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These drugs MAY increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors


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The new FDA ruling requires these drugs to carry a warning that they may increase the risk of “suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”


* Celontin (methsuximide)

* Mesantoin (mephenytoin)

* Depakene (valproic acid),

* Depakote (divalproex)

* Dilantin (phenytoin)

* Felbatol (felbamate)

* Gabitril (tiagabine)

* Keppra (levetiracetam)

* Klonopin (clonazepam)

* Lamictal (lamotrigine)

* Lyrica (pregabalin)




* Mysoline (primidone)

* Neurontin (gabapentin)

* Peganone (ethotoin)

* Tegretol (carbamazepine)

* Topamax (topiramate)

* Tridione (trimethadione)

* Trileptal (oxcarbazepine)

* Vimpat (lacosamide)

* Zarontin (ethosuximide)

* Zonegran (zonisamide)


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