Psalm 91 over our President, our Leaders, our country, our military and etc. Let's Do It Friends!


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This reminded me of when I was little. We lived in Florida when the Cuban missile crisis was going on. We had to practice getting under our desks(in school) and each one of us had a rolled up blanket with a few cans of food and a water bottle inside. None of us asked teachers or parents what was going on. Just did what we were told. Not saying this was good or bad..just thinking about how some things change alot and some things never change. Scary times indeed.

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